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More Giveaways

Found a new blog to follow today… and they are having a FABULOUS giveaway… go quickly and check it out…

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New Contest

Please go to Lisa blog and find the details for her new book… go forth and win!!!

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HOLY CHEEZE WIZ!!!!!!!!!!!

Have a follower!!! I have a follower!!!!!What do I do know… Welcome Amy… I feel like I should give you something for being the 1st….. lets see…… Who is your favorite author??? Please send me your mailing address and we will see what the Book Fairy has in her bag of goodies for you

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New Book I Must Have

This book looks really really good… I so can’t wait for it to come out… I am trying to win it.. but either way it is now on my must read list… Check it out for yourself…. So Many Books, So Little Time, Kelly

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SuperNatural Underground

New Contest…. New book… I have not read this book, but it looks good… Here is a chance for you to win it…. Afterlife and the Newbie Author: contest for signed copy of AFTERLIFE plus a jar of Liquid Light: Happy Reading, Kelly

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New Series

Okay, So I am new at this… but I wanted to share a new series that I am totally in love with….. It is by JK Beck… Book #3 comes out at the end of October and I so can’t wait for Nick’s story… Love love love him….. JK Beck is a fabulous author and […]

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