
Audiobook Lovin’ Presents: An Interview with Nicole Poole

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Viviana, Enchantress of Books and I are pleased to welcome Narrator Nicole Poole to the blog!

Hope you enjoy the interview and check out the samples & giveaways below!

Audiobook Samples

Available for purchase at Audible | Tantor | Amazon Paperback | B&N | Kindle | iTunes


Available for purchase at Audible | Kindle | Amazon Paperback 


Available for purchase at Audible | Kindle | Amazon Paperback 


Available for purchase at Audible | Kindle | Amazon Paperback


Nicole’s Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Event Long Giveaway

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Make sure to check out Viviana’s post on her blog

Viviana, Enchantress of Books

One Response to Audiobook Lovin’ Presents: An Interview with Nicole Poole

  1. NixLee June 25, 2018 at 8:00 am #

    I’m totally over the moon that my questions, not only got in the interview but were answered with so much consideration and heart.
    Huge thanks to Viviana and Nicole for the opportunity to be heard and feel special. This interview was such a treat to my soul!
    The bit about contacting artists, and authors resonated a great deal with me, because I’m always hesitant to become another notification in their social activities.
    I see a lot of authors posting about how busy they are, “don’t have time for (insert latest annoyance here)”, or “there are answers in my website (or elsewhere) so don’t message me asking about (insert seemingly dumb question here)”. The message is quite clear -“I only welcome praise,” and it’s a bit disappointing, so I refrain from adding to that.
    I typically send a friend request and wait, if I’m accepted we can interact via posts in the sporadic moments I’m online, if not I just connect to them via their work and support them through recommending their books by word of mouth, if it’s happens to come up in conversation. But I digress, Nicole is fantastic as an artist and as an individual. Her posts always make me smile and/or reflect in the serene, and sometimes chaotic, beauty she shares. I’m a fan!

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