
Audiobook Lovin’ Presents: An Interview with Rebecca Zanetti

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Hi everyone and welcome to Audiobook Lovin, presented by Books-n-Kisses and Viviana, Enchantress of Books. We’re excited to have author Rebecca Zanetti with us here today.

Rebecca: Howdy! Thanks for having me over today!

Q: Rebecca, for those of our followers that don’t know you. Can you please tell us a little about yourself?

RZ: Sure! I’m from the Pacific Northwest, and I write paranormal romances and romantic suspense novels. I’m married and have two kids, and I’ve worked as a Senate Aide, lawyer, college professor, and hearing examiner in the past.

Q: In the three years we’ve been hosting Audiobook Lovin, we’ve discussed the process of selecting a narrator with both authors and narrators. We’ve discovered instances where authors were heavily involved in the process or provide ideas of what they wanted and those that some were 100% involvement in the selection of the narrator. On the opposite side, there have been authors were not part of the process at all. What was your level of involvement with your books being formatted to audio books? 

RZ: I’ve done both. There are series where I’ve sold the rights and not been involved past that, and there are series where I’ve done everything from chosen the audition excerpt to hiring the narrator to paying said narrator. I’ve enjoyed both paths, to be honest.

Q: Can you please us do you listen to your own audiobooks? If yes/no why?

RZ:  I don’t listen to my own audio books, just like I don’t read one of my books after it has been released. I think I’d just want to keep tweaking it or changing minor parts, and it’s too stressful to think about it since I can’t do it. Once a book is out there, I figure it’s not mine anymore, anyway.

Q: If someone one who is new to audiobooks was to ask “why do people listen to audiobooks” how would you answer this?

RZ: I think a lot of folks listen to audiobooks while multitasking. Some do so while commuting or driving, while others do so while they’re doing other tasks.

Q: Can you tell us what you are currently working on? Any secret projects you can share?

RZ: Right now I’m gearing up for the release of Vampire’s Faith, which happens on June 19th. It’s the newest book in the Dark Protector series, and it sets off a whole new arc, so it’s perfect for new readers to join in the fun.

Q: If you could pick one person to narrator your life who would it be and why?

RZ: Lucille Ball, if she were still alive.

Q: How about a quick speed round… ready?

Coffee or Tea? Tea

Taco or Burger? Burger

Summer or Winter? Winter

Football or Baseball? Football

Mountain or Beach? Mountain

Milk or Dark Chocolate? Milk

Vegas or Reno? Vegas

Rebecca Zanetti is the author of over forty romantic suspense, dark paranormals, and contemporary romances, and her books have appeared multiple times on the New York Times, USA Today, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iBooks bestseller lists.  She lives in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest with her own Alpha hero, two kids, a couple of dogs, a crazy cat…and a huge extended family.  She believes strongly in luck, karma, and working her butt off…and she thinks one of the best things about being an author, unlike the lawyer she used to be, is that she can let the crazy out.   Upcoming series are: The Blood Brothers, The Realm Enforcers and The Scorpius Syndrome.  Find Rebecca at:
You can find Rebecca at: Website | Facebook | Twitter | GoodreadsAmazon | Audible | Newsletter
Twisted Truth: Amazon | Audible | B&N 


Tangled: Amazon | Audible |

Rebecca’s Giveaway

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Make sure to check out Viviana’s post on her blog

Viviana, Enchantress of Books
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