
Interview with JN Johnson

Can you please share with us a little about yourself

There isn’t really that much to tell. I am a mother of two beautiful daughters who keep me busy with school homework and volunteering. I have been married to my high school sweetheart going on fourteen years. When I am not with them hiking, fishing or watching cartoons I am a hermit.

Have you always wanted to be an author?
No actually I haven’t always wanted  to be an author. My goal as a child was to be a dentist. I wanted to be the one thing I feared the most so that other kids wouldn’t be scared. Writing was always there in the back of my mind. I had a friend that I used to write short stories with when I was 13 or 14 years old. We kept these old spiral notebooks full of adventures that we only wished we could have. I always thought she would be the one with her name on a book one day.

What is your most interesting writing quirk?

Interesting? I am a pretty boring writer. I tend to sit down when the house is empty to write. I have the normal desk beside a window and I totally pants each and every story. But for a quirk I would say I like to have the tv on for background noise, Dean and Sam are my writing partners. Oh and lemonheads are a must while writing.
Can you please tell us about your latest book(s)?
Ravens Legacy is my twist on the Ugly Duckling. Raven was adopted into a shifter community as an infant and longs for the one things she doesn’t have, an inner beast. She feels pressure from her father to find her mate and to try and fit in. One tiny accident that would be nothing but a splinter to anyone else causes her world to flip flop upside down. When the power of the Goddess unlocks her hidden inner self she is thrown into a whirlwind of drama. Not only is there a hot steamy man who drives her crazy but there is a villain who wants to chop her head off and use her blood to bring forth more evil. I hope that makes sense J
How did you come with the idea for this story? 
I think I started Raven as a sort of therapy for me. After my daughter and I were in a house fire I have had issues with dealing with the smell of smoke and the heat of fires even if they are contained. I think this was my way of having power of that element. Now Raven was a total surprise. One day I sat down at my computer and started typing, a few hours later the story was born. I sat back wowed at what I had done and it just kept getting better from there.
Can you share with us your current work(s) in progress?
Currently I am working to see where this crazy journey is taking my dear Raven in the second Between Fire and Ice Novella. She keeps telling me that she needs to do this and I keep saying no do this but she is winning. I am also working on another shifter book that I have been throwing around for awhile. But that is still too new to share.
Who is the one author that you would love to meet someday and why?
Jane Austen, I want the answer to the age old question. Did she have a lover and if not how the hell did she write men like that without a muse?
What is the best piece of advice you would give to someone that wants to get into writing?
Don’t stop. Take lots of advice and do your homework. It is a tough industry and you need thick skin to make it but the end result is so worth it.Can you share with us something off your bucket list.

My husband and I wrote our bucket lists when we were married, we have marked a few things off but going to Ireland is on there for us both. Someday…
What is in your To Read Pile that you are dying to start or upcoming release you can’t wait for?
I am waiting for the next Chicagoland Vampire by Chloe Neill and the next Hollows book by Kim Harrison, it seems to be taking forever for them to be released!
Is there anything else you would like to add?
Thank you so much for having me on here today. I hope that you and your readers enjoy Ravens Legacy, she was fun to write and I hope that you come back to see where this crazy roller coaster takes me!


Raven’s Legacy

J.N. Johnson


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Raven Corvus has always felt like she was on the outside looking in. Being adopted into a family of shifters without the ability to shift has put her life on hold. Never wanting to take part in the Moon Ceremony or choosing a mate, she tends to distance herself from her people. When an accident lets loose a side of her that had been hidden for her protection she is forced to come to terms with whom and what she really is.

Griffin Snow serves as a protector for the Goddess in the fight against Dexius, the Dark God. When an old enemy returns to threaten one of his charges, he jumps into action to protect Raven—only to discover that she is not just his charge, but his fated mate. Hiding out in the safety of Griffin’s cabin only adds to the need growing inside of them.

Can Raven and Griffin save their people from the big, bad ugly or will they lose their chance at happiness?


Raven watched as the sun set over the valley. The view from her front porch was utterly breathtaking in the spring. The stars lit up the sky like a blanket of glittering diamonds, the absence of the moon leaving them the only guides in the sky. It wouldn’t be long until she made her appearance known to Raven’s kind. The drawl of her moon song would be too strong to ignore. But no matter how loud the beat played in Raven’s head she wouldn’t be able to answer the call. Fate had given her a bum ride; she could hear and feel the drawl of the moon but her body wouldn’t respond. It was a cruel reality that she dealt with every month.

“Raven, get in here now! Your father needs your help getting ready for the ceremony.”

Her mother had a temper shorter than a dynamite fuse and it was burning fast from the stress of the Moon Ceremony. Once the moon showed herself in the eastern sky, in less than a week, their home would be flooded with other shifters preparing for the spring mating ritual.

“I’m coming, Mom.” She whispered a few choice expletives, but with a shifter’s hearing her mother had no trouble understanding her ramblings.

“Young lady, I know you are twenty-five, but you’re still my daughter and I will pull you over my knee.” Her mother’s goodhearted laugh let her know it wasn’t urgent. Nevertheless, the stress level was getting pretty damn high. “Now get out in the yard and help your father.”

Her father, TalfrynCorvus, had been planning the Moon Ceremony since he was chosen by the council last spring. He was to host the opening ceremonies of the mating ritual on their family lands. Ever since he had been chosen, he had become obsessed with every small detail, and had driven Raven to the brink of insanity.

She walked through the front doors and back into the chill night air. Her father was bent over placing stones around the center alter, preparing a small pit to contain the fire.

“Hey Dad, did you need me?”

“Yes, please take a seat.” He indicated one of the makeshift benches made from cut logs that now lined the yard. The smell of sawdust mixed with the sweet smell of spring. “Daughter, I think you understand how important this ceremony is to your mother and me. I need to know for sure that you understand your part. You don’t have to shift to be included in the ritual but you should try to commune with the Goddess. She will choose your mate.”

Upon their eighteenth birthday, shifters gathered at the change of each season under the first full moon to not only celebrate and dance but to find and seal the mating bond. Most shifters went into the ceremony with their intended mate, ready to make the commitment and start families. Others went with the intent of finding their mate among the flock. But not Raven.

“Dad, I understand. I’m just not ready.”

“You are twenty-five and have refused each chance at a mate. Why do you buck tradition? You could have any man in the flock you desire and yet you still choose none.”

Her father was right on one count. She did turn her nose up at the traditions of her people, and she couldn’t imagine tying herself to one person for the rest of her life. She wanted to be free, to be among the rest of humanity, and off of this damn mountain.

He was wrong to assume she had her choice of mates. Most of the men she knew were family, and the ones who could be potential mates kept a wide berth when she was around. She was born different from most shifters, with the moon closer to her heart than her non-existent beast, and it kept her from the one thing she really wanted.

“Daddy, you know how I feel about finding a mate. When the Goddess thinks I’m ready, she will bring him to me. Not a moment before.”


Author Bio:

Growing up in her hometown of Charleston WV, J.N spends her days wrangling her two beautiful daughters and super dog Bo and is married to her high school sweetheart, who she considers the rock that keeps her grounded to reality when she would rather be lost in the paranormal. If a book contained something supernatural there is a good chance that she has read it. Whether its vamps, shifters, elves or fairies it is most likely setting on her shelf waiting to be re-read.

Looking for a new genre she found the world of romance and fell in love. The drama and conflict are different but still enough to get the adrenaline pumping and the heart thumping to keep her coming back for more. It wasn’t long until the need to write came knocking at the door and by the grace of her husband’s patience and her children’s bed times she got that chance. Her twisted mind found a new outlet on paper and now her story has found a way onto your shelf or reader and she hopes that you enjoy reading it as much as she enjoyed writing.



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