Books-n-Kisses is pleased to welcome Heather Hiestand to the blog for the first time to talk about her newest release The Marquess of Cake. Heather, can you please share with us a little about yourself I’m 43 and live in south Washington State with my husband and four-year-old son. Both of them keep me […]

Interview with Heather Hiestand

Guest blog & giveaway with Shona Husk
The Truth About Fairies Fairies are real, but because they don’t live in our world, they live in Annwyn, we don’t see them very often. And when we do see them we can convince ourselves that it was just a person and the magic was track of the light. However, since they are real and […]

Interview & Giveaway with Jayne Fresina
Books-n-Kisses is pleased to welcome back Jayne Fresina to the blog. Jayne, can you please share with us a little about yourself JF: I’ve lived half my life in England and half in America. It’s great to have that experience, but I often feel as if I don’t really belong in either place anymore! I […]

Interview & giveaway with Tammy Falkner
Books-n-Kisses is pleased to welcome Tammy Falkner to the blog today to chat about her newest release “THE MAGIC OF ‘I DO” Tammy, can you please share with us a little about yourself? I am a mom of two boys – 18 and 9. And yes, they still fight even though there’s such a large […]

Interview & giveaway with Carolyn Brown
Note from Carolyn to the BNK Readers: Thank you all so much for inviting me to stop by your site today and visit about Billion Dollar Cowboy, the debut book in my brand new cowboy romance series, Cowboys & Brides. It’s a delight to be interviewed here. A word of warning—I’m a writer and I […]

Interview & giveaway with Mia Marlowe
Books-n-Kisses is pleased to welcome back Mia Marlowe to the blog today. We are chatting about her newest book One Night with a Rake. Mia, for those who missed you the first time can you please share with us a little about yourself? Mia: I’m a totally curious person, always been addicted to learning new […]

Interview & Giveaway with Grace Burrowes
Books-n-Kisses is pleased to welcome back Grace Burrowes to that blog today to chat about her newest release DARIUS. Grace, can you please share with us a little about yourself GB: In addition to writing romance novels, I’m also an attorney for foster children. My clients are the best part about what I do at […]

Guest Blogger+ a giveaway with Shana Galen
Writing Historicals that Appeal to the Modern Reader By Shana Galen For the past decade, I have heard the same refrain: the historical romance is dead. The assumption is that the modern reader doesn’t want to read about a world where there was no internet or cell service and where indoor plumbing was still a […]

Interview & Giveaway with Catherine Mann
Books-n-Kisses is super excited to have Catherine Mann on the blog today. We are chatting about life, hot military men and her newest release Free Fall Catherine, can you please share with us a little about yourself CM: I’m a military wife, mom of four stellar young adults, grandmother of one PERFECT grandchild, pet mom to four […]

Interview & Giveaway with Macy Beckett
Books-n-Kisses is super excited to have a new favorite on our blog today. Please welcome Macy Beckett to the blog. We are chatting life, new author crushes and Sultry Springs Texas BnK: Hi Macy, Welcome to Books-n-Kisses. We are very excited to have you on the blog today. Macy: Thanks for having me. I’m thrilled […]

Interview & giveaway with ML Buchman
Can you please share with us a little about yourself? MB: Like a lot of writers, I’m a fairly quiet person who is never happier than when I’m out walking with my wife. I’ve spent 25 years as a project manager. I’ve built million-dollar computer systems, and designed and built houses. I’ve developed corporate training […]

Interview with Jessica Subject
Hi Jessica. Welcome back to Books-n-Kisses. Can you please share with us a little about yourself. Thank you so much for having me on Books-n-Kisses again! Not only am I an author, but I am also a wife and mother of two energetic children. I write contemporary and science fiction romance ranging from […]