Forbidden MagicE-novella 4.5 in the Wing Slayer Hunters Series AUTHOR: Jennifer Lyon PUBLICATION DATE: 04/15/12ORDER LINKS: Amazon | B&NBOOK SYNOPSIS: Wing Slayer Hunter, Ram Virtos, must find his soul mirror witch and convince her to mate with him before his Thunderbird tattoo kills him. But while that witch might be able to save Ram’s life, […]
Archive | Jennifer Lyon

Kelly’s review of Forbidden Magic by Jennifer Lyon
TITLE: Forbidden MagicE-novella 4.5 in the Wing Slayer Hunters Series AUTHOR: Jennifer Lyon PUBLICATION DATE: 04/15/12ORDER LINKS: Amazon | B&NBOOK SYNOPSIS: Wing Slayer Hunter, Ram Virtos, must find his soul mirror witch and convince her to mate with him before his Thunderbird tattoo kills him. But while that witch might be able to save Ram’s […]

Winter’s Favorite Giveaway Day~~23
Welcome to Day 23 of Winter’s Favorites. I have another of my ALL-TIME Favorite authors on the blog today. Please welcome the so beyond nice Jennifer Lyon.For the Gifts From the Heart A Lesson From my Children By Jennifer Lyon One of my favorite times of year is Christmas, once all the gift shopping is […]
Welcome to the Spook-A-Lisious: Where BOO-ks Devour You Blog Hop TourWe hope you have a scary good time. and win some Ghoulish prizes!! Ahhh, Halloween. What do you think of when you think Halloween? Me? I think of: Candy Jack-O-Lanterns Witches Elvira is the Ultimate Halloween Witch & Candy Ghosts Trick or Treating they come out in masses!!!!That […]

Fantastic Friday Series
I just what to give a little Friday Love to my Pal Jennifer Lyon and her FABULOUS series. If you have not jumped into the world of the Wing Slayer Hunters please take the time to do so. Below is book 1-4 in order of the series. Click on the name of the book to take you […]