Books-n-Kisses is please to let Amanda Usen take over the blog today to talk about her new book Luscious. Food and Romance – a Luscious Combination! I met my husband in culinary school, so food and romance are forever linked for me. However, even before I met him, my dates centered around food – probably […]
Spotlight Featured of Luscious by Amanda Usen
Guest Blogger: Susan Mallery
New York Times bestselling author Susan Mallery was asked to speak this summer at the American Library Association national conference in Anaheim, California, on a panel called “Isn’t It Romantic?” Mallery’s latest book, SUMMER NIGHTS (Fool’s Gold book 8) is dedicated to librarians who have done so much to introduce readers to her books. This […]
Guest blogger: Rosanne Bittner
Hello to Books-n-Kisses from author Rosanne Bittner! I am so happy that you asked about my books! I have been writing for 30 years and have had 57 books published, all involving historical America! This month (July 2012)I am celebrating the reissue by Sourcebooks of my novel THUNDER ON THE PLAINS for their Casablanca line. […]
Guest Blogger: Lorena Bathey
What are the perks to being an Indie Author? It is true that the word “independent” can conjure up a few things in one’s head. Independent can mean take-charge kinda free spirits that choose to travel their own path. Independent can mean someone or something that stands alone. Independent can also mean one that […]
Guest Blogger: Stephanie Julian
Books-n-Kisses is pleased to let Stephanie Julian take over the blog today to chat about her love of writing menages. So I will set aside and let Steph tell you herself. Take it away Steph….. Thanks Kelly, I love to write ménage. If one hero is good, two have to be better, right? Well, yes, […]
Guest blogger: Nico Rosso (& giveaway)
Books-n-Kisses is please to let Nico Rosso take over the blog today. Take it away Nico….. We’ve seen it thousands of times in Western books, films, and television shows. The hero in the white hat thunders across the dusty prairie to save the damsel in distress. Born from American history, the cowboy and his lady […]
The blog has been hijacked (in a good way) by Carrie Lofty & she has a giveaway
The Key Scene By Carrie Lofty For everyone romance I’ve written, I begin with a key scene in mind. Often, this scene is not the opening or the finale. In fact I rarely know the finale at all! I’m a dedicated pantser, and what will happen next…generally you’d have more of a clue than me. […]
Guest blogger: Kathleen Jahs
Why was it important that your main character be a female – how does she retain her femininity in a masculine environment, and why would women readers be drawn to your book? The situations and challenges that Bridget Donovan and Audrey Richards face in Black Wings are unique to females. Bridget and Audrey are trailblazers […]
Guest blogger: Molly Best Tinsley
The cover of my memoir Entering the Blue Stone features a photo of my parents soon after they were married, back in the 1940’s during the war. My father, the future general, looks a bit skinny in his lieutenant’s uniform; my mother shows no trace of the strain that the challenges of a nomadic military […]
Guest Blogger (& giveaway) with Sandra Sookoo
Never say never Thanks for having me on your blog today. In case you don’t know who I am, my name is Sandra Sookoo and I’m an author of romantic fiction spanning several genres and heat levels. I like to say my stories are an emotional journey with strong characters who don’t fit into pre-conceived […]
Guest Blogger: Autumn Jordon
Books-n-Kisses is please to let Autumn Jordon take over the blog for the day. She is going to be chatting about her new book His Witness to Evil. Autumn Jordon is a quiet nut with a reputation for finding trouble. She lives with her husband, who supplies her with support and tons of laughs, along […]
Spotlight Feature of The Fame Shame Game by Eiko La Boria
The Fame Shame Game: The Debut A fictionalized erotic parody inspired by life in the Hollywood fast lane! “In the sex war, thoughtlessness is the weapon of the male, vindictiveness of the female” The Unquiet Grave, Palinurus (1944) The restless spirits of Hollywood are creating their usual brand of mischief when they take special notice […]