Books-n-Kisses is very excited to have the wonderful Delilah Marvelle and Maire Claremont on the blog today to chat about their new christmas anthology. Ladies, can you please share with us a little about yourself DM: I’ve been writing books ever since I could remember and love to really research the nuances of history. […]

Interview & giveaway with Delilah Marvelle & Maire Claremont

a review of Forever & a Day by Delilah Marvelle
Forever & A Day by Delilah Marvelle Book 1 in the Rumor series Mass Market Paperback: 384 pages Publisher: HQN Books; Original edition (December 20, 2011) Language: English ISBN-10: 0373776365 ISBN-13: 978-0373776368 Amazon | B&N From the Author Dear Reader,I love New York City. The people are damn serious about the way they live life. They work hard and […]

Winter’s Favorite Giveaway Day 12
Welcome to day 12 of Winter’s Favorites. Today I have 2 of my absolute favorite authors on the blog today. I have had the great pleasure of meeting both of these wonderful ladies and spend a great deal of time with each of them. So without further ado please welcome the Super Sweet Laurie London […]

Forever Mine by Delilah Marvelle
Forever Mine by Delilah Marvelle Dear Reader, In this Prequel, you will be introduced to a series of events that will drag you steadily closer to the truth behind a most ominous rumor. Rumor has it that in the year of 1800, a ten year old boy, British heir to the Sumner estate disappeared in New York […]