
The Segonian Albdebrian Alliance Blog Tour

Books-n-Kisses is please to let Dianne Duvall take over the blog for the day to share with us 5 Fun Facts About the Aldebarian Alliance Series. Dianne the blog is all yours. 

Hello! Thank you for joining us in celebrating the release of THE SEGONIAN, the second stand-alone novel in my exciting new Aldebarian Alliance series. If you like sci-fi or paranormal romance with strong heroes and kick-ass heroines, fun secondary characters, and lots of action, passion, humor, and happily-ever-afters, then I think you’ll enjoy Eliana and Dagon’s story. I have been beyond thrilled by the interest THE SEGONIAN has sparked. So today I thought I would share five fun facts about Dagon and Eliana’s story.

1 Despite the intensity with which this story begins, there’s actually quite a bit of humor in THE SEGONIAN. Eliana and the Segonian crew made me (and my editor) laugh a lot. I always enjoy creating characters who can seriously kick ass, but also love to laugh and tease. And this book is full of them.

2 The Aldebarian Alliance series is loosely tied to my Immortal Guardians series. BUT if you’re new to my work, don’t worry. You don’t have to read the IG books to enjoy the Aldebarian Alliance books. If you’d like to see what Eliana’s life was like before she ventured into space, however, you can see it in BROKEN DAWN (a stand-alone Immortal Guardians novel).

3 I loved the research I had to do for this one. I always try to infuse my books with as much realism as possible, which often requires me to explore a wide variety of subjects. Some of the areas I delved into for this one included astronomy, rain forests, marine life, anatomy and physiology, wormholes, the science of science fiction (what is accurate and what is inaccurate), futuristic weaponry, and more. It was a lot of fun.

4 While part of THE LASARAN (Aldebarian Alliance Book 1) takes place on Earth, THE SEGONIAN takes place entirely in space and includes a visit to an alien planet. As a result, the heroine finds herself immersed in Segonian culture and language. So I had to create new alien terms that sounded foreign but weren’t so alien that readers would have a difficult time pronouncing them: names of planets, names of food and drinks, names of alien metals used in weaponry, and the like. It was an interesting challenge.

5 I love painting characters into a corner and seeing how they react. But I don’t think I’ve ever submersed a character into as impossible a situation as I did Eliana. I love the way she handled it and how she wormed her way into the hearts of the crew of the RANASURA before she even met them face to face.  

I hope you’ll enjoy THE SEGONIAN! Enjoy a Free Preview on my website: 

We are out-of-this-world excited to be celebrating this release from Dianne Duvall with our readers today by participating in the blog tour! THE SEGONIAN is the second book in Dianne’s sci-fi romance series, Aldebarian Alliance. Keep reading to find out more about the title below. Click HERE to reserve your copy of The Segonian today!


The Segonian

Book #2 Aldebarian Alliance
By Dianne Duvall

Releasing date: January 19, 2021
Eliana’s life has never been what one might term ordinary. At least, it hasn’t been for a very long time. As a powerful Immortal Guardian, she spends her nights hunting and slaying psychotic vampires that most of humanity doesn’t even realize exist. Then an opportunity arises that instantly makes her extraordinary existence seem downright boring. The leader of the Immortal Guardians asks her to guard a group of mortals who are embarking upon a voyage across the galaxy to the planet Lasaran. How could she possibly say no?

In no time at all, Eliana is hurtling through space on board a Lasaran battleship and getting to know not one but two alien races. It’s the most exciting adventure of her long life… until the ship is unexpectedly attacked. Amid the chaos and destruction that follow, she valiantly helps everyone she can before an explosion renders her unconscious. When Eliana awakens, she finds herself alone, floating in space, clad only in a spacesuit, with no ship in sight. Alone—that is—except for the warm, deep voice that carries over the comm in her helmet.

Commander Dagon and the crew of the Segonian battleship Ranasura respond to a distress call from their Lasaran allies and join a massive Alliance-wide search-and-rescue mission. He quickly achieves communication with a lone Earthling female and races toward her. Every time they speak, his fascination with her grows and he becomes more desperate to reach her before her oxygen supply runs out. Her strength, bravery, and humor entice him, even more so when she defies all odds and they meet in person. As he and Eliana embark upon a quest to find her missing friends, a bond swiftly grows between them that deepens with every laugh and smile and tender touch they share. But they are not the only ones searching for Earthling survivors. When Eliana herself becomes the hunted and their enemies begin to close in, can the two of them fight their way to victory, or will their enemies take everything?


Kindle | Paperback | Audible | Kobo | iBooks | Nook


The Aldebarian Alliance Series:

The Lasaran (Aldebarian Alliance Book 1)


Dianne Duvall is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of the Immortal Guardians series and The Gifted Ones series. Reviewers have called Dianne’s books “fast-paced and humorous” (Publishers Weekly), “utterly addictive” (RT Book Reviews), “extraordinary” (Long and Short Reviews), and “wonderfully imaginative” (The Romance Reviews). Her books have twice been nominated for RT Reviewers’ Choice Awards and are routinely deemed Top Picks by RT Book Reviews, The Romance Reviews, and/or Night Owl Reviews. Dianne loves all things creative. When she isn’t writing, Dianne is active in the independent film industry and has even appeared on-screen, crawling out of a moonlit grave and wielding a machete like some of the vampires she creates in her books. For the latest news on upcoming releases, contests, and more, please visit or sign up for her Newsletter. You can also find Dianne online . . . Blog | Facebook | Twitter | YouTube | Pinterest | Goodreads | Book Bub | Instagram

Tour-Wide Giveaway:

To celebrate the release of The Segonian Dianne is giving away several Amazon Gift Cards to readers. To enter, fill out the Rafflecopter Form linked below. Follow along with the Blog Tour daily for more chances to win. Good luck! (1) $50.00 Amazon Gift Card (2) $25.00 Amazon Gift Card


11 Responses to The Segonian Albdebrian Alliance Blog Tour

  1. Crystal @ Author's Taproom January 12, 2021 at 9:34 am #

    I hope that your readers enjoyed learning more about the Aldebarian Alliance Series today! The second book in the series, The Segonian, releases next week (01.19.2021). Happy reading!

  2. Patricia White January 12, 2021 at 9:35 am #

    Almost here.

  3. Rachael January 12, 2021 at 9:36 am #

    I can’t wait to read!

  4. Cindy T January 12, 2021 at 9:56 am #

    I’m so excited for this book. One more week!

  5. Tina January 12, 2021 at 9:56 am #

    The countdown has begun!

  6. Melissa S. January 12, 2021 at 12:21 pm #

    So exciting learning the ‘behind the scenes’ of THE SEGONIAN !!!

  7. Janie McGaugh January 12, 2021 at 1:22 pm #

    I’ve been really looking forward to reading this!

  8. Deborah Calvert January 12, 2021 at 3:07 pm #

    Awesome author, excited for the next book

  9. Sami January 13, 2021 at 7:19 am #

    Can’t wait to read – loved the first in this spinoff series and have been looking forward to this one!

  10. Flora Gatehouse January 13, 2021 at 11:13 am #

    Loved reading these fun facts. Can’t wait to read The Segonian.

  11. Linda Townsend January 13, 2021 at 8:43 pm #

    I’m so excited to read this!

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