is finally available!!
by Jennae ValeBlurb:
Donal wasn’t surprised at the light tap on his door. Although he’d tried his best to quiet her, Elena’s continued crying was sure to wake Tina. He should feel bad about that but he had to admit he was glad to see her.
“Come in,” he said.
“Is she alright?” Tina asked, going immediately to the cradle.
“I’ve been rocking her, but she still cries.” How was a person to know what babies wanted when they just cry and cry? Every time she stirred he’d sat up and gently rocked the cradle. That had worked through most of the night, but now she was just crying for no reason and the rocking wasn’t working.
“Oh, you poor baby.” She reached into the cradle and rubbed Elena’s belly before lifting her into her arms. “Do you mind if I sit?” Tina asked.
He patted the edge of the bed to let her know he didn’t mind. He’d propped himself on one elbow and made sure he was covered from the waist down. Tina rubbed Elena’s back and gently rocked back and forth. In no time, Elena was snuggled into her neck and yawning, she was still fussing but the crying had stopped. So rocking did work, he was the one doing it wrong. Although truth be told, he was quite sure that if he was allowed to snuggle into Tina’s neck, he would find peace there, too.
“You must be tired,” Tina said.
Donal stifled a yawn. “Nae. I be fine.”
She shook her head at him and rolled her eyes. “You don’t have to be the big, strong man around me, you know.”
She thought him big and strong, which pleased him. Tina placed Elena on the bed and continued to rub her belly. “I think she’s got a tummy ache.”
That made him sit up completely alert. “What can be done?” He hadn’t even considered that the bairn could be in pain.
“I don’t know, but this seems to be helping.”
There was magic in those hands, he thought. Elena’s fussing, turned to whimpers and then disappeared altogether as she closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. Tina continued gently rubbing and Donal lay back in the bed feeling the weight of the world had been lifted from his shoulders by a wee lass from the future. He closed his eyes and felt the bed shift as Tina lay across the foot of the bed. His lips curved upward. Some how she had taken all his worries from him, leaving him in a more peaceful place. What would he do when she left him… left them? It was something he didn’t wish to think about, so instead he pretended she was staying and saw himself in a small cottage with her at his side and his wee daughter playing at their feet. It was a pleasant thought and one he was determined to make come true.
Available for purchase at Audible
Available for purchase at Audible
Available for purchase at Audible
Available for purchase at Audible
Jennae Vale is an author of romance with a touch of magic. Her Scottish Medieval time travel series The Thistle & Hive, Books One through Four, is available in print and ebook versions from Amazon. The first book in her new series, The Mackalls of Dunnet Head has been released, with more to come throughout 2016.Jennae started life in Massachusetts as part of a large extended Irish and Italian family of imaginative story tellers, but now lives in the San Francisco Bay Area with her husband, her dog, two cats and four chickens. Storytelling is her passion, but Jennae also loves to quilt, cook, read and indulge in her crafting obsession when she’s not writing.

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