
Audiobook Lovin’ presents guest blogger: Lexi Blake


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Viviana, Enchantress of Books and I, Books-n-Kisses  are excited to turn my blog over to author Lexi Blake!!!  But first it is my pleasure to introduce Lexi Blake.

Author pic- Lexi BlakeNew York Times and USA Today bestselling author Lexi Blake lives in North Texas with her husband, three kids, and the laziest rescue dog in the world. She began writing at a young age, concentrating on plays and journalism. It wasn’t until she started writing romance that she found success. She likes to find humor in the strangest places. Lexi believes in happy endings no matter how odd the couple, threesome or foursome may seem.

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Lexi, the blog is all yours!!! 


I know a lot of people who deal with some form of insomnia. I’m the kind who gets to sleep fairly quickly. Sometimes I think I’m the little old lady of the house because I’ll be asleep by 10 pm.

Unfortunately, I’m awake again at 3 am. On the dot. Like clockwork.

But Lexi, some people only need about five hours of sleep a night. Don’t worry about it. Yeah, I’m not that person. I need like ten hours, but I seem to take my ten hours in shifts. I’ll be up from three in the morning to four or even five before I find my groove and sleep again until eight or sometimes nine.

The truth is I’m a morning person. I love to work in the quiet early hours of morning while everyone else is sleeping. I can’t do that when I’m up for hours and need to catch up on sleep. I wake up disappointed that my quiet morning writing session has been slept through.

So what does any of this have to do with audio books? Well, I’d tried everything else. The last thing I was going to do was get up at three in the morning and try to work. I love my house, but everything is creepy at three in the morning and I’ve watched way too many bad horror films to not think I’ll be murdered every time the house creaks. I tried my version of counting sheep, which is to mentally organize all my characters in my head alphabetically. I tried to find a soothing rhythm to my husband’s snoring. Then he got a C-pap because I also had to make sure he was alive. White noise machine. Check. Chill the room so I’m an ice cube because that helps me sleep. Check.

Nothing worked.

And then I did my first audio book. I was paying for it independently so I had to listen to it. Since I didn’t have anything else to do at three in the morning, I put some earbuds in and told myself that at least I would get some work done.

Maybe it was because I knew the story. Maybe it was the soothing tone of the narrator, but I did not make it through the first chapter. I fell back to sleep and woke at six in the morning, still listening to the story play out.

Since then I’ve become an audio junkie. I listen to audio books in the car, while I walk the dogs, while I get ready to go out. I’ve bought everything from Harry Potter to Linda Howard to Stephen King to Carly Phillips.

And sometimes, deep in the night when I’m the only person in the world who can’t sleep, I turn on a story and I’m not alone anymore.

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The lovely Lexi Blake is giving away an audio copies of Ruthless and Satisfaction, the first two Lawless books, on CD.  To enter Lexi’s giveaway please leave her a comment or questions below.
Giveaway is open to everyone. 


27833807The first in a sexy contemporary romance series featuring the Lawless siblings—from New York Times bestselling author Lexi Blake.

The Lawless siblings are bound by vengeance. Riley, Drew, Brandon, and Mia believe the CEO of StratCast orchestrated their parents’ murder twenty years ago to steal their father’s software program. And there’s only one way Riley can find some solid evidence…

Heir to the StratCast legacy, Ellie Stratton hires a new attorney to handle a delicate business matter—and she’s shocked by her attraction to him. Over the course of a few weeks, Riley becomes her lover, her friend, her everything. But when her life is threatened, Ellie discovers that Riley is more obsessed with settling an old score than in the love she thought they were building. And Riley must choose between a revenge he’s prepared for all his life and the woman he’s sure he can’t live without.



30178435The sizzling second novel in a sexy new contemporary romance series featuring the Lawless siblings—from New York Times bestselling author Lexi Blake.

Brandon Lawless is a man on a mission: obtain the information that will clear his father’s name. He’s willing to do whatever it takes—even seduce his enemy’s personal assistant, the beautiful and innocent Carly Hendricks. But with her beguiling smile and captivating intelligence, Brandon soon realizes he doesn’t want to deceive Carly, he wants to win her over—both in the boardroom and the bedroom.

Then a twisted crime leaves Carly vulnerable and Brandon finds himself reeling. The stakes of his mission are now life or death—Carly’s life. And Brandon realizes he’s lost his heart to an amazing woman and his plan must succeed, because the stakes are no longer just revenge, but a once in a lifetime love.





And make sure to swing over to Viviana, Enchantress of Books blog


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a Rafflecopter giveaway

5 Responses to Audiobook Lovin’ presents guest blogger: Lexi Blake

  1. Diane Sadler June 1, 2017 at 6:04 am #

    So this series is a romantic suspense? I love them and i find audiobooks bring stories to life for me!

  2. Janie McGaugh June 1, 2017 at 8:42 am #

    I really love audio books and haven’t found, as a rule, that they make me sleepy. I’m much more likely to put off going to bed to listen to just one chapter more! I’m glad, however, that they help you with your sleeping problem.

  3. Karin Anderson June 1, 2017 at 8:58 am #

    Audiobooks have become an obsession of mine. I started out with The Hunger Games, but I quickly moved on to Nalini Singh’s substantial series (first Psy-Changeling, then Guild Hunters). I haven’t stopped since. Now, I listen more than I read in any other format.

  4. Linda Townsend June 2, 2017 at 7:58 pm #

    I’ve not read or listened to anything by you, Lexi. Thanks for the giveaway so I can rectify that! I love romantic suspense so they both seem right up my alley! THANK for the giveaway! I love audios!

  5. Diana Merritt June 7, 2017 at 10:50 am #

    I am one of those people that don’t sleep at night. Usually not until around 3 and back up by 8. Lexi’s books have kept me company many of nights. Love her!!

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