
Audiobook Lovin’ Presents: Our interview with Kevin Hearne

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Hi everyone and welcome to Audiobook Lovin presented by, Viviana, Enchantress of Books and I, Books-n-KissesWe’re excited to have author Kevin Hearne with us here today.

Q: Kevin, for those of our followers that don’t know you. Can you please tell us a little about yourself.

Kevin: I’m the author of the Iron Druid Chronicles and the forthcoming epic fantasy A PLAGUE OF GIANTS. I used to teach high school English in Arizona but now I live in Colorado and hug lots of trees in the Rocky Mountains.

Q:  In the three years we’ve been hosting Audiobook Lovin, we’ve discussed the process of selecting a narrator with both authors and narrators. We’ve discovered instances where authors were heavily involved in the process or provide ideas of what they wanted and those that some were 100%  involvement in the selection of the narrator. On the opposite side, there have been authors were not part of the process at all. What was your level of involvement with your books being formated to audio books? (NOTE: please include details from providing suggestions of who you’d like to have as a narrator, to the casting options provided to final selection.)

Kevin: I had no input on choosing my narrator, Luke Daniels, but I do help out with the pronunciations of certain words via phone calls prior to recording. But there’s no question that I got fantastically lucky with him. Luke was Audible’s Narrator of the Year in 2012 for TRICKED, and he got nominated for two Audie Awards for my books this year: Best Paranormal for STAKED, and Best Male Narrator for THE PURLOINED POODLE. He consistently gets better reviews for his performance of my books than I do for writing them! He’s amazing.

Q; Can you please tell us do you listen to your own audiobooks? If yes/no why?

Kevin: I find Luke’s delivery amusing. He’s bringing something extra to the words that I often don’t anticipate and I find it entertaining.

Q: If someone one who is new to audiobooks was to ask “why do people listen to audiobooks” how would you answer this?

Kevin: Lots of folks have long commutes these days. A couple hours each day can be lost in traffic. Audiobooks can make that time feel productive and entertaining, even enriching, and my personal theory is that incidents of road rage have decreased since audiobooks have become popular.

Q: Can you tell us what you are currently working on? Any secret projects you can share?

Kevin: I’m currently working on three different series! I’m finishing up the Iron Druid Chronicles, but I’m also working on an epic fantasy trilogy called the Seven Kennings, starting with A PLAGUE OF GIANTS in October, and a humorous fantasy series called Tales of Pell with author Delilah S. Dawson. The first book of that series is called KILL THE FARM BOY, and it’ll be out next summer.

Q: If you could pick one person to narrate your life who would it be and why?

Kevin: Sam Elliott. Oh man, make mine Smoky Bass Cowboy. I feel more rugged and independent already just thinking about it.

Q: How about a quick speed round… ready?

Coffee or Tea?  Coffee. In a Chemex. With beans I grind by hand.

Taco or Burger? Taco.

Summer or Winter? Summer.

Football or Baseball? Baseball.

Mountain or Beach? Mountain.

Milk or Dark Chocolate? Milk.


A little more about Kevin:

Kevin Hearne hugs the hell out of trees and loves doggies and living in Colorado with his family. He is also fond of comic books, whiskey, beer, tacos, fresh air, clean energy, and friendly people. He’s prone to singing in parking lots if you get him drunk enough and has been told that his handwriting is really quite lovely.
You can find Kevin at Website | FacebookTwitter | Tumblr | Instagram | Goodread | Amazon | Audible


Here are a few audio clips from Kevin’s Iron Druid Chronicles.  Enjoy!!

Two Tales of the Iron Druid Chronicles: Purchase~Amazon | Audible| B&N

Oberon’s Meaty Mysteries: The Purloined Poodle~Purchase: Amazon | Audible | B&N | Kobo


Giveaway Time!!!!

Make sure to swing over to Viviana, Enchantress of Books blog and make sure to enter our giveaway below!!!!

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One Response to Audiobook Lovin’ Presents: Our interview with Kevin Hearne

  1. Karin Anderson June 23, 2017 at 8:10 am #

    I absolutely love the Iron Druid series in audio. Luke Daniels gives a new life to already fantastic characters.

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