
Audio Book Lovin’ presents: Kelly and the audio book


It is that time of year again when I get to tell you all about my love of audio books.  To start, thank you for stopping by the blog and checking out our second annual Audio Book Lovin’ series.  Last year was so much fun.  We got to talk to authors, narrators, and publishers all about the ins and outs of the Audio Book world.   We learned that some authors have no contact with the narrators and some author do everything from pick the narrator to helping with edits.

Last year made me realize just how much work goes into an audio book.  It is not as simple as just sit down and read aloud. Which is a good thing because no one wants to hear me read them a book (mark that off the list of possible jobs).

Which brings me back to why I love audio books.  I have found that my free time is getting less and less with each day.  Audio books give me a way to read/listen to my favorite authors and find a new author all while driving to and from work.  Which seems to be my only down time these days.    Plus it makes the commute so much better.

Audio books are a great way to introduce people an author, narrator or series that you love.   I know personally that there are any series that had I not picked them up on audio and listen to some amazing authors I am not sure I would have loved the books so much.

Last year I did a post on my Top 5 reasons I love audio books (check it out HERE).

I know that there are people out there that say they can’t or won’t listen to audiobooks.  They have all kinds of reasons. Everything from they are too expensive to the narrator doesn’t sound like I envisioned that character.  I say to them….. Just try one.  You never know.  You might actually just like them.   Ask people for recommendations. Go on to audible and listen to the samples.  Speaking of Audible.  Did you know that your 1st book is free when you sign up?  See it is a win win!!!

Alright, since you are here you either love audiobooks or you’re interested in audiobooks.  Tell me what you love about them and which narrators or author would you recommend to people who are on the audible fence.


Make sure to enter our giveaway and don’t forget to check out Viviana, Enchantress of Books’ post today!!

a Rafflecopter giveaway



5 Responses to Audio Book Lovin’ presents: Kelly and the audio book

  1. Diane S June 6, 2016 at 5:18 am #

    I love audiobooks because: they bring the stories to life for me! When driving back and forth to work, they entertain me. I can laugh even cry when i listen to them just like a book but so much more real.
    I haven’t yet listened to a narrator I haven’t liked.

    • Kelly June 6, 2016 at 9:51 am #

      I agree Diane. I have found a few narrators that I don’t care for but they are very few and far between

  2. Janie McGaugh June 6, 2016 at 12:32 pm #

    I love them, because I can listen when my hands are otherwise occupied and, in many cases, the narrator brings so much to the story that I can’t imagine “reading” it any other way! I’d recommend Outlander, narrated by Davina Porter as a great gateway audio book.

  3. Julie June 7, 2016 at 3:34 pm #

    I’ve always loved audio books. They kept me company on cold dark nights waiting for my bus home from work. Now I love listening while ironing. I’ve listened to some wonderful books . JD hart narrating Sharon Hamilton books are awesome so to is Eric g Dove narrating Toni Andersons cold series books.

  4. Susan June 9, 2016 at 11:10 am #

    Luke Daniels is a great narrator. He makes just about any audiobook fun and expressive. I’ve gone outside my usual genres just to listen to him narrate the book.

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