
Guest Blogger: Laura Moore talks to us about Once Touched

The Story Behind The Story: Creating Quinn Knowles in Once Touched

Hi everyone! I’m so thrilled to be back at Books-n-Kisses! Thank you Kelly & Co. for having me here today. So you know that authors pretty much live with their characters in their heads, right? And when it comes to series–such as my Silver Creek Series–by the third book, those characters have been camping out for a long, long time.

That’s the way it was with Quinn Knowles, who now has her own story in Once Touched. I liked Quinn from the very first. I knew she was a great sister to her older brothers Ward and Reid, able to take their teasing and dish it out as well. I liked her sense of humor and how big her heart was when it came to rescuing animals–her first an injured bunny she found when she was a little girl. I loved that she was a bit of a tomboy who didn’t obsess about her looks and who cared more about her cowboy boots than any dresses hanging in her closet. I liked that she had a posse of girl friends who she was there for when they needed her. I especially liked that she knew how great her life was working on Silver Creek Ranch, the sprawling guest ranch run by her family.

But then I started wondering why Quinn didn’t have a boyfriend. She’s twenty-four, attractive, and gets along well with guys. And why, whenever Quinn thought about having a man in her life, did she immediately start making up excuses why she had no time to devote to a relationship? Guys were so darned needy. It occurred to me she might be protesting too much.

When I realized that Quinn’s life wasn’t quite as perfect as it seemed from the outside and that maybe in spite of seeming so well-adjusted and happy, Quinn harbored some secret fears. A deep-seated anxiety was holding her captive.

And that’s when Quinn Knowles actually became interesting. So then I had to find the right guy for her. But since I liked Quinn so very much, I decided to give her two guys and let her discover for herself who was the man of her heart.


Laura Moore Once Touched CoverOnce Touch


The youngest of the three Knowles siblings, Quinn has in her blood the love of the land and its beautiful creatures. Raising enough money to build an animal sanctuary is a dream Quinn lives every day—while fending off her family’s well-intentioned matchmaking schemes. Though harboring secret fears about intimacy, Quinn soon realizes she cannot fight her growing attraction to a man who has suddenly entered her life.

Scarred by his months in Afghanistan and the violence he witnessed there through his camera lens, photojournalist Ethan Saunders throws himself into hard ranching work as a prescription for healing. But falling for Quinn has given him the one thing he thought he’d lost forever: hope. Ethan discovers that Quinn, like the innocent animals she rescues, is shy, and afraid of entrusting her heart to a man. Passion soon awakens Ethan’s strength, and his tender seduction may be just what Quinn needs to believe in herself—and in his love.



Here’s an excerpt from Once Touched:

Since it was Friday, the place was crowded. People were kicking back and relaxing, racking up the pool balls, twisting to Fats Domino, or leaning against the zinc countertop, sampling the new Harvest IPA that Beau had on tap this week. Everyone looked like they were having a fine time.

Quinn had never been more twitchily claustrophobic.

That’s what came from feeling like some sort of trophy a certain eager and too charming Texan wanted to bag. At a table with Mia and Tess, she sat hunched over her beer, trying to make herself invisible.

“You could just dance with him, you know,” Mia observed.

She scowled at the burl of the tabletop. “Right. You know where dancing leads.”

“To a lovely dark corner?” Tess said.

Quinn’s tension ratcheted up a notch. “Not helpful, Tess. Don’t you have a wedding to go plan?”

“Afraid not. Mine’s all set to be absolutely beautiful, and Mia and Reid want to wait until after next year’s harvest—”

“And I already know where I want to have the ceremony. On the terrace that Reid built for me,” Mia interjected.

“So we’ve got plenty of time to work out the remaining details for Mia’s special day. Although I’ve already found a dress I think you’ll love,” Tess said, her expression becoming animated. “It’s made of vintage lace.”

Quinn groaned. The noise reminded her of the one Ethan had made when she inflicted the Bee Gees and Neil Diamond on him during the drive from the airport. In hindsight she realized how unusually cruel she’d been. But at least she’d relented and put him out of his misery before subjecting him to Neil Sedaka’s “Breaking Up Is Hard to Do.” Tess could go on about wedding dresses forever.

“No wedding dress talk, please,” she begged.

Tess leaned back in her chair and folded her arms across her black scoop-necked sweater. “Then how about you explain why you’re hanging with us—not that we don’t love you—instead of letting Josh dance with you? He keeps glancing over, by the way, so I’d say your minutes are numbered.”

Quinn slumped deeper in her chair. “I thought Maebeth was doing her best to distract him.”

“She is,” Tess said.

“She should try harder,” Quinn muttered.


I hope you’ll enjoy reading Once Touched and Quinn’s happily-ever-after!

Happy Reading!



Laura Moore 5Author Bio:

Bestselling contemporary romance author Laura Moore’s first story filled a coffee stained notebook before she realized she might actually have written a love story that others would enjoy. Ride A Dark Horse was published a year later.

An accomplished equestrian and lifelong animal lover, Laura Moore lives in Rhode Island with her husband, two children and their black Lab. Their cat, Zevon, keeps them all in line.

There are plenty of places you can find me! My website is I have a newsletter that you can sign up for. You can like and follow me on Facebook or on Twitter



Giveaway Alert!

I’d like to give away an e-book copy of Once Tempted.

Books-n-Kisses will choose a winner at random from readers who leave comments.

Here’s a question to get the ball rolling:
One of the scenes in Once Touched takes place during Thanksgiving. What’s your favorite holiday tradition?

8 Responses to Guest Blogger: Laura Moore talks to us about Once Touched

  1. PENNEY GANLEY November 16, 2015 at 6:46 am #

    I would love a chance to win this book. It sounds like it will be really good.

  2. Erika Kelly November 16, 2015 at 7:14 am #

    Hi Laura, this book sounds terrific! One of my favorite things in a story is the community–I like Quinn’s posse of girlfriends. Can’t wait to read it!

  3. Marian Lanouette November 16, 2015 at 8:01 am #

    I can’t wait to read Quinn’s story. The first two in the series grabbed my attention from the first paragraph.

  4. Gail Chianese November 16, 2015 at 8:30 am #

    Oh Laura, I can’t wait for this book to come out. I love Ward and Reid and their stories were wonderful. And yes, Quinn is a great sister, but has been a bit of a mystery. It’ll be great to dig into her story and see what goes on behind that quick wit of hers. Congrats on the release and yay for us readers.

  5. bn100 November 16, 2015 at 8:30 am #

    decorating together

  6. Lynne November 16, 2015 at 11:53 am #

    Once Tempted was GREAT… you’ll love it! Can’t wait for Once Touched!

  7. Mary Preston November 16, 2015 at 9:17 pm #

    I love Christmas. I especially love decorating the Christmas tree.

  8. Gail Ingis November 17, 2015 at 9:56 pm #

    Laura, lovely interview. Love your books, can’t wait to read about Quinn, I like her already.

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