
My interview with Vice Cop Alexandra Monzelle from Rebecca Zanetti’s Wicked Ride.


Hi all! Welcome to Books-n-Kisses. So, it’s fun to interview the heroes in romance books, but today I thought it would be interesting to interview the heroine from Rebecca Zanetti’s WICKED RIDE. The heroine is Alexandra Monzelle, and she’s a pretty tough cop. Short blonde hair, intelligent blue eyes, compact and very watchful.

She recently met Kellach Dunne, but she has no clue that he’s a hero or a, well, a witch. They’re both hunting for a drug manufacturer and distributor, but they don’t know they’re both looking for the same guy. Anyhoo…here we go.

BnK: Thank you for sitting down with us today, Alexandra.

LEX: Please call me Lex, and you’re welcome. I was told by a source that you might have a line on a distributor of Apollo, the drug that’s killing people on Seattle streets.

BnK: (It hurts witches, too, BTW). Well, I do keep my ear to the ground, but first, let’s chat.

LEX: Ah, all right. What about?

BnK: Kellach Dunne and the Titans of Fire Motorcycle Club (or MC).

LEX: Er, okay. Well, I met Mr. Dunne in an alley in Seattle the other night, and he fought a guy on fire, and then took me back to the MC. I was injured. In the morning, I arrested him. Well, I took him in for questioning.

BnK: That had to go over well.

LEX: Not really. And instead of cooperating, his cousin, Simone Brightston, showed up to act as his attorney. We didn’t get much information out of Dunne.

BnK: He’s sexy, isn’t he?

LEX: Well, if you like the bad boy type.

BnK: (Geez. Who doesn’t, right?) I see. So you’re not attracted to him at all?

LEX: Of course not. He’s an enforcer with the Titans, he breaks the law, and he’s arrogant. Sure, he has a great brogue, and he’s nice to look at, but chances are, I’ll be arresting him soon.

BnK: Right. It sounds like you’re a little interested.

LEX: Nope. I put away the bad guys. I certainly don’t sleep with them.

BnK: I didn’t mention sleeping with him, did I?

LEX: Whatever.

BnK: What if he’s undercover, too. I mean, what if he’s a good guy just doing a job?

LEX: Then I won’t arrest him, but he’d better stay out of my way.

BnK: (Man, does she have some interesting times on the way). Since I know you’ve been tailing Dunne, I have to ask, have you seen any other guys around him? Ones with odd, metallic eyes? (I’m so hoping some of the Dark Protectors show up in WICKED RIDE).

LEX: (Clears throat). Actually, yes. There’s a guy they call ‘King’ who has silver eyes; his nephew, Garrett, who has grey eyes, and another nephew called Logan. His eyes are green, though. Kellach wasn’t happy to see them, which I thought odd.

BnK: (Yay! I wanted to see more of Garrett and Logan). Hmmm. I wonder who they are.

LEX: Right. I’m thinking you know.

BnK: Nope, not me. I’ve been doing some research lately, and this is going to sound odd, but what do you think of the supernatural? Or rather, the immortal world?

LEX: No such thing.

BnK: (Yep. That’s what I figured). Are you very good with rolling with the punches, Alexandra?

LEX: No. I prefer to do the punching.

BnK: (I can’t wait to see her go toe-to-toe with Kellach. I’m not sure who to bet on, to be honest). Alrighty then. Thanks for the interview.

LEX: Wait. Now you give me information.

BnK: Oh yeah. Well, I heard the distributor of Apollo has connections to the Grizzlies, which is another MC.

LEX: Excellent. I’ll go check them out. Thanks!

BnK: (I feel kinda bad, because the Grizzlies are clean. But since they’re shifters, I guess it might be fun to watch Lex check them out.) You betcha! Have a great day.


Let’s take a little looksie at WICKED RIDE

Wicked Ride

Realm Enforcers #1

by Rebecca Zanetti

If you love the Dark Protectors, these wicked hot Realm Enforcers are for you!Alexandra Monzelle is a hard-fighting, heat-packing Seattle vice cop, and she’s not much interested in being protected. Her short skirt and sex-kitten heels are tools to lure her suspects into talking about the deadly new drug hitting the streets. She can take care of herself and then some. Unfortunately, she can’t seem to get that through to Kellach Dunne.Kellach is a fresh import from Dublin, and he’s landed at the heart of a vicious motorcycle club that deals in guns, narcotics, and mayhem. He’s all male, all rough power—and all interference in her damn investigation. Maybe he’s one of the good guys. Maybe not. Lex knows an affair with an immortal like him would risk everything. No matter how delicious he looks.
Want a little sneak peek?  Of course you do.


The woman cringed against the brick building. “I don’t understand. What kind of a weapon throws fire?”

Kell shot forward and slid an arm around the guy’s neck, spinning him into a headlock, their backs to the woman. Fire burst along the guy’s arms, burning Kell. Pain dug under his skin. With a low growl, Kell allowed his own fire free. Deep and green, it crackled along his body, shielding him from harm. With a puff of smoke, Kell’s fire quelled the human’s.

The human convulsed. Hard and fast, he shook against Kell, who held him upright. It was too late to help the guy—he had taken too much. Way too much. A wretched scream spilled from the human’s throat.

Kell released him and stepped back.

The guy fell to the wet ground, still convulsing. Red poured from his ears, his eyes, and then his nose. The rancid stench of burned flesh filled the alley. He hit hard, shook, and then went still. His eyes retained the bizarre colors, and he looked sightlessly up at the cloudy night. The rain mingled with blood across his face.

Kell sighed and pushed wet hair out of his eyes. Another dead end, and he’d wasted more time, which he absolutely did not have right now. He needed to get rid of the body and then somehow convince the woman she hadn’t just seen what she’d just seen. Plastering on his most charming smile, he turned around and froze.

“Seattle PD. Freeze, asshole,” she whispered, her stance set, a Sig Subcompact in her hands and pointed at his head


Rebecca Zanetti PicHere is a little about Rebecca:

Rebecca Zanetti is the author of over twenty-five dark paranormals, romantic suspense, and contemporary romances, and her books have appeared multiple times on the New York Times, USA Today, Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and iBooks bestseller lists. She lives in the wilds of the Pacific Northwest with her own Alpha hero, two kids, a couple of dogs, a crazy cat…and a huge extended family. She believes strongly in luck, karma, and working her butt off…and she thinks one of the best things about being an author, unlike the lawyer she used to be, is that she can let the crazy out. Her current series are: The Dark Protectors, The Maverick Montana Cowboys, and the Sin Brothers series. Upcoming series are: The Realm Enforcers and The Scorpius Syndrome. Find Rebecca at:




Rebecca has an extra print copy of MARKED she’d love to sign and send to one commenter here.

I’ll randomly choose a name within a few days.

Leave a comment for the chance to enter. Do you like bad boys?



13 Responses to My interview with Vice Cop Alexandra Monzelle from Rebecca Zanetti’s Wicked Ride.

  1. Buffyanna June 22, 2015 at 6:30 am #

    I have a feeling Kell’s bad boy cover is about to be blown in a dozen different ways once he hits Lex’s super sharp radar!

  2. Linda Townsend June 22, 2015 at 6:40 am #

    This sounds really good! The excerpt is fabulous!

  3. Viviana, Enchantress of Books June 22, 2015 at 7:04 am #

    Great Interview Kelly!!
    I’m currently reading WICKED RIDE and its also the first book by Rebecca that I read! LOVING IT!! Will definitely be reading more!!! 🙂

  4. Barb Kiser June 22, 2015 at 7:09 am #

    Love her books and can’t wait to read this one!!!!!

  5. sonia forbus June 22, 2015 at 7:15 am #

    love the Interview, also enjoy Rebecca’s bad boys. Will be reading Wicked Ride when it comes out.

  6. bn100 June 22, 2015 at 7:54 am #


  7. Texas Book Lover June 22, 2015 at 12:55 pm #

    Oh yeah I love bad boys! And I love Rebecca’s book so I have no doubt this is going to be a great book about a bad boy!

    Thanks so much!

  8. erinf1 June 22, 2015 at 3:50 pm #

    only in my books 🙂 I’m a bit too jaded and world weary to handle drama in real life. This looks and sounds awesome! thanks for sharing!!

  9. Janie McGaugh June 22, 2015 at 7:19 pm #

    I like them somewhat bad, but only in books.

  10. Glenda June 22, 2015 at 7:45 pm #

    When they’re Rebecca Zanetti’s creations I do!

  11. Mary Preston June 22, 2015 at 8:05 pm #

    Not much better than a bad boy in fiction. Which is where they belong I always feel.

  12. Heather R. June 24, 2015 at 5:07 am #

    Not in real life. A Regency rake is pretty entertaining, though.

  13. Kelly July 3, 2015 at 7:37 am #

    After a random draw our winner is Viviana!!!! YAY!!!!!
    Congrats Viv!!

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