
Writer’s Tips & Tricks Day 14 part b: Finding Inspiration to Write When You’d Rather do Laundry by Rebecca Zanetti


Finding Inspiration to Write When You’d Rather do Laundry–by Rebecca Zanetti

Thanks to Kelly at Books-n-Kisses for this awesome month-long event, and thanks for including me!

Anybody who thinks it’s easy being creative on demand is freaking crazy.  In addition, many people (who haven’t written a word yet) believe there’s a magical muse who sits on a writer’s shoulder and whispers pure brilliance into her ears.  Crazy, right?

The muse is on vacation, the kids need lunches for school, the husband can’t find his dress pants (probably because they’re still at the cleaners), and you have three editors waiting for content.  So you have a few choices.  Wait for the damn muse to show up (could take months), grab a glass (or bottle) of wine and go hit the beach, or try to get inspired and meet your deadlines.

I know.  It’s a tough choice.

So I’m going to say something here that a few people might disagree with.  Let the creative brilliance of others inspire you.  I know some authors don’t read books while they’re writing because they don’t want to be influenced, and I kind of think that’s crazy.  Your voice is your voice, and even if you love somebody else’s book, I don’t think you’ll copy them.  Not even subconsciously.

So, read a good book that you love.  Think about the characters and why you like them.  Or why you don’t really like them.  Think about the plot, about the twists, and about the ending.  What inspires you in that?  What parts did you skip?

Or…and this is my favorite way to kick the creative side of my brain in the butt:  watch a television show or movie that you just love.  If you’re struggling with a sex scene, go watch something sexy.  It doesn’t have to be explicit or even R rated.  Some of the sexiest, tension filled scenes don’t have naked parts in them.  It’s the tension that’s inspiring and intriguing.  There are a couple of scenes in Weeds with Mary-Louise Parker that are, rather, um, hot.  The one with Mark-Paul Gosselaar in the bar does have naked moving parts, just so you know.  And he plays a surly bartender perfectly.

Having problems with your villain?  Go watch a good villain.  Timothy Olyphant in Live or Die Hard is awesome because he’s sexy, smart, and complex.  Study him.  Think about your villain.  He or she can be nothing like Timothy and yet be complex in totally different ways.

I almost have my husband believing that when I’m watching a long-running marathon of Supernatural that I’m working. J

If you really don’t want to read or watch television, study the people you know.  Don’t just think vaguely about them, figure them out.  The blond football mom who always has a flirty smile for your husband?  Go past your annoyance.  Figure out (feel free to make this stuff up) why she’s so flirty.  Maybe she’s insecure.  Or maybe she likes to flirt.  Or maybe she just needs a kick in the face.  Who knows.  But figure her out, and maybe create a character with the same qualities.

People are everywhere.  The stranger at the grocery store hovering near the gossip magazines.  Why does she do that?  Get inspired by her struggle of whether or not to buy.  It’s intriguing.

And at the end of the day, what you need to do is write.  Sit down, put on some music, and let your subconscious take over.

If you’re a writer, if you want to be a writer, you must write.  Read all of these articles by so many amazing authors for this Books-n-Kisses event, and then, if you take nothing else away, know that you must sit down and write.

You can do it.  I promise.


Let’s check out Rebecca’s upcoming releases:


Dark Protectors #7


Release Date December 22, 2014  Preorder here: Amazon| B&N

Janie Kayrs has known Zane almost her whole life. He was her friend in the dream world. She trusted him. But that was before he kidnapped her, spiriting her away to an isolated cabin to learn what her dreams never told her. Like how dangerous he looks. How he got on the wrong side of the negotiating table. And how much sexier he is in real life…

Zane is a battle-hardened warrior, used to command and solitude. But Janie has drawn him from the minute they met. His need for her could destroy everything he’s worked for, but the risk is too sweet not to take it. They call her the Chosen One. But when it comes down to the questions of peace or war, life or death, safety or passion, it will be Janie who makes the choice


Total Surrender

Sin Brothers #4


Release date: March 31, 2014 Preorder here: Amazon|B&N

A fight he must win…

Piper Oliver knows she can’t trust him. They warned her that the tall, dark, and sexy black-ops soldier Jory Dean would try to win her over with his steel-gray eyes and deadly charm, but she won’t be conned by this man they call a traitor. All she has to do is figure out the science necessary to save his life, and she’s done. Something isn’t adding up, though, and she won’t rest until she uncovers the truth-even if it’s buried in his deep, dangerous kiss.

A passion she can’t resist…

Jory will do anything to reunite with and save his brothers-even kidnap the gorgeous woman who’s working to deactivate the deadly chip in their spines. But the forces determined to destroy his family won’t let them go so easily. Keeping Piper alive is more than he bargained for-and so is his burning desire for her. But with every second bringing him closer to certain death, can he afford to lose himself in her hot and willing embrace?


Rebecca Zanetti PicA little about Rebecca:

New York Times and USA Today Bestselling author Rebecca Zanetti writes dark paranormals, romantic suspense, and contemporary romances.  She’s sold from the slush pile, from auction, from pre-empt, and most recently from a short conversation with an editor that turned into a five book deal.  She believes strongly in luck, karma, and working her butt off…and she thinks one of the best things about being an author, unlike the lawyer she used to be, is that she can let the crazy out.  Currently, she is writing the bestselling Dark Protector series from Kensington, with the tenth book, MARKED, being released in December; the bestselling Sin Brothers series from Grand Central, with TOTAL SURRENDER, book 4, being released in March of 2015, and finally, the Maverick Montana series from Entangled, with RISING ASSETS, the third book, hitting the New York Times and the USA Today Bestseller lists.  Find Rebecca at:


Rebecca is kind enough to offer two copies of Claimed to two lucky readers. 

To Enter for a chance to win. 

Please leave a comment or question for Ms. Zanetti.  

Along with your email

(please use (AT) and (DOT) we don’t want any spam) 

*this giveaway is sponsored by the author*


Make sure to check out all of the other stops on this month long tour HERE and enter the grand prize giveaway.

All winner’s will be picked at the end of the month and announce the 1st week of October. 


a Rafflecopter giveaway

17 Responses to Writer’s Tips & Tricks Day 14 part b: Finding Inspiration to Write When You’d Rather do Laundry by Rebecca Zanetti

  1. erinf1 September 18, 2014 at 8:33 am #

    congrats to Rebecca on the new release!!! This new book sounds awesome!!! My question is: what is the one thing that you have to have/do while writing?

    • Rebecca Zanetti September 18, 2014 at 6:41 pm #

      I always have a glass of water nearby, my hair is usually up in a band, and I like to wear my comfy socks. Those three things, and I’m all set. 🙂

  2. Viki S. September 18, 2014 at 12:27 pm #

    When you people watch and come up with ideas have you ever been approached by said subject and asked what you were doing?

    • Rebecca Zanetti September 18, 2014 at 6:42 pm #

      Not really by strangers, but most people close to me are used to be zoning out a little bit. 🙂

  3. Lori Meehan September 18, 2014 at 4:16 pm #

    If you’ve not read Rebecca Zanetti’s books yet you are truly missing out. I’ve read all of them and love them!!!

  4. JoannaM September 18, 2014 at 6:33 pm #

    I’m in love with the Sin Brothers!! And in love with these post every day. I’m a reader but I so appreciate what goes into the whole process of writing a book. It makes me appreciate the work of an author even more. Thank you!

    • Rebecca Zanetti September 18, 2014 at 6:44 pm #

      Thanks so much! 🙂

    • JoannaM September 18, 2014 at 8:15 pm #

      Thank you!!
      And forgot my email so here it is
      annaoj (dot) mortes (At) gmail (dot) com

  5. Debra Elise September 18, 2014 at 7:08 pm #

    Hi Rebecca!
    I already have a copy of CLAIMED, and all your other books of course ;). I just wanted to chime in on your comment about reading a great book, while writing your own. I once thought it would affect my voice and yes looking back that was crazy talk. Good thing someone I know helped to convince me I didn’t need to stop reading. After all, I was a reader before I became a writer and it was all those wonderful stories which inspired me to write my own.

    ps – love the visual about the flirty blond…LOL

  6. Mary Preston September 18, 2014 at 7:13 pm #

    A very interesting post thank you. I think that if you have found your voice with your writing, you would not be influenced from outside forces – reading books for example.


  7. Glenda September 18, 2014 at 8:13 pm #

    I had to laugh that you’ve convinced your husband watching Supernatural is working. My daughter tried the “It’s homework” line with her dad. 😀

  8. Bonnie P September 18, 2014 at 8:23 pm #

    Love this! I actually find it hard to write, if I’m not filling my creative well with other authors. I love reading other people’s work (love yours!) and find myself refreshed and rejuvenated after diving into someone else’s world. Great post and good luck on release day! (I already have claimed, but thank you!)

  9. Zoe Forward September 19, 2014 at 2:47 am #

    Love both of these Zanetti series!! And you are so right on Timothy Olyphant. I read some of my fav books when I have issues getting through a scene and the crazy of life is pulling me away. Great post. Thank you.

  10. Janie McGaugh September 21, 2014 at 4:19 pm #

    I like your hints for finding inspiration, especially about studying other people and figuring out their motivations.
    jmcgaugh (at) semo (dot) edu

  11. Elizabeth H. September 22, 2014 at 5:44 am #

    Thanks for sharing your writer’s block tips. I think it’s so cool that to help you find inspiration, you don’t have to do anything flamboyant or extravagant. You get your inspiration from daily life and sometimes even in the most mundane of tasks.

    It’s always fascinating to read about one of your favorite authors and learn a little more of what makes them tick.

    I’m so excited and greatly anticipating MARKED and TOTAL SURRENDER’s releases!

    Thanks again for sharing and for the wonderful giveaways!

    ehaney578 (AT) aol (DOT) com

  12. Texas Book Lover September 24, 2014 at 10:17 am #

    Ohh! I love the Sin Brothers series and really need to read the Dark Protectors series!

    mmafsmith AT gmail DOT com

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