
Kelly & Kimberly review Three Litte Words by Susan Mallery

Three Little Words

TITLE: Three Little Words
SERIES: Fools Gold #13
CHARACTERS: Ford Hendrix & Isabel Carlisle
AUTHOR: Susan Mallery

Can first love turn into the real deal in a sizzling new Fool’s Gold story from New York Times bestselling author Susan Mallery? Isabel Carlisle thinks she’s cursed in the romance department. Her teenage crush, Ford Hendrix, ignored all her letters. Her husband left her for another…man. So Isabel has come home to dust off her passion for fashion and run the family bridal shop until her parents are ready to sell it. Then she’ll pursue her real dreams. At least, that’s the plan, until sexy, charming Ford returns and leaves her feeling fourteen all over again….

Seeing Isabel all grown up hits bodyguard trainer Ford like a sucker punch. Back when heartbreak made him join the military, her sweet letters kept him sane. Now he can’t take his eyes-or his lips-off her. The man who gave up on love has a reason to stay in Fool’s Gold forever-if three little words can convince Isabel to do the same.

4.5 Stars Loved this story, even if at times I wanted to shake the tar out of Ford. That boy is so beyond stubborn. He can’t see that the best thing he will ever have in his life has been staring him in the face for years.

Isabel has loved Ford for years. She loved him even when he was engaged to her sister. Even when Ford left town and joined the military, that didn’t stop her love for him. No, Isabel wrote to Ford almost the whole time he was gone. Telling him all about the trials and tribulations going on in her life. But not once in all of those years did Ford ever write back. But Isabel could never have guessed the impact that those letter made on Ford.

Now both are back in Fool’s Gold. While Isabel is not planning to stick around for long, she is willing to spend time with Ford. Even if that means she is willing to risk another broken heart. But that is a risk she is willing to take.
Another wonderful Fool’s Gold story. I can’t wait to see what Susan has in store next for the inhabitants of Fool’s Gold. I did love the sub-storyline in the book too with Ford’s brother. I hope that we get to see more of his love story soon.

5 Stars I have waited a long time for Ford… ok for Ford’s story at least. And I was not disappointed.

Visiting Fool’s Gold is like coming home. We know so much about the town and its people that it is hard not to become a huge fan of the town. Ford was introduced so long ago that I wondered if we would ever get his story so when this year the bodyguards came to town I was thrilled. But then I had to wait until the last of the three story arc but it was worth the wait. And as a extra bonus we get Kent’s story too!!!

Navy SEALs are everywhere in the book world now a days but what was different was Mallery did not write Ford with injuries either physical or mental. Yes he has been through a lot but he is not suffering as so many SEALs are written today. And I appreciated that. I loved Ford’s sense of humor and how jovial he could be especially around Isabel. I could go on and on about what I loved about Ford but why spoil this story for others? Isabel is so sweet. I enjoyed her story. I loved that these two have a past that doesn’t involve an old affair or something like that. Isabel was a young girl with a crush and while she has been through a lot over the last decade she never really lost the feelings for Ford.

I was happy to see Kent’s story in this book too. It was enjoyable to watch the two brothers falling at the same time and how different the process is for both of them and yet it is enjoyable to see how similar they can be.

I am never disappointed when I visit Fool’s Gold but this might be my favorite book of the series (and that is saying something) in a while. Maybe I was just like Isabel and had a crush on Ford even before he came back to town but having spent time with him I fell in love! Bring on the football players!

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. This review is my own opinion and not a paid review.


11 Responses to Kelly & Kimberly review Three Litte Words by Susan Mallery

  1. Blessedmimi July 30, 2013 at 6:53 am #

    I loved the story and the diary letters. Susan continues to keep us involved in Fools Gold and all the new happenings in te lives of the characters we have come to know and love.

  2. Shari July 30, 2013 at 5:30 pm #

    Loved the story of Isabel and Ford. Plus the added romance of Consuelo and Kent. Love the whole series of Fool’s Gold books, they just keep getting better and better.

  3. Maria D. July 30, 2013 at 7:00 pm #

    Great review ladies – I’ve fallen behind reading these books but I do love this series!

  4. melissa July 30, 2013 at 7:52 pm #

    This is my favorite Fool’s Gold book so far!!! I am so glad that Isabelle finally found love with Ford, she waited long enough!!! Kent’s story was a great bonus making this a perfect book!!!

  5. julie barrett July 31, 2013 at 4:57 am #

    I love this series and just when I think I’ve read the best another one comes out and it’s even better.
    If anybody needs a $1 coupon off a paperback For Three Little Words, just released today, let me know.

  6. Gmapeony July 31, 2013 at 8:10 am #

    I love this series and look forward to more books.

  7. The Book Momster July 31, 2013 at 9:52 am #

    I loved Three Little Words. I think this year’s trilogy has been the best yet! I love the bodyguards!

  8. Kortney August 4, 2013 at 6:23 pm #

    So glad you both liked the books! It was one of my favorite Fool’s Gold books! Loved seeing Ford and Kent falling in love with the woman of their dreams!

  9. Dee August 4, 2013 at 6:38 pm #

    Who could not fall in love with Ford, he is so easy going and laid back, and really happy with who he is, and he really is a sweet guy! This is a great addition to the Fool’s Gold Series. The love letters that Isabel sent him is so sweet, and the way he kept each letter is precious! Loved it! Great Review!

  10. Patsy August 4, 2013 at 7:39 pm #

    It has been a great summer in Fools Gold and finishing up with Three little Words is the icing on the cake. Isabel and Ford discovering each other within the safety of their ‘fake relationship’ is priceless. And for me the 2 for 1 relationship just made my day. I love this book. Everyone should read it.

  11. Maria August 5, 2013 at 6:46 am #

    This book was wonderful and was a great way to finish this summer’s Fool’s Gold series! Isabel and Ford are just perfect together and I just love the chemistry between them!

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