
Interview & Tour Wide giveaway with Jennifer Lyon

Can you please share with us a little about yourself

Thank you so much for having me on Books-n-Kisses today! So about me, I grew up mostly in Southern California, met my husband at the dog pound and considering the competition—dogs—I got his attention pretty fast J. We married and have three great sons. These days, I work long hours. In my free time, I hang out with family, occasionally drag myself to the gym, and every once in a while, I get out and see real people instead of the characters living in my head.

Have you always wanted to be an author?

I’ve always loved reading and storytelling, but it was after I was married and we had our three sons that I got serious about the idea of writing. I tried going back to college to pursue a marketing degree, but my passion was writing and I am fortunate enough to be married to a man who supports my dream in every way possible.

Are you a plotter or a punster or combo of both? And you explain the difference?

I’m both. If I’m writing for a publisher, I always have a general outline, and as I work, I’ll add in layers of emotional depth as well as strengthen the conflict and plot.

If I’m working on my Indie books (like The Proposition and Possession), then I start with even less of an outline.  It’s more work that way in the long run, but I love the freedom of letting the characters show me what they need in their story. I revise more often, but I think the story can be richer and more authentic for it.

What is your most interesting writing quirk?

I don’t see much about my process as interesting <g>, most of it is frustrating. Maybe that when I’m deep in a book, I don’t process what people (the real ones) are saying to me? My husband will tell me he’s going to the store, then when he returns I blink and say, “You were gone? Where’ d you go?” Now he makes me repeat back to him what he said, LOL!

Can you please tell us about your latest book(s)?

I’m happy to! I’m releasing the second installment of The Plus One Chronicles; POSSESSION. In book one, THE PROPOSITION Sloane sees Kat Thayne and he’s more intrigued than usual.  He goes out of his way to get her to agree to his plus-one arrangement, offering her the one thing she can’t turn down—a chance to learn self defense so she will never be a victim again. By the end of the book, it’s clear something powerful is happening between them. But Sloane convinces himself it will burn out and die off. 

But in the second book, POSSESSION, everything begins to change. Sloane is facing the brutal reality that Drake, his mentor who has been like a father to Sloane, is dying. It’s ripping Sloane apart and there’s nothing he can do to change it. Although he does move Drake into his house and care for him, but to Sloane, that’s not enough. The more he feels Drake slipping away, the more he’s driven to hold onto Kat.  Even though he knows the best thing for her, for both of them, would be to end it before they get in too deep.

In the meantime, Kat’s struggling with her fears from an attack she can’t remember, and coming to trust that Sloane won’t betray her as her ex-fiancé had when she discovers Sloane’s dark side that could destroy them both.

You can read an except here:

How did you come with the idea for this story?

Most of this entire trilogy came to me after my son suffered a very serious injury to his leg. Through his months of recovery, Kat and Sloane took shape in my mind. Kat is much like my son, a determined survivor fighting to get stronger. And Sloane…he’s the hero I have always, always wanted to write.  He’s strong and damaged but not a jerk. He may make some bad decisions, but he’s not cruel or mean to people who don’t deserve it. And he sees Kat as a beautiful survivor. I think Sloane has been developing in my mind ever since I was young, maybe 8 or 9 and hanging out in the karate studio my brother owned, watching all those powerful men spar.

As for The Plus One Chronicles part of it, that came from a family member who has a good friend and they “plus-one” for each other when they aren’t in relationships. I began to think:  What if a rich, powerful man never dates, never has relationships, but only has a plus-one? A woman who will go to events with him and warm his bed? Who is his man, why is he that way?

Can you share with us your current work(s) in progress?

I’m working on Obsession, book 3 in The Plus One Chronicles, which is the explosive conclusion to the trilogy. I’m also going to be starting on the second book in my Once A Marine Series written under my Jennifer Apodaca name. The Baby Bargain was the first book in that series.

Who is the one author that you would love to meet someday and why?

Stephen King, I just think he’d be fascinating. I don’t even read him much anymore, but I began reading his books in high school.

What is the best piece of advice you would give to someone that wants to get into writing?

Learn to finish the book! When we get bogged down in the middle of the book we’re writing, it’s so easy to get distracted by a new, fresh ideas. Jot down those ideas somewhere, then go back and finish that first book. I also encourage writers to join groups, maybe Romance Writers of America, or an online group. We learn so much that way, and it helps us to stay inspired and motivated.

Can you share with us something off your bucket list.

That always makes me smile. I don’t really have a bucket list. This year is so crazy, I’m just trying to get it all done!

What is in your To Read Pile that you are dying to start or upcoming release you can’t wait for?

Laura Wright has a cowboy series coming out, I can’t wait for BRANDED! I can’t remember when it releases, I think it’s late 2014. But I wish she’d hurry up!

What is one book everyone should read before they die?

Good question! I don’t know the answer as I think it’s different for each person. For me, it was TO KILL A MOCKINGBIRD. I read it when I was young and it exposed me to concepts I knew nothing about.

What is your favorite time of year & why?

I like different times of the year for different reasons. But summer just because we enjoy having BBQs and hanging out by the pool.

Who is your Celebrity crush?  And what would you do if you ever meet them?

Does the French bulldog from the Modern Family sitcom count? Otherwise, I usually say Hugh Jackman, and if he could meet me as Wolverine, that’d be perfect!

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Thank you so much for having me today! I love books and always enjoy the opportunity to chat about them!



The Plus One Chronicles

 A wicked proposition…

A sensual possession…

A dark obsession…

The Plus One Chronicles: Searing passion and fiery vengeance collide in three explosive books.



The Plus One Chronicles, Book 1

Kindle | Nook | Kobo | Smashwords | iTunes

Rich, sexy and volatile, Sloane Michaels has a dark agenda that keeps his heart on ice. His extreme wealth gives him the control he craves and his skills as an ex UFC fighter the tools he’ll need to extract his ultimate revenge. But when the woman he never believed he’d see again crosses his path, Sloane is caught between the vengeance he needs and a sexual conquest he craves.

Kat Thayne has been in survival mode for six years, hiding behind the sweet creations for her bakery. But when a random carjacking brings her face-to-face with her darkest fears and hottest fantasy, Kat is forced out of hiding and offered a dangerously passionate proposition. One she knows she isn’t strong enough to refuse.

Book Trailer:




The Plus One Chronicles, Book 2


Kindle | Nook | Kobo | Smashwords 

**Please note: Possession is book two of a three book series. Readers should start with The Proposition.**

Savagely sexy billionaire Sloane Michaels ruthlessly controls his life and everything in it. Even his sex partners are carefully negotiated plus-one arrangements, including his latest, the fiery bakery owner, Kat Thayne. But Sloane’s control is challenged when his mentor becomes seriously ill, and his need for Kat, his need to possess her at all costs, rivals only his single-minded goal of vengeance for the murder of his sister.

After surviving an attack six years ago, Kat Thayne escaped her fears in the protective world of her beloved bakery. Then Sloane Michaels storms into her life, making her feel beautiful, strong and sexy. Yet as Kat pushes her boundaries and uncovers a dangerous secret in her past, Sloane’s controlling side emerges. Worried that Sloane will possess her mind, body and soul, Kat fights to keep her hard won independence. But just as Sloane demands her complete surrender, she discovers he has a dark side that could destroy them both.

**Possession is an adult contemporary novel and is not intended for younger readers due to mature content.**


OBSESSION, Book 3 – Coming 9/24/13


A little more about Jennifer: 

Jennifer Lyon grew up under the shadow of the Matterhorn at Disneyland in Anaheim, California. She attended Walt Disney elementary school and her very first playmate was her beloved dog, Duke, who was cast in the role of hero in all their adventures.

Clearly Jen was born to daydream. But it took her years to figure out how to turn her imagination into a career as an author. After marrying and becoming a full time mom to three sons, Jen launched her career with the award winning Samantha Shaw Mystery Series and other romantic mysteries under the name Jennifer Apodaca. Later, she took the name Jennifer Lyon, combined her love of witches, alpha males and sizzling romance into another award winning series, the Wing Slayer Hunters.

Jennifer has several new releases coming out this year.  THE PROPOSITION, the first book in her new Plus One Chronicles was just released on February 24 and following later in the year will be Book Two: POSSESSION – Coming 5/28/13 and Book Three: OBSESSION – Coming 9/24/13.

Writing under Jennifer Apodaca she will be releasing the first book in her Once A Marine series, titled THE BABY BARGAIN which will be out in March 2013 from Entangled Publishing in their Indulgence line.

For more information on Jen or her books, please visit her website or follow her on Facebook, Twitter and Goodreads.

GIVEAWAY TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Jennifer is giving away a $50.00 gift card to Amazon or B&N (winners choice) on the tour.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Jennifer Lion’s POSSESSION Blog Tour

May 27 – June 9

5/27 – Book Monster Reviews (Guest Post, series spotlight)

5/ 27- Wicked Readings by Tawania (series spotlight)

5/28- United by Books (series spotlight)

5/29- Romance Junkies (interview & review bk 2)

5/29- Buffy’s Ramblings (series spotlight & review bk 1)

5/30- Salacious Reads (series spotlight & reviews)

5/30- The Reading Cafe (guest post, series spotlight & review bk 2)

5/28- Ramblings From This Chick (series spotlight & reviews)

5/31- Mimmi’s Musings (series spotlight)

6/01- Underworld Love Addiction (series spotlight & review bk 2)

6/01- Riverina Romantics (series spotlight)

6/02- Page Flipperz (series spotlight & review bk 2)

6/02- Toot’s Book Reviews (interview)

6/03- Cocktails and Books (series spotlight & review bk 2)

6/03 – Books-n-Kisses (interview)

6/04- Flirting with Romance (Interview)

6/04- Books, Books and More Books (series spotlight & reviews)

6/05- Book Lovin’ Mamas (guest post and review bk 2)

6/05- Under the Covers (guest post & reviews)

6/06- Vampires, Werewolves & Fairies Oh My! (Interview and reviews)

6/06- Offbeat Vagabond (series spotlight & review bk 1)

6/07- Night Owl Reviews ( guest post )

06/07  Hesperia Loves Books (series spotlight & reviews)

6/08 – Scorching Book Reviews (interview)

6/09 – Reading Between The Wines (guest post)

7 Responses to Interview & Tour Wide giveaway with Jennifer Lyon

  1. Viki S. June 3, 2013 at 9:24 am #

    Jenn – That is so cool about Sloane being with you since you were a kid. I’m so glad he forced his way onto paper ;).
    My celeb crush is Chris Hemsworth. Of all of your characters who do you think is most like him?


  2. Eva Millien June 3, 2013 at 11:36 am #

    I must say that I am a fan of yours, but I have not read any books from this series. Thanks for sharing them with us and the giveaway. This series sounds like they will be red hot sexy reads and I will be adding them to my list.

  3. Jen Lyon June 3, 2013 at 12:39 pm #

    Viki, I went and looked him up as I rarely remember names. He’s cute and could play Kellen 🙂

  4. Jen Lyon June 3, 2013 at 12:39 pm #

    Eva, thank you so much! I hope you enjoy these books if you give them a try!

  5. Jane June 3, 2013 at 1:57 pm #

    Hi Jen,
    So nice to see you here. Congrats on the release of “Possession.”

    • Jen Lyon June 3, 2013 at 2:33 pm #

      Hi Jane! Thank you so much!

  6. Jolene A June 10, 2013 at 1:36 pm #

    Congrats on the release! Can’t wait to read these!!

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