
Spotlight Feature: Being Ariana & Being Bound by Cristal Ryder

Being Ariana & Being Bound

Being Ariana


Is it better to get lost in your fantasy, or be found in another’s?

Ellie Taylor lives her erotic dreams by masquerading herself as Ariana and visiting the Black Phantom. In this club where anything goes, she plans to perform onstage before an audience, building her sexual excitement to a fever pitch before selecting her man. But Ariana is sidetracked by a tall, blond masked maitre-d. He captivates her and all thoughts of performing are forgotten. He’s every bit as domineering as Ariana and pushes her to her sexual limit. Their true identities concealed, they set out to use each other for pleasure–no risk of entanglement or commitment…but that may prove easier said than done.

WARNING: Explicit sex/language, domination, bondage and kink


Ariana was coming out to play.

A little over a week ago through underground channels, word reached Ellie Taylor that the Black Phantom’s Lost in Fantasy Affair was tonight. Ellie knew she would be drawn out for some naughty fun masquerading herself as Ariana, her bolder alter ego.

For a week Ellie, a highly paid and respected Senior Vice President of Beauty for an international department store chain, moved through her day job in a high state of erotic anticipation.

She felt like a child waiting for Christmas morning. The time seemed to crawl by and focusing on her tasks became a chore, but being a professional, she survived the wait on a knife edge of arousal. Her daytime persona paid the bills. A life which satisfied her for the most part and gave her a normalcy she craved. But no matter how hard Ellie tried to keep Ariana at bay, her mysterious night side craved to come out and play.

Thinking about what she might do as Ariana this evening at the Affair made her breath hitch a little more rapidly and her heart tango in her chest.

Finally, tonight is here.

Ellie sat before the mirror with an array of powders, blushes, lipsticks and brushes and Ariana slowly emerged under Ellie’s creative fingers. Ellie took a moment to sit back and gaze at her masterpiece. She watched her lips as they rested against the edge of the crystal goblet and sipped the delicious red wine. Creating the right mood for Ariana’s materialization was critical, and the ruby liquid along with the scented candles and dimmed lighting in her dressing room accomplished an ambience fitting for Ariana’s arrival.

Ellie’s distinctive sea-green eyes couldn’t be camouflaged but she could alter them with black eyeliner, smudged kohl and thick eyelashes, creating a complete shock against her almost translucent skin. The eyes were important to her and needed to be just right. She pressed her baby finger to the outside corner and rubbed lightly, blending out the shade.

Of course, the makeup she used came from the best companies. She laughed out loud. If only they knew the expensive products showered on her were used to completely change her appearance.

Ellie outlined her shell pink lips and stained them with chili-pepper red, a stark contrast adding to her disguise along with the black tinted blush she swept across her cheekbones. Now as Ariana, she raised her chin and turned her head from one side to the other, critically assessing herself. One last touch and she was done. Ariana smoothed a few stray hairs on the deep auburn hairpiece before securing it in place. It was cut in a bob that ended just below her chin. With her blond hair wound up under the wig, Ellie transformed into sultry, mysterious Ariana. No one would ever guess Ariana was Ellie, and that’s how she wanted it.

Taking the goblet of wine between her fingers, she rose and padded naked to the walk-in closet. It was extraordinarily neat and bigger than most bedrooms. A true perk to the position she held in the real world.

No longer Ellie, Ariana now stood before a three-way mirror, and how she loved it. She could view her body from all angles. She sipped the wine and turned slowly, looking at every inch of her skin over the rim of the glass. As a teenager she’d hated her body, but as she matured she realized the power it held and learned to love who she was. She became expert at artfully draping clothes to accentuate her voluptuous shape, incredible legs and an ass even Jay-lo would envy.

Ariana viewed her latest tattoo, set in the graceful curve of her waist, just above her hip and slightly to the back. The artist had expressed surprise when she’d asked for a wren. But once she’d showed him the image she wanted, he didn’t ask any more questions and had set about recreating the small and delicate bird on her flawless skin.

She longed to touch herself, and it took all her determination not to. Her stiff nipples and the firm skin along her belly to the springy neatly trimmed curls between her legs beckoned her fingertips, to caress and stroke. She ached with need but restrained herself, clutching the wine glass a little tighter. Ariana knew if she gave in and her fingers reached the juncture of her thighs, she wouldn’t be able to stop. And pleasuring herself would detract from later. So she let the anticipation of touch satisfy her for now. She must wait, and licked her lips with expectation. It was time to cover up and dress for the Black Phantom.



~Being Bound~

Lyrical’s readers choice for 2012

Sometimes reality is so much better than fantasy.

A man used to getting what he wants, Tom Rourke doesn’t take being discarded lightly. Smarting from rejection, Rourke decides the complication of women is distracting him from his goal. He refocuses his energy into ownership of the Black Phantom, where he meets Heather Canyon.

Drawn into her erotic web, he can’t get her out of his mind. But can he trust her? The only way to know is to experience her first hand.

Dominatrix Heather Canyon is looking for a new beginning, and a safe place where she can let her talents shine. Rourke’s proposition is the perfect opportunity. She must test him to ensure they are the right fit for each other and challenges him at every turn. She isn’t looking for a partner, but has she found her match with Rourke?

WARNING: Light BDSM, kink, explicit sex.


Their gaze met and he smiled, showing his white, even teeth. He was a handsome man. There was no doubt about that.

“Heather.” He reached his hand out and she waited for the jolt of desire when their palms met. She wasn’t disappointed.


His gaze boldly slipped from her face and took in her appearance. She stepped back and opened her coat for him so he could see what she wore. Heather slipped it off and held it out without moving her gaze from Rourke.

“Viktor.” She didn’t say anything more, simply his name as a test to see how responsive he was.

He scurried over and grabbed the supple leather as she dropped it, making sure it didn’t hit the floor, then disappeared behind the curtains of the stage.

No look of surprise crossed his face once her full costume was revealed to him and her small sense of disappointment intrigued her. She had expected a reaction and wanted it. But didn’t receive one. Her eyes narrowed ever so slightly and she watched his features. She knew she look perfect and sensed he was trying to remain unaffected.

“So then, shall we continue our discussion?” Heather turned and looked out from the stage. She moved to the edge and stood with her legs wide and hands resting on her hips.

“What more is there to discuss?” He was behind her and she felt his heat. It raised her body temperature and a sweet fullness began to settle between her thighs. Heather couldn’t deny she was highly attracted to Rourke. But for now, she would enjoy the edge it gave her and not fall prey to his seduction. His breath fluttered her long hair.

“Boundaries, rules, trust, salary.”

He chuckled and the deep rumble from his chest slipped around her like a thunderclap.

She turned to face him and before he could reply she continued. “You find that funny?” His smiled stayed, but an eyebrow shot up. “I can tell this is all new to you,” she said with a dismissive wave, the black leather arm sheath shining in the dimming light, “it is quite serious business not to be taken lightly.”

He stepped back from her and crossed his arms over his powerful chest, still not saying anything.

Heather continued in an even and firm tone, “I know of your club and didn’t come without, quite possibly, better knowledge than you.”

He shook his head, “I doubt tha—”

Heather put her hand up and he halted mid sentence. “I have certain expectations, as I’m sure you do.” She walked to the far side of the stage. She felt the weight of his gaze on her and almost smelled his desire. “I’d like to see the back rooms.” She swung her gaze back to him. His face showed his surprise. Did he really think I wouldn’t know? She could tell he was thrown off balance. She accomplished the most important feat in less than ten minutes. He had to feel her power and control and accept it. When he didn’t say a word and led her backstage, he had made it evident her power radiated over him.

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