
Interview & Giveaway with Donna Grant

Books-n-Kisses is very pleased to welcome back the Wonderful Donna Grant.  I am honored to have been asked to be part of Donna’s blog tour for the re-release of her ebook Shadow Magic (bk#1 Sister of Magic Trilogy).

Donna Grant has been praised for her “totally addictive” and “unique and sensual” stories.  She’s the author of more than twenty novels spanning multiple genres of romance—Scottish Medieval, dark fantasy, time travel, paranormal, and erotic.  Her latest acclaimed series, Dark Sword, features a thrilling combination of Druids, primeval gods, and immortal Highlanders who are dark, dangerous, and irresistible. She lives with her husband, two children, a dog, and three cats in Texas.  To learn more about Donna and her books, please visit
Books-n-Kisses:  Hi Donna, Welcome back. We learned so much about you and your Dark Swords series last time you were here I am excited to learn more about your Sister of Magic Trilogy re-release.
Donna: Thanks so much, Kelly.  I’m so happy to be back here and to talk about a backlist series that I get to release again. J

Q1) How does it feel to be re-releasing the Sisters of Magic Trilogy?
Donna: Really great, actually.  I loved the first covers, but these new ones seems to really capture the trilogy, and I’ve gone back in and added a bit more to the books as well as changing a few slight things that always bothered me about the books.

Q2) Tell us about Shadow Magic, book #1 in the Sisters of Magic Trilogy (re-release Nov 1, 2011)

Donna: SHADOW MAGIC shows us our first witch – Serena.  She’s part of a dying race of witches that were cursed by one of their own to never hold the love of a man.  Part of what the witches can do is look into someone’s future and see paths they can take.  Serena, however, only ever sees people’s deaths.  And she’s seen her friend’s death.  She knows there’s only one way for her to save them, and that’s with the help of Drogan of Wolfglynn.
Drogan is a battle-hardened knight who was in the king’s service for years tracking down – and eliminating – traitors to the crown. But what began as a position to be coveted turned into one that brought Drogan and his two companions face to face with Hell because of their deeds.
Serena is able to convince Drogan they need to help their mutual friends, and though Serena tries to guard her heart, passion – and love – won’t be denied.

Q3) I see that Echoes of Magic, book #2 of the Sisters of Magic Trilogy will be re-released on Nov 29, 2011.   Can you share with us a little about the second book?

Donna: Sure!
This book is about Adrianna, another witch, who has already felt the cruel touch of her race’s touch.  Not only did her man leave her, but the child she was left with died as well.  She’s prepared to spend the rest of her lonely life with the gypsies.  Until she finds a half-dead man in the forest, a man she’s compelled to help.
Grayson has been hiding from evil his entire life. After helping Drogan and Serena, he decides its time he face his past and discover what happened to his mother. Only, he never expects to fall prey to the evil so soon.  Or to be saved by a witch. Yet, the more he’s around Adrianna, the more he realizes just how dangerous it is for her to be with him.  Because he evil has marked Grayson, and it won’t be denied.

Q4) And Wow!!!  Dangerous Magic book #3 in the Sisters is scheduled for re-release on Dec 27, 2011. Can you tell us more about the third book?

Donna: DANGEROUS MAGIC is my favorite out of the three.  Maybe its because it features a hero who is so sunk into the darkness there doesn’t seem to be a way out for him. 
This book features Francesca, a witch who knows her destiny is tied to those at Wolfglynn.  She is prepared to offer whatever it takes to aid her friends, but when she gets her first look at Cade, she isn’t prepared for the immediate attraction.
Cade has watched and helped defeat the evil plaguing them, but he’s the one the evil is truly bent on killing. There’s no way Cade can defeat something that isn’t wholly human, and with the darkness riding him so hard, he doesn’t know how much longer he can hold onto the last threads of his humanity.
Until Francesca. She pushes back the darkness, and though Cade knows its wrong to be near her and bring such evil to her, he cannot deny the overwhelming hunger for her touch.

Q5) I love that you are re-releasing them all in such a short period of time.  What was the hardest part about re-releasing these books?
Donna: Reading back over them and wincing at what I found.  Lol.  My writing has changed so much in the years since they were first released.  I’m so thankful I’ve had time to read over them again and make the changes I feel they need. 

Q6) How do you feel your writing has grown since the original release of the Sisters of Magic Trilogy?
Donna: I think I go much deeper into the characters than I ever did.  I also feel as if my writing is sexier, the tension tighter than it used to be. 

Q7) Will we ever see these characters in future books now that you have revisited them?
Donna: I don’t know.  I don’t want to say never, because I don’t know what stories or characters will visit me in the future.:)

Q8) What is up next for Donna Grant?

Donna: Oh, so much.  lol.
I’ve got releases every month for 2012.  Beginning January 31, 2012, the next Dark Sword book is out in stores – DARKEST HIGHLANDER. 
Then in February I’ll begin to re-release the first 3 Shield series books.
May 22, 2012 is the first in the Dark Warriors series (spin off from Dark Sword) – MIDNIGHT’S MASTER.
June 26, 2012 is the second Dark Warriors book – MIDNIGHT’S LOVER
Then in July – August will be the final two Shield books.
Besides two more Dark Warriors books to be released in November and December, MIDNIGHT’S SEDUCTION and MIDNIGHT’S WARRIOR, I’ll also be re-releasing my Royal Chronicles series.  I haven’t firmed dates yet.
However, my big year is in 2013 where I’ll be releasing 7 – SEVEN – Dark Warriors books, all back to back from June – December.  Two fulls, three novellas, then another two fulls. J

Books-n-Kisses:  HOLY COW you are a busy girl… But all the better for your fans.

Q9) Looking at your fun facts, I see that your favorite movie is the Lord of the Rings Trilogy.  What are you feelings on them making the Hobbit?
Donna: I’m both anxious and nervous about it.  I will seem really weird to watch it without seeing Aragorn. :S  But I love the world, and I can’t wait for them to take me back to it.  I’m so thrilled they’re making two movies out of it instead of trying to fit it all in one.

Books-n-Kisses:  Donna, as always thank you so much for stopping by the blog.  I have enjoyed having you visit again and I am looking forward to your re-release of the Sisters of Magic Trilogy.
Donna: Thanks so much for having me again, Kelly.  I hope I see you and others on Facebook, Twitter, my blog, or even my forum. 😉 
May the magic always find you!

Now for the giveaway.  I have one e-copy of Dragonfyre:

She’s the only one who can pull him from the darkness…
As Commander of the Fae army, Aimery is used to tracking evil and putting an end to it. When one of the rare and treasured blue dragons is killed and an egg stolen, Aimery is ordered to find the murderer. He never expects it to be one of his closest friends…
Kyndra is a priestess of the Dragon Order sworn to protect all dragons in the Realm of the Fae. She is sent by the high priestess to accompany Aimery and return the killer for execution. Aimery is instantly drawn to the sword-wielding priestess, but he knows he cannot have Kyndra. Her life is sworn to the dragons, to be touched by no man. Neither expects to find desire and unyielding passion in the other. Yet when they track the killer to another realm, Aimery’s life is at stake and Kyndra gives herself to him and the love she cannot deny in order to save him…
Read Excerpt HERE
To Enter Please fill out the Rafflecopter form below.

37 Responses to Interview & Giveaway with Donna Grant

  1. Caridad Pineiro November 4, 2011 at 6:03 am #

    Congratulations on all the new releases! Love all the covers and Shadow Magic sounds like yet another awesome book from you.

  2. WK November 4, 2011 at 6:34 am #

    Congrats Donna!!! It's awesome you have so many great releases!!! I'm sure they are all awesome, I don't think you could write something I wouldn't love.:)

    A question I asked Lisa last night:
    What's the weirdest piece of writing advice you've gotten that actually works?


  3. Chrisbails November 4, 2011 at 6:46 am #

    I have not had the opportunity to read any of Donna's books. She is a new author to me, but have great things about her books. Would love to win and read this book, so please choose me for the giveaway. Thanks for the chance to win.

  4. AprilR November 4, 2011 at 7:04 am #

    Congrats Donna on all your upcoming releases. You ARE a busy women and an awesome writer. What an awesome interivew. I have loved all your books. SISTERS
    OF MAGIC trilogy sounds awesome, can't wait to read them. Thanks,Kelly for having Donna here today.

  5. Donna Grant November 4, 2011 at 7:10 am #

    Caridad – thank you, sweetie!

    Wendy – you are soooo sweet. Thank you. 😉 Hmm…as for the question, I don't know. That's a good one. I'm going to have to think on that.

    Chrisbails – Thanks for dropping by. 🙂

    April – ::smooches:: Thanks, doll!

  6. Ronda (Queentutt's World of Escapism) November 4, 2011 at 7:21 am #

    Wow all your books look so awesome, I havent read any of your work but have seen the titles poping up everywhere. I have added them to my to buy pile, they look absolutely delicious.

    Congrats on your re-releases and your new releases.

    Have a wonderful day,
    Ronda Tutt

  7. Joanne November 4, 2011 at 7:55 am #

    i have not read any of Donna's books yet, but they are going to the top of my TBB pile.
    Congrats Donna.

  8. Leagh November 4, 2011 at 8:04 am #

    Don't enter me for the contest, just wanted to stop by and say "HI"

    I also wanted to say that I love the covers for the sisters of magic and Darkest Highlander. They are so pretty and sexy. I am stoked for all our releases coming up. It is gonna be a busy couple of years for and and your fans. I am gonna have to start reading faster if I am gonna keep up, lol


  9. Leagh November 4, 2011 at 8:06 am #

    Ya know I wish I could edit a comment after I have submitted it. I always make mistakes and don't see them right away!

    "your" releases coming up (not our) LOL

  10. Victoria November 4, 2011 at 9:28 am #

    Congratulations! I can't wait to read DRAGONFYRE. Thank you.


  11. books4me November 4, 2011 at 10:14 am #

    Congrats on all the recent releases and the ones next year, Donna!! I haven't read any of Donna's books but am dying to!!

    books4me67 at

  12. Donna Grant November 4, 2011 at 10:48 am #

    Ronda – thanks so much!

    Joanne – Yay! 😉

    Leagh – aw! Thank you.

    Victoria – Thanks!

    books4me – thank you!

  13. annmarie November 4, 2011 at 11:20 am #

    So many great DG books, so little time! I have seriously fallen in love with your Dark Sword series.

    You are an amazing writer who has created varied characters with a story arch that is captivating.

    I look forward to discovering the other worlds you have created.


  14. Natasha November 4, 2011 at 11:22 am #

    Wow congrats Donna! 2012 and 2013 are going to be so busy for you!! I'm a LOTR fan too!!

  15. BiteMeAsh November 4, 2011 at 11:24 am #

    Congratulations Donna!!!
    I'm loving the Dark Sword series ;o)

    Always a pleasure reading your books

    Rita from South Africa

  16. Supru November 4, 2011 at 12:21 pm #

    I'll begin the Dark Sword series this weekend, so I'm excited to lean about other series 🙂

    Thank you for sharing!

  17. Michelle H. November 4, 2011 at 3:12 pm #

    I recently learned of Donna Grant and started reading her Dark Sword (highlander)series. I devoured Dangerous Highlander, Forbidden Highlander & Wicked Highlander in one weekend! Great books! I have books 4 & 5 on my TBR list.

    Happy to hear about the re-release of the Sister of Magic Trilogy. I'd love to read them!

    Thanks for all of the info on upcoming releases…I'm "penciling" in the info on my calendar!

  18. Donna Grant November 4, 2011 at 4:00 pm #

    AnnMarie – awww! Thank you. 🙂

    Natasha – lol. Yes, very busy, and it starts now. 🙂

    Rita – hey! Thx for stopping by, sweetie!

    Supru – Oh, I hope you enjoy my hunky Highlanders. 😉

    Michelle – 😀 Yay! I'm so glad you enjoyed the books. Who is your favorite Warrior?

  19. Anne R November 4, 2011 at 4:12 pm #

    Great interview, congrats on the re-release of your books. I have one of Donna's books-the untamed Highlander. I have not read it yet but I will be soon.
    I have a question, with the Dark Swords series, is it best to read in order or can I tackle the one I have then go backwards?

    Thanks for the giveaway!

  20. RachaelM November 4, 2011 at 6:11 pm #

    Donna is a new author to me but the books look great. I love the covers. I especially loved the description of Dragonfyre. I love anything Dragons. Thanks for the chance to get to learn about a new author and add some books to my wish list.


  21. katsrus November 4, 2011 at 7:06 pm #

    Hi Donna. Love your books. My favorite is Mutual Desire cause it's the first book I read of yours.
    Sue B

  22. Donna Grant November 4, 2011 at 8:18 pm #

    Anne – Thank you. Yes, I'd suggest reading the Dark Sword series in order. They're written to stand alone, but each book is part of a bigger story arch. 🙂

    Rachael – Nice to meet you. 😀

    Katsrus/Sue – Thank you! 🙂

  23. Robin November 4, 2011 at 9:12 pm #

    Your books look fantastic!

    Robin D
    robindpdx (at) yahoo (dot) com

  24. Barbara E. November 4, 2011 at 10:04 pm #

    I've read some of the Dark Sword books and my favorite is Dangerous Highlander.

  25. ilona November 5, 2011 at 9:11 am #

    I haven't read any of Donna's books yet – the appropriate word being 'yet' 😀

  26. msmjb65 November 5, 2011 at 9:36 am #

    Congrats on the book(s)! I've seen your name and books hut I haven't read any of your work, yet. That will be changing. first – I love the book covers. Gorgeous. I also am intrigued by the storylunes and worlds you've created in both series. What sold me? Demons, witches, swords and
    magic. this reader just needs a hot, alpha male – any species will do; I'm not that picky! – paired with these elements …and I'm good!
    thanks for the giveaway, too!
    msmjb AT gmail DOT comt

  27. wanda f November 5, 2011 at 1:25 pm #

    I love Donnas books if I had to pick a favorite I think its Wicked Highlander.I couldnt put it down loved them all though.

  28. Laura H. November 5, 2011 at 8:20 pm #

    Thanks for the giveaway! No, I have not read any of this author's books yet but all of her Highlander books are on my TBR list.

  29. Amanda W. November 6, 2011 at 9:39 am #

    Love that you chose to rewrite to make your books better! I have discovered authors well into their career before and fell in love with their writing style only to go back and find some their earlier books don't measure up to the skills they have now. Would love to see more authors do this with some of their earlier works!

  30. jnewberry November 6, 2011 at 12:57 pm #

    OMG, Lurvvve these covers, I have never read any of Donna's books, I will be be putting her on my TBR list, I usually buy series as a full collection so I don't have to wait for the next one, nothing worse than sitting on your hands for the release of the next in the series, but as Donna has so many coming out next year, it may be worth starting to read them now, lol,

    Thank-you for the great give-away x x


  31. xander_316 November 6, 2011 at 5:43 pm #

    thanking you for making the contest international – I love all of Donna's books 🙂

  32. Michelle H. November 6, 2011 at 5:48 pm #

    Donna Grant asked which warrior was my favorite~I don't know how to answer a question within the post it was asked, so I'll just add a new comment.
    Wicked Highlander is my favorite book~and Quinn is (hands down!) my favorite warrior! I was drawn to him from the very first book.

  33. Megan@Riverina Romantics November 6, 2011 at 11:18 pm #

    I had no idea that there are so many awesome upcoming releases. Wow! Congrats Donna!

    rootml1 AT hotmail DOT com

  34. Vanessa N. November 7, 2011 at 8:05 am #

    I love stories with dragons and fae so this book sounds awesome. Thanks for the chance.

  35. Linda November 7, 2011 at 11:39 pm #

    Congrats Donna on all the new & upcoming releases. You've just made all your fans very happy. I think it's unanimous that the book covers are glorious!

    Love all things Dragon; I'd so love to win a copy of Dragonfyre.

  36. The Brunette Librarian November 9, 2011 at 12:25 pm #

    Congratulations Donna on your new release!! We have vampires and werewolves…but I'm really likin' me some dragons 🙂

    rachie2004 AT yah00 *d8t* c0m

  37. Proserpine November 10, 2011 at 9:50 am #

    I really love the Highlander series: I just Bought the 3rd book with Quinn's story Mmmm! 🙂 I would love to read Dragonfyre Too! Thanks!


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