
Interview with Young Adult Author Charlotte Blackwell

Hi Charlotte, Welcome to For the Love Books Blog.  I am excited to say you are my first young adult author I have had on my blog.  Thank you for taking time out of your very busy schedule to sit down and answer some questions.
Charlotte Blackwell: Thank you so much for having me. I am very excited for this opportunity to introduce myself to your followers and share a little with all of you.
For the Love of Books: Please tell us a little about yourself.
CB: Well I am a stay at home mother of three and been married to the love of my life for six years now. I home school my eldest daughter and began to write in my free time. I believe I finally found something I love to do and in turn found myself through my writing.  
FLB: I love the story you told of the day you were born.  You dad must have been very stressed out. 
CB: There hasn’t been many times I saw my father stress out and knowing him I assume that he was better off being at the race track with my siblings. If he were at the hospital I think my mom would have got security to remove him for being so manic. So driving stock cars the day I was born was a good thing for everyone sanity.
FLB: Tell us about your 1st book Immortal Embrace in your Embrace Series. Immortal Embrace has a release date of July 1st (will add cover pix when posting)
CB: This is Sophia’s story, a story of a girl who finds herself, love and everlasting friendship. The excitement of this story wraps mortals, vampires, witches, and shape shifters all into a romantic tale of young love, friendship, the meaning of family. The story of a girl who tries to finds herself when she thought it was all lost.
This book really sets the stage for the rest of the series. Readers get to meet the characters, get to know them and even fall in love with a few of them.
FLB:  Book 2 in your series is Forbidden Embrace (will add cover pix when posting) is scheduled for release on September 1st.  Please tell us what we can look forward too
CB: I don’t want to give away too much, but book two has a lot more action than the first book, along with some pretty big discoveries for the characters. Readers get to cheer on the characters they have grown attached too and even get to know some secondary characters a little better.
FLB: Book 3 is Mystic Embrace (will add cover when posting) is scheduled for release on November 1st.  Tell us about Mystic Embrace.
CB: Book three takes us to a different point of view. In Mystic Embrace the reader gets to see life through Ebony’s eyes (one of the witches). Things really get turned upside down for her and the rest of the characters. The reader will join the Embrace characters as they graduate high school and move on to the next phase of their lives, or at least we hope.
FLB: How does it feel to have three books released so close together?
CB: It’s pretty exciting. I know I hate having to wait for the next book in a series. I like reading them back to back, this will give my readers a chance to really get into the story right away.
FLB: Are we going to see more books in the Embrace Series?
CB: I hope to share many more books in this series. I have a very big story building and I think it will be great to not only follow the characters through high school, but life as well.
FLB: If yes, can you tell us what is next?
CB: I don’t want to give away too much, but Mystic Embrace (book 3) the characters go through some pretty big life changing events. The fourth book in the series will show us where those events have lead them. I also want to do a book giving the antagonists a voice and sharing their story too. Then I have a Book of Shadows planned, this will be a companion book. Just like the ones the witches (Ebony and Eliza) have. The reader will get a break down on the characters some we have met and some we have not. It will also include the spells and potions the witches use. This one might take some time though it is very detailed.
FLB: Have you always wanted to be an author?
CB: I never even thought it was a possibility. I am the type to write everything down, but never went any further than that. I actually despised reading up to a few years ago when my daughter introduced me to some of her books. Now I always have a book or my e-reader in hand. I can’t believe all I missed by not reading and finding my calling sooner.
FLB: Do you plan to keep writing young adult books or do you plan to jump to adult books?
CB:I am slowly working on an adult romance and also have plans for a historical/sci-fi and a science fiction. I’m still not sure if the last two will be adult or YA. YA is defiantly where my passion lays, so I am leaning towards that. I also had a short horror that was published under a pen name that was very adult. It is no longer available for purchase and I only wrote it to expand on my skills.
FLB: What do you have in your to be read pile that you can’t wait to jump into?
CB: Where do I begin? There’s so many in my TBR pile right now. The Aaron’s Kiss series by Kathi S. Barton, Vampire Academy by Richelle Mead (No I haven’t read them yet…LOL), Darkness Rising series and the Otherworld series by Kelley Armstrong, Deal with the Devil (part one) by J. Gunnar Grey and Salem Moon by Scarlet Black. I am so far behind on my reading right now and need to take a month off to read a little…or a lot.
FLB:  Is there anything else that you would like to share?
CB: I feel like one of the luckiest women in the world. I have found what I love to do and am so happy to have the chance to share it with others. I still find it hard to believe that people want to read my books and hope that they enjoy them and want to continue to read them. Thank you to all the readers out there that have given me this chance.
FLB: Thank you Charlotte for stopping by my blog and talk to me about your new series.  I really enjoyed your first book and am looking forward to reading the next two.
CB: Thank you so much for having me here. I can’t wait to read your review and would love the chance to discuss my books with you again or even on a more personal level.

Want to learn more about Charlotte or her books please find her here: 

2 Responses to Interview with Young Adult Author Charlotte Blackwell

  1. Natasha House July 21, 2011 at 2:04 pm #

    Such an awesome interview, I loved it!! I love sci-fi I'll definitely have to keep my eye out for that!

  2. Charlotte July 21, 2011 at 7:53 pm #

    Thanks for having me for this wonderful interview, I had so much fun. Also thanks Natasha, the sci-fi is going to be very interesting I just hope to find some time to work on it.

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