
Interview with Heather Powell

Can you please share with us a little about yourself

Thanks so much for having me today! I absolutely love interviews. It’s the only way I can truly enjoy talking about myself.

First and foremost, I’m the mother of three little girls (8, 6, and 3) and a wife to my hubby for over ten. I’m a crazy obsessive reader of all things YA books, a lover of romantic comedies, and a huge, huge fan of chocolate banana shakes. I’m extremely shy, preferring to stay hidden in a crowd, so that means I’m definitely more of an introvert, but with the ability to put my real thoughts on life, down on paper. J

Have you always wanted to be an author?

Not really … I think for a while I wanted to write children’s books. But science was my thing, more precisely, the weather. I’m not ashamed to admit that I wanted to be a meteorologist, but the thought of tornados terrified me too much to follow through with that one, LOL.

Can you share with us your typical writing day.  Is there anything you have to have while writing?

My typical writing day? Hmm … I don’t really have a typical writing day, so to speak. I write whenever I can, which is mostly during the three year olds naptime, or when my husband is feeling generous and will take on motherly duties so I can go to Starbucks. But I do try to at least write for a few hours at night, in my bed, on my laptop, with a lot of caffeine next to me too keep me awake!

Most challenging or rewarding part of writing?

The most rewarding part is that moment when I’m reading back over my word count and I shed a tear or two because I realize that I actually did it … I actually completed a book!

The most challenging part? Well, I’ve got a few answers for that one … finding the time, feeling the muse, gaining the will to keep going, when your eyes are shutting at two in the morning in front of your computer screen, and the hardest part is finding balance; balance with my family and my characters.

Can you please tell us about your latest book(s)?

Resisting Fate is the first novel in my Young Adult, Paranormal Romance series about a sassy red-headed teenage girl, and her struggle with the crazy supernatural world she’s just discovered.  I’ll post the blurb below …

Eighteen Year old Emmy O’Connell is the epitome of a hot mess right now. The supposed love of her life up and left town to attend some ridiculous boarding school, leaving nothing but a vague email in his wake. Her step douche is constantly drunk and badgering her too, and her mother? Well, she’s a just a miserable shell of a woman, and Emmy, along with her four year old brother, are suffering because the lady just can’t seem to get her life straight. And then the elusive Jack Hartman saunters into town. That’s when things go from downright awful … to just plain disastrous.  The jerk cousin of her boyfriend becomes Emmy’s worst nightmare, times ten. He’s cruel and insensitive, but then there’s that strange ability he has over her; the one where he can make Emmy weak in the knees with the single touch of his hand. But no matter how miserable or amazing Jack makes her feel, Emmy can’t seem to deny him, especially when he takes on the role of her protector, otherwise known as her sudo knight in shining armor, riding in on his black Harley.  But then the impossible happens, rearing its head in the shape of a hairy wolf shifter. And the stubborn, unassuming Emmy is thrown head first into the center of it all. Will Emmy be able to handle the supernatural mess that is now considered her life? Or in the end, will she fight against the inevitable fate that her heart keeps insisting she grabs a hold of?

How did you come with the idea for this story?

I love to tell this story because truthfully, I can’t take all the credit. I was telling my six year old that I wanted to write a story about teenagers. So she said that I should add animals into the book, and I asked her what kind, expecting her response to be puppies of kittens. Instead, she responded with “wolves of course, Mommy, jeeze!” Then she said “The girl’s name should be Emmy and her boyfriend’s name can be Jack,” hence the birth of Resisting Fate. The funny part is my daughter’s name is actually Emma, and Emmy is her nickname. J

Can you share with us your current work in progress?

Currently I am working on book two in my series, called Seizing Fate. I’ve also got another YA paranormal I’m working on occasionally about falling in love with two brothers, but one just so happens to be a ghost who she can’t touch, but will die just to try.

Who are some of your favorite authors?

My favorite authors are Jennifer L. Armentrout, and Kelly Gendron.

Do you feel that any of your favorite authors have inspired your writing style?

Not the style so to speak; more like given me the inspiration to actually write! Shortly after I began my very first novel, I went to the RT book convention in Chicago, and met Jennifer there. I had a seriously, giddy fan moment and went home refreshed and ready to go to work on my WIP because (and yeah this sounds cheesy) I had officially met my idol.

What is in your To Read Pile that you are dying to start or upcoming release you can’t wait for?

Well I do book reviews for a website, so I don’t get a whole lot of time to read a lot on my own personal TBR pile … but I am looking for to a few things. Walking Disaster by Jamie McGuire comes out in April I believe, and I’m really looking forward to any and all sequels from Jennifer as well.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

Just wanted to add a big, big thanks to you for hosting me today! And also, I wanted to say thank you to all of my friends and family out there who have supported me along the way! I couldn’t have done this without any and all of you!!

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