
Writer’s Tips & Tricks Day 7 part b: The crazy, mixed-up tale of how my first book came to be – also known as, WTF? I’m getting published by Robyn Peterman


The crazy, mixed-up tale of how my first book came to be – also

known as, WTF?  I’m getting published.

I’ve been asked how I got published. The answer is simple…I lied. That’s right, I lied.
I wouldn’t recommend it, although it worked for me. It certainly could have blown up in my face, but wether it was sheer will and determination or dumb luck, I’ll never know. Here’s how it went…
I pitched a very unfinished novel (as if it were done) to major NY publishers and agents at a writers conference in Chicago. I was shocked, delighted and appalled that everyone I pitched to asked for a full manuscript. After a brief and hopefully unnoticeable panic attack, I very logically explained to them that I needed to get the book professionally edited (real meaning—write it) and would have it to them in three weeks. What the hell did I have to lose? My sanity had been gone for years.
Having been an actor for umpteen decades came in handy. Clearly, pretending to smell delicious imaginary aromas in commercial auditions and becoming one with my inner lawn gnome in acting class, made my fear of telling ginormous lies nonexistent.
The next part of the story goes like this…I went home and wrote it. I didn’t sleep for three weeks, my family ate a lot of peanut butter and jelly and no one in the house had any clean underpants. I loved every minute of it. I ended up with several offers and went with a three book deal with Kensington Publishing.
That’s my crazy story, but the real answer to getting published is to write. Just write. Everyday. Every writer I’ve had the good fortune to know says the same thing. Oh, and read…tons.
Writing groups are a great idea too. I was such a nervous wreck about going to my first meeting with real writers that when I couldn’t find a parking space, I turned around and drove home.
Thankfully, I grew some bigger testicles and went to their next meeting. I met some of the neatest and most generous women. My unpublished status at the time and huge pile of rejection letters were greeted with similar stories that made me gasp, laugh and cringe. I learned to embrace my rejections, look at my writing with a more critical eye and grow thicker skin. In this group of amazing women, I found critique partners, cheerleaders and friends.
It’s empowering to be with others who share your passion, no matter where you are in your career. I highly recommend it.
I do believe writing the book of your heart is important, but knowing what’s marketable is not stupid. You may feel a passion for magical unicorns who poop rainbows and save the world, but you might not find many takers…Educate yourself about what sells. That being said, I was told that paranormal was dead. Did I listen? No. I am doing really well with paranormal. However, I didn’t choose magical pooping unicorns. I wrote what I love to read.

Oh, and I lied.
The publishing industry has changed and continues to change. With digital reading devices now in the game, viable options for writers are endless. I have extremely talented friends who publish traditionally through NY and equally as talented friends who are publishing independently. Many writers are doing both, very successfully. I am considered a hybrid. I publish through NY and I publish independently. I am very happy doing this and am headed at this point towards indie only.
The bottom line is that you have to write a good book and then another and then another…Never give up. It’s a wonderful thing to have a job where you can work in your underpants.
Writing may seem like a solitary sport, but it’s not. A critique partner, other writing friends, spell check, Coke® with extra ice in a styrofoam cup, awesome covers and great editors are just a few of the things I think every writer needs.
So that’s my story. I’m not sure how good the lesson is, but the ending is happy. I love happy endings.


Let’s take a look at Robyn’s upcoming release

Hell on Heels

Hot Damned #3


Release date: September 15, 2014 Preorder here: Amazon

Where does a Demon go when she gets deported from Hell?

Kentucky. Eden, Kentucky to be more specific—where nothing is exactly as it seems.

My name is Dixie. I’m a Demon—a lousy Demon. I’m a twenty-one year old virgin and I have a battery operated boyfriend. My magic is iffy at best and downright dangerous at worst. Leaving Hell to represent my race is not high on my list of things to do.

Hell was exact. Hell was simple. All I want to do is get to home base with the hotter than Hades Demon of my dreams and work on my dark side so Satan, my dad, will get off my ass.

Instead I end up in Kentucky looking for the Balance of Chaos, avoiding pole dancing classes with Mother Nature and finding out my invisible friend is a silver skinned destructive weather pattern.

And if that isn’t craptastic enough, the damn Sword of Death is missing again and who ever has it wants the King of the Underworld dead. Seriously.

With new powers emerging daily, keeping my Demon side, horniness and general disgust under wraps doesn’t make it any easier to fit in with the humans. Thankfully my priorities are in line; get laid…save world…try not to blow up kitchen appliances…and get laid again. I was ready to rumble.
All I want to do is go back to Hell, but with the balance of good and evil in my hands, I’m stuck in the garden of Eden. Oh well, what the Hell. Someone has to save the world before there’s no world left to save. Might as well be me.


6545317A little about Robyn: 

Robyn Peterman writes because the people inside her head won’t leave her alone until she gives them life on paper. Her addictions include laughing really hard with friends, shoes (the expensive kind), Target, Coke Zero Cherry with extra ice in a styrofoam cup, bejeweled reading glasses, her kids, her super-hot hubby and collecting stray animals. A former professional actress, with Broadway, film and T.V. credits, she now lives in the south with her family and too many animals to count. Writing gives her peace and makes her whole, plus having a job where you can work in your underpants works really well for her. You can leave Robyn a message via the Contact Page and she’ll get back to you as soon as her bizarre life permits! She loves to hear from her fans!

Learn more about Robyn and her books here: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads


Make sure to check out all of the other stops on this month long tour HERE and enter the grand prize giveaway.

All winner’s will be picked at the end of the month and announce the 1st week of October. 


a Rafflecopter giveaway

One Response to Writer’s Tips & Tricks Day 7 part b: The crazy, mixed-up tale of how my first book came to be – also known as, WTF? I’m getting published by Robyn Peterman

  1. Denise Z September 26, 2014 at 7:30 pm #

    Happy endings are the best – you rock. Don’t think I could have pulled it off, but I am glad you did. Thank you for sharing with us 🙂

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