
Winter Romance Wednesday! Jennifer reviews The Entity Who Came For Christmas by Cat Devon

Entity who cameTITLE: The Entity Who Came For Christmas
SERIES #: Entity 2.5
CHARACTERS: Simon and Pru
AUTHOR: Cat Devon

BOOK SYNOPSIS: Pru Daniels should know better than to hook up with sexy Simon Howell. He’s a vampire Demon Hunter and a former knight at King Arthur’s roundtable. She’s a witch, a descendant of Morgan Le Fay. Clearly things could get complicated.

When Simon shows up in Vamptown while Pru is visiting a friend and fellow witch, he claims to have come for the holidays to visit fellow Demon Hunter Damon Thornheart. But things soon turn passionate as Pru and Simon join together to battle the forces of evil. The holidays won’t be the only thing ruined if Simon and Pru can’t work things out. Can this vampire Demon Hunter find his heart in time to save his love….and his immortality?

REVIEW: The thing that I love about Cat Devon is the humor that is in her books. Her characters have some of the best one-liners that I’ve seen and The Entity Who Came For Christmas is no exception. Simon Howell, is in town for the holidays to visit his protege Damon and search for the legendary Excalibur. What he didn’t plan on was running into the one woman who melted his rough exterior and placed a curse on sex life.

Pru Daniels thought she was done with Simon Howell when he left her and ultimately breaking her heart. Seeing him again brought back old feelings and she is stuck helping him find the Excalibur while he is town. Together, their sexual chemistry is so hot it melts the snow and they just can’t seem to stay mad at each other for very long.

This was a very sweet novella and perfect for the holiday season. My only problem with it was that I wanted it to be longer so I could learn more about Simon and Pru. I didn’t want their story to end. I also loved catching up with familiar characters and I can’t wait to read her next book, Love Your Entity, which is out later this year.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

4 Hearts

4 Hearts

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