
Guest Blogger: Sherry Soule

“Favorite Character Moments”

Author Sherry Soule, who is celebrating the release of her latest novel, IMMORTAL ECLIPSE provides today’s post. If you like supernatural suspense mingled with a dash of chick-lit and a healthy dose of paranormal romance, then this is the book for you! Sherry is sharing two of her favorite moments from her new novel.

Enjoy the teasers!


Passage 1

Dorian pulls me to my feet and I find myself pressed against the tree. I raise my hands to push him away, but his strong fingers imprison mine above my head. I stare into those hypnotic eyes. My knees tremble. Blood springs from my heart and pounds in my brain. Desire flares in his bold stare, and I’m lost. I can’t move. I can’t think. The world has vanished. Nothing exists outside of this thrilling moment. Dorian leans in close, and a spark of response leaps between us. His fingers tighten on my wrists.

“I should do what’s right”—he inclines his head and places his mouth near my ear—”and leave you alone.”

Oh, I hope he does what’s wrong.

I’m unsure whether to step away or invade his personal space. After a moment’s hesitation, I lean into him and his hold loosens. The heat of his body enters mine, and his vibrant masculine presence overwhelms and robs me of breath. Things like that will do something funny to a girl’s head. They must. Because after swallowing twice, I say huskily, “Oh, Dorian…Dorian…” Kiss me.

Passage 2

Victor Pratt steps even closer, almost invading my space, eyeing the amulet resting between my breasts for a long second, before his gaze lingers on my boobs. His stare is downright creepy. There’s no way Victor thinks I’m a hottie—we can’t be less each other’s type. And the guy makes my skin crawl. But while I might not know how to handle the spooky stuff, I do know how to handle lecherous men.

“Y’know, being stalked isn’t really a big turn-on for most women.”

He doesn’t answer, just stares at my lady lumps.

“My eyes are up here, Victor.” I put a finger under his chin and tilt his head upward.

Victor looks down again and licks his lips.

Ewww! Annoyed, I flick his forehead with my index finger and thumb, making him blink sharply.

He rubs the red spot. “Hey!”

I glare. “Stop it then!”

His expression turns wolfish. “Why? Is it affecting you?”

I cross my arms. “Of course not. You’re being a pig.”

“Am I? So sorry.” He doesn’t even have the decency to act regretful. He has that air about him that says he knows who he is and doesn’t care what anyone else thinks of him. I envy that.


Places you can cyberstalk Sherry Soule:

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Thank you so much for letting me chat up my NA novel with all of you. It’s been an honor to share my favorite moments. If you haven’t seized your copy of IMMORTAL ECLIPSE yet, please do so. I hope everyone enjoyed this post, now go feed your mind and read a book! Preferably mine. 😉


2 Responses to Guest Blogger: Sherry Soule

  1. Maria D. June 26, 2013 at 5:25 pm #

    Thanks for the spotlight on Immortal Eclipse…it sounds really good!

  2. sherry_soule July 25, 2013 at 7:22 pm #

    Thanks for having me as a guest. I hope everyone enjoys this entertaining post, and booklovers are interested in reading my new book, IMMORTAL ECLIPSE!

    Happy Reading,

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