Books-n-Kisses is please to have Jane Ashford on the blog to chat a little about her new book “Once Again a Bride“. Jane, can you please share with us a little about yourself JA: I love words. When I remember Joseph Campbell’s advice “follow your bliss,” I think of language and stories. I’ve pretty much […]

Interview & Giveaway with Jane Ashford

Interview & Giveaway with Joanne Kennedy
Books-n-Kisses is super excited to welcome Joanne Kennedy to the blog today to chat about her new book “Cowboy Tough” Joanna, can you please share with us a little about yourself JK: I’m a transplanted New Englander who fell in love with Wyoming on a childhood vacation. Twenty years ago I fulfilled a dream by […]

Interview & Giveaway with Olivia Cunning
Books-n-Kisses is super excited to have Olivia Cunning on the blog today to talk about her new book Hot Ticket . Olivia, can you please share with us a little about yourself I don’t lead a very interesting life. I think that’s one reason why I write. I was born in the Midwest and my […]

Interview with Tracey Devlyn
Books-n-Kisses is pleased to welcome Tracey Devlyn to the blog today to chat about her newest book Tracey, can you please share with us a little about yourself I’m a small town girl who transplanted to the big city – or at least the suburbs!—several years ago. For the last eight years, I’ve been managing […]

Interview & Giveaway with Grace Burrowes
Books-n-Kisses is pleased to welcome Grace Burrowes to the blog today. Grace, can you please share with us a little about yourself GB: I didn’t start writing novels until I hit my late forties, when the offspring had flown the nest, the legal career was under control, and some unstructured time came my way. I […]

Interview & giveaway with Victoria Roberts
Books-n-Kisses is pleased to welcome Victoria Roberts to the blog for the first time to chat about her newest release X Marks the Scot. Victoria, can you please share with us a little about yourself First, it’s great to be here with you today at Books-n-Kisses to celebrate the release of the second book in […]

Black & White Cover Reveal of While he was Away by Karen Schreck
While He Was Away Walmart-Exclusive Cover Reveal and My Top Tips for Writing Even When the Writing Gets Tough By Karen Schreck My birthday falls in January, just a few days after New Year’s Day. This January, I received an incredible gift from my publisher, Sourcebooks Fire. My young adult novel, While He Was Away, […]

Guest blogger Mia Marlowe (& a giveaway)
Choices that Change Characters First, thanks for having me on Books-n-Kisses, Kelly. Great blog! I thought I’d give your readers a peek behind the writers’ curtain today and share some of the things we think about as we craft our stories. Romance is character-driven fiction, so no matter how clever my premise, no matter how […]

Guest blog & giveaway with Jayne Fresina
Researching the Living Past I’ve always been fascinated with history. Growing up in England, in the historical market town of Huntingdon, I was surrounded by it. Huntingdon was the birthplace of Oliver Cromwell (who became Lord Protector in England after the civil war and execution of Charles I) and it was also once home to […]

Interview & giveaway with Shona Husk
Books-n-Kisses is pleased to welcome Shona Husk to the blog today to talk about For the Love of a Goblin Warrior Shona, can you please share with us a little about yourself? SH: I was an avid reader before I was a writer. I love anything paranormal or otherworldly and I eat more chocolate than […]