
Archive | Lisa Kessler

pirates pleasure

Kimberly reviews Pirate’s Pleasure by Lisa Kessler

TITLE: Pirate’s Pleasure SERIES #: Sentinels Of Savannah #3 CHARACTERS: John & Harmony AUTHOR: Lisa Kessler PUBLICATION DATE: 04/22/19 ORDER LINKS: Amazon | B&N BOOK SYNOPSIS: No one steals from this pirate… John Smyth has survived mutinous pirate crews, wars, and the passage of centuries by keeping his life as he did his ships, organized […]

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Hunters Moon

Kelly reviews Hunter’s Moon by Lisa Kessler

TITLE: Hunter’s Moon SERIES #: Moon #2 CHARACTERS: Aren Sloan & Sasha AUTHOR: Lisa Kessler PUBLICATION DATE: Oct 22, 2013 ORDER LINKS: Amazon | B&N BOOK SYNOPSIS: Sasha’s future was stolen from her the moment she was bitten. Now she’s on the run from the Nero Organization that transformed her from a human detective into […]

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Kelly reviews Moonlight by Lisa Kessler

TITLE: Moonlight SERIES #: Moon #1 CHARACTERS: Adam Sloan & Lana Turpin AUTHOR: Lisa Kessler PUBLICATION DATE: July 15, 2013 ORDER LINKS: Amazon | B&N BOOK SYNOPSIS: Rancher Adam Sloan is more than meets the eye. As the heir to his Pack, the sexy werewolf’s biggest challenge is keeping his kin’s true nature under wraps. […]

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