CAUGHT IN THE ACT The Davenports, Book Two Montlake Romance, Contemporary January 27, 2015 Amazon| B&N | BAM | POWELL Catherine Davenport Carlton needs a break. After dedicating her life to her political-minded family, shocking scandals from the past have shaken her to her core. Summer in the quiet town of Dyersport, Maine, is just what she […]

Spotlight feature of Caught in the Act by Kim Law plus a tour wide giveaway

Kelly reviews Sweet Nothings by Kim Law
TITLE: Sweet Nothings SERIES #: Sugar Springs #2 CHARACTERS: Nick Dalton & Joanie Bigbee AUTHOR: Kim Law PUBLICATION DATE: January 7, 2014 ORDER LINKS: Amazon | B&N BOOK SYNOPSIS: Joanie Bigbee, cupcake baker extraordinaire, likes to keep her options open—and she’s good at it. She’s started and sold some 30 businesses in her postage stamp-sized […]

Interview & Giveaway with Kim Law
*** Sweet Nothings is the December romance pick for the Kindle First program!! That means that Amazon Prime members get to choose one of four editor picks (one month before release date) and get the book for free. Non-Prime members can choose one of the four books and pay only $1.99. This goes for the […]