Christi Barth has taken over the blog today…….. As you grow up, you learn the basic ingredients for Christmas: decorations, presents, family. Kind of assume everyone does it the same way. So imagine my surprise when I went off to college and discovered that all of America didn’t watch the Hollywood Christmas Parade on the […]
Guest Blogger: Christi Barth
Guest Blog & giveaway with Carrie Ann Ryan
Too Much Emotion I remember the first time I sobbed reading a book. I won’t tell you the book, but I remember crying so hard late at night that my mom woke up and had to console me. Yet I loved it. Makes me weird right? I love getting invested in a book so much […]
Impulse by Dannika Dark Blog Tour~~~ Guest blog & giveaway with Dannika Dark
A day in the Life of Dannika Dark 4:30 am: Alarm clock begins to beep. I slam my hand down on it. 4:50 am: Alarm clock begins to beep. Sigh. I submit, and crawl out of bed. 5:00 am: I sit in the dark living room and begin writing or editing. I seem to have […]
Guest Blog & Giveaway with Allison Dobell
My favourite scene: Alice’s Wonderland by Allison Dobell Moments later, the brassy blonde was prowling into her office, her long, long legs shown off to full advantage in a micro leather mini skirt and a fresh spray tan. She was the only woman that Alice knew who could wear high-heeled gladiator sandals with the straps […]
A Typical Writing Day for Author Elisabeth Naughton
A Typical Writing Day for Author Elisabeth Naughton A typical writing day for begins with a mimosa. Fresh cut strawberries on a tray. Breakfast in bed. A masseuse rubbing my feet as I lie there thinking about my book characters. Then, when I finally decide to roll out of bed, I type away all day […]
Guest Blogger: Shona Husk
The Lure of Fallen Angels There are lots of different types of heroes; tortured, alpha, bad boy, warrior (one of my favorites). These can overlap and sometimes a hero won’t fit into a neat little box. Sometimes it’s easy; a Vampire will often be a tortured hero, my goblins ( are warriors (for the most […]
Guest Blogger: SV Richard
I think print books will be to my grandkids what records are to me. Our society is moving more and more toward technology. Newspapers are circulating less and less as people read their news more and more on-line. However, anyone can make their own ebook, so marketing it and separating your book from the many […]
Guest blogger: Shelly Holt
Tasting Fire is a sexy, adventure filled paranormal romance unlike any other. Many thousands of years ago, an infection caused by bacteria that live only in hot springs all over the planet resulted in the merging of human and animal DNA. For self protection they have allowed their very existence to become the substance of […]
Guest blogger & Giveaway with Tigris Eden
What are Episodes? episodesplural of ep·i·sode (Noun) Noun: An event or a group of events occurring as part of a larger sequence; an incident or period considered in isolation. Each of the separate installments into which a serialized story or radio or television program is divided. Well there you have it… The definition of […]
Guest blog & giveaway with Eliza Daly
9-1-1—Help, Someone Killed My Muse! When I first noticed my muse had gone missing, I figured she’d been working hard, she needed a vacation, give her a break. When she hadn’t returned a week later, I wondered if she was delayed somewhere due to bad weather or a flight cancellation, which often happens to me. […]
Guest Blog & Giveaway with Macy Beckett
From Public School to Published Author Hey, everyone! I’m debut author Macy Beckett, and the lovely ladies here at Books-n-Kisses have asked me to share my journey to publication with you. So without further ado, let’s hop into my figurative time machine—watch your step!—and take a trip back to November 2009… I’d resigned from teaching […]
Guest blog & giveaway with Cari Quinn
What rings your bells? First of all, I want to thank Kelly for having me visit today! As an author, I try to keep a balance between the stories I feel compelled to tell and my audience for them. If I wanted to write about pink monkeys who dress up like Elvis, yes, there just […]