Happy Valentine’s Day!

Happy Groundhog Day!

Happy Thanksgiving to all our followers from B-n-K

Thank you Veterans!
Books-n-Kisses.com wishes to thank all veterans for their service and their families for their sacrifices.

Happy Friday The 13th!!!

Goodbye June!
How many books did you read in June? How many books do you hope to read in July?

Have a nice weekend!

We remember…..
To those who take today to remember their loved one who were willing to give the ultimate sacrifice. We Remember!

Have a safe weekend…..

Have a great weekend!!!

Women In History Books: Beautiful Invention A Novel Of Hedy Lamarr
Did you know if not for a movie star we would not have WiFi and GPS now? No? Then you need to read about Hedy Lamarr. Lamarr was a beauty that captured the screen but what captured her heart was inventions. She loved to design and come up with items that she thought would benefit […]

Celebrating Women’s History Month Every Friday In March
Books-n-Kisses will be celebrating Women’s History Month by highlighting a book about some women who made history every Friday.