***** BULLET TO THE HEART Series: No Mercy, Book 1 Publication Date: 10/3/2013 Publisher: Taliesin Publishing She was born to love then taught to kill. She has become everything but is no one. Known only as Bullet she was long ago forced to shed the name her parents gave her. Changed, molded and trained to […]

Spotlight & Tour Wide Giveaway with Lea Griffith

Interview & Tour Wide Giveaway with Michelle Grave
Books-n-Kisses is pleased to welcome first time guest Michelle Graves to the blog today to talk about her book “See How She Runs” Book one in the Chronicles of Izzy. Michelle, can you please share with us a little about yourself: MG: I am married to my very best friend who also happens to be an Army […]

Spotlight Feature of “She Can…..” series by Melinda Leigh
SHE CAN RUN Series: She Can…, Book 1 Publisher: Montlake Romance Publication date: November 28, 2011 Purchase Links: Amazon / B&N One bad decision turned a single mom into a fugitive. Ten months ago, Elizabeth Baker uncovered a dangerous secret about her politician husband—a secret that nearly got her killed. Now she and her children are […]

Interview with Elise Sax
Welcome to Books-n-Kisses Elise, can you please share with us a little about yourself I’m a harried, single mother, living in Southern California with my two sons, and I also write funny, sexy books with a side of murder. Connect with Elise: Website | Facebook | Twitter | Goodreads Have you always wanted to be an […]

Cari Quinn & Taryn Elliot’s Seduced Tour
SEDUCED A PREQUEL to the NA rock star series Lost In Oblivion. Amazon | Barnes & Noble | Kobo | All Romance eBooks Warning: get ready for a testosterone overload. The guys are in the driver’s seat in Seduced – and the ride’s gonna rock. Twenty-three year old Nick Crandall has one focus in his life: Oblivion, the band he formed with […]

Wicked First Excerpt from Katie Rues’ First Surrender
FIRST SURRENDER by Katie Reus He’s dangerous, sexy, and everything she wants. And he’s about to make his claim… Hayden, the dangerously sexy, tattooed ex-SEAL is one of the best friends Sierra has ever had—and the main star in her wildest fantasies. But he doesn’t see her that way. And she’d die of embarrassment if […]

Interview & tour wide giveaway with Lilliana Anderson
Books-n-Kisses is pleased to welcome Lillian Anderson to the blog today. Lillian, can you please share with us a little about yourself Sure, I’m a full time author and mum of four kids, and I started writing officially almost a year ago when I got tired of my mother in law saying she was going […]

Spotlight feature of Lindsey Piper’s The Dragon Kings Series
SILENT WARRIOR The Dragon Kings, Prequel Novella Publication Date: April 23, 2013 Publisher: Pocket Star ISBN: 978-1476713250 Only 99¢! Available at: Amazon | Apple | B&N | Books-a-Million | Google | Kobo Add to your Goodreads Shelf A silent woman ashamed of her criminal background becomes a Cage warrior to seek redemption. An unrepentant fortune hunter will do anything to escape his mounting debts. Although […]

Interview & Tour wide giveaway with Gena Showalter
Books-n-Kisses is excited to have Gena Showalter back on the blog to talk about her newest relesase “Darkest Cravings” book 10 in the Lords of the Underworld series. Gena, can you please share with us a little about yourself I put this question off and put this question off, answering all of the others first […]

Interview with Jess Raven & Paula Black
Books-n-Kisses is pleased to welcome Jess Raven & Paula Black to the blog today to talk about their book Becoming Red. Jess, Paula, can you please share with us a little about yourself I (Paula) was born and raised in Dublin, Ireland, where I live with my wonderfully supportive husband and children. My passions, other […]

Spotlight Series of DB Reynolds Vampires in America
RAPHAEL Vampires In America, Book 1 Amazon | B&N | ImaJinn Books Malibu, California—home to rock-and-roll gods and movie stars, the beautiful, the rich . . . and vampires. Powerful and charismatic, Raphael is a Vampire Lord, one of the few who hold the power of life and death over every vampire in existence. Thousands call him […]

Spotlight feature of Escaping Reality by Lisa Renee Jones
ESCAPING REALITY Lisa Renee Jones’s first New Adult release Book 1 of THE SECRET LIFE OF AMY BENSEN Series Amazon Publication Date: July 22, 2013 Infinite possibilities…. Infinite passion….. Infinite danger…. His touch spirals through me, warm and sweet, wicked and hot. I shouldn’t trust him. I shouldn’t tell him my secrets. But how do I […]