
Kimberly reviews Witness To Death by Heather Graham

TITLE: Witness To Death
CHARACTERS: Lorna & Andrew
AUTHOR: Heather Graham

Lorna Doria hadn’t committed a murder. She’d seen one. Yet somehow she’d become the prisoner, while the killer was out on bail. As state’s witness, she’d thought the shelter of her quiet New England life would be enough to keep her safe. Law enforcement disagreed—and it was New York City undercover cop Andrew Trudeau’s job to protect her. But their strong attraction had already made it too late for that . . .

Now, with Andrew as her bodyguard, Lorna has no choice but to accept his constant presence. She assures herself she can handle it, she’s mature, not easily rattled—except by Andrew. They’re as different as can be, yet something bonds them, something beyond the danger they face. But as a cop, Andrew’s life will always be on the line, and Lorna must decide whether she can live with that—if a killer lets them have any future at all . . .

It kills me to say this but I really just didn’t enjoy this book. I kept thinking it was as if someone was writing under Graham’s name and then I figured it out. This is a reprint from 1985. That is over 3 decades to mature in her writings. And oh she has.

I never really felt the chemistry between Andrew and Lorna. The story idea was fine. Lorna is in protective custody with a man that is hard to resist while Andrew is trying to do his job to protect Lorna but what he wants is her in his arms. The concept is great and I would almost bet if Graham went back and wrote it now fans would love it.

I think I will just stick to the original novels coming out now because Graham has become one of the best over these last 35 years.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

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