Hello! Thank you for joining me today. I’m thrilled to be here at Books-n-Kisses, celebrating the release of DEATH OF DARKNESS, the ninth book in my Immortal Guardians series, which features powerful immortal heroes, strong heroines, and a lot of action, passion, humor and romance. For those who aren’t familiar with my series, I thought I would give you a glimpse of my Immortal Guardians crew in a character interview. (Also, if you’re new to the series, don’t worry. Each book can be read as a stand-alone. You’ll just be more familiar with the secondary characters if you read them in order.)
Today Sheldon, one of the mortals in my series (and a favorite of myself and many readers, thanks to the comic relief he provides) will be interviewing Seth and Leah, the hero and heroine of DEATH OF DARKNESS.
Sheldon: Thanks for agreeing to do this.
Seth: No problem.
Leah: I didn’t get much sleep last night, so I’m a little slow on the uptake. What are we doing again?
Sheldon: I’m not going to ask why you didn’t get much sleep, because I’m pretty sure I already know. I’m interviewing you two.
Leah: For what?
Sheldon: For the Network. Some of the humans who work at Network headquarters have been a little… antsy after everything that’s happened in the last couple of years.
Leah: Well, I can kind of understand that. Seth has been catching me up on some of what’s been going on. Considering the enemy the Immortal Guardians face now and how jacked up his track record is, Network employees are probably worried the battle will land on their doorstep again.
Sheldon: That’s definitely a concern. But… *glances at Seth* that isn’t all that’s making them… nervous.
Leah: What else worries them?
Seth: *rueful smile* We do.
Leah: *eyebrows flying up* You and me?
Seth: *grins* No. Immortal Guardians.
Leah: Oh. *frowns* Why? They work for you. Their whole job is to help you. They wouldn’t do that if they didn’t know you’re the good guys. I mean, without Immortal Guardians, psychotic vampires would roam unchecked, killing humans at will.
Seth: And the Network employees understand that. That’s why they help us. It isn’t so much that they fear us. It’s that they find us a little… intimidating.
Leah: *stares up at him* Why?
Sheldon: *laughs* You are the ONLY person on the planet who is completely unfazed by the power this guy radiates.
Leah: *sends Seth a flirty look* Because I like what happens when he UNLEASHES some of that power.
Seth: *eyes acquire a faint golden glow* You do, do you?
Leah: Hell yes.
Sheldon: *grimaces* Let’s keep the sexual innuendo to a minimum today, please.
Seth: *winks at Leah* We’ll try.
Sheldon: Leah, until the last two or three years, very few Network employees actually encountered Immortal Guardians in person. Much of what they do is behind the scenes kind of stuff. They spend their time in labs researching the virus that infects immortals and vampires, or developing new weapons and technology that make their job easier, or in offices monitoring the internet for leaks and the like and aiding with cover-ups when all hell breaks loose.
Seth: And knowing they’re working for powerful immortals who possess special gifts and spend their nights hunting and slaying psychotic vampires is one thing. Bumping into them at work is another.
Leah: Oh. *shrugs* Okay.
Sheldon: *smiles* You aren’t intimidated by them at all, are you?
Leah: No.
Seth: She’s very good with different.
Sheldon: She is. Strong, too. Leah, rumor has it you can really kick ass.
Seth: *slides Leah an admiring glance* Yes, she can.
Leah: *nods* I can.
Sheldon: Strong women are so hot. How did you acquire your butt-kicking skills?
Leah: Years of martial arts classes my step-dad enrolled me in. We live in a dangerous world, so he wanted to make sure I could protect myself.
Sheldon: That’s awesome. And, honestly, you’d HAVE to be strong in order to handle Seth. I mean, he’s the most powerful man on Earth. He even intimidates other immortals.
Leah: *waggles her eyebrows* Oh, I HANDLE him very well.
Seth: Yes, you do.
Sheldon: Gross.
Seth and Leah: *laugh*
Sheldon: *stares at Seth*
Seth: What?
Sheldon: I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile and laugh as much as you do with Leah.
Leah: *leans into Seth’s side* You smile more when you’re with me?
Seth: I do a LOT of things with you that I didn’t used to.
Sheldon: Hey. What’d I say about keeping the sexual innuendo to a minimum?
Seth: I made no promises.
Leah: *laughs*
Sheldon: Well, the Network employees are very curious about you both, so I asked them to offer up some Hot Seat Questions they’d like me to ask you.
Seth and Leah: Okay.
Sheldon: *consults his tablet* All right. Here we go. Sneakers or flip-flops?
Leah: Sneakers.
Seth: Boots when I’m working. Barefoot when I’m not.
Leah: *smiles* I love his big bare feet.
Seth: *winks* I know.
Sheldon: Weird.
Seth and Leah: *laugh*
Sheldon: Coffee or tea?
Seth and Leah: Tea.
Sheldon: Dogs or cats?
Seth and Leah: Both.
Sheldon: Leah, I’m guessing this one is for you. Beard or clean-shaven?
Leah: *reaches up and cups Seth’s jaw* Five o’clock shadow.
Seth: *turns his head and kisses her palm* Because you like the way the stubble feels against your bare skin.
Leah: Absolutely.
Sheldon: *shakes his head* Cold showers or hot showers?
Seth: Cold showers before Leah and I became lovers. Hot showers afterward.
Leah: *grins* Very hot.
Sheldon: Great. Now his eyes are glowing. And I doubt this will help. Regular bath or bubble bath?
Seth: Regular bath. I don’t want bubbles to obscure my view of Leah’s—
Leah: *claps a hand over his mouth* Don’t say it!
Sheldon: Seth, looks like this one is for you. Boxers, briefs, or commando?
Leah: *stares* Network employees want to know what kind of underwear he prefers?
Sheldon: You’d be surprised how often that question comes up when I ask what they want to know about immortals.
Seth: Boxers.
Leah: *whispers* I like it better when he goes commando.
Sheldon: Don’t encourage him. Taking risks or exercising caution? Leah, I’m going to guess you’re more into taking risks.
Leah: Actually, I prefer to exercise caution.
Seth and Sheldon: *eye her with disbelief*
Leah: *frowns* What?
Seth: You’ve taken countless risks since meeting me.
Leah: And you were worth every one of them.
Sheldon: If I were Tracy, this is the point where I would say, Awwwww. That’s so sweet.
Leah: *laughs*
Seth: Smartass.
Sheldon: Moving on. *glances at his tablet and frowns* Seriously?
Leah: What?
Sheldon: *sighs* Sex in the front yard or sex in the backyard?
Leah: *laughs* Neither. Seth lives at David’s place, the hub of the Immortal Guardians world here on the East Coast. That place sees a LOT of traffic and I have no interest in putting on a show.
Seth: *nods* And even if they didn’t see us, every immortal within a five-mile radius would be able to hear us if we were outside.
Sheldon: Which leads me to my next question. Leah, is Seth a screamer?
Leah: *laughs*
Sheldon: He is, isn’t he?
Seth: *narrows his eyes* That wasn’t on the list, was it?
Sheldon: *grins* Nope.
Seth: You like to live dangerously, don’t you?
Sheldon: Next question. *looks at his tablet* I really shouldn’t ask you this one. Fast and hard or slow and sweet?
Seth and Leah: Both.
Sheldon: *mutters* Now his eyes are glowing even brighter. *consults list* Oh, come on!
Leah: *smiles* What?
Sheldon: *sighs* On top or on bottom?
Seth: *frowns* Sheldon, where did you get these questions?
Sheldon: Mostly from female employees who think you’re hot.
Leah: He is. VERY.
Seth: *whispers in her ear* Only because you make me burn.
Sheldon: Let’s just skip that one and move on. Naughty or nice?
Seth: Leah is very naughty.
Leah: So are you.
Sheldon: Long sword or short sword?
Seth: You’d better be talking about weapons, Sheldon.
Leah: *laughs* Long sword.
Sheldon: *sends Seth an uncertain look* Saddle or Bareback?
Leah: Well now everything is just making me think of sex.
Seth: *stares down at Leah, his eyes bright with desire* Want to ditch the interview and go for a RIDE?
Sheldon: That’s it. I’m out. *rises* Thanks again for the interview. *heads for the door* Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do.
Seth: I don’t think there IS anything you wouldn’t do.
Sheldon: *laughs and closes the door behind him*
Seth: *turns to Leah with a smile* Now. About that ride.
Leah: *smiles and wraps her arms around him*
Seth has led the Immortal Guardians for thousands of years. With them fighting by his side, he has protected humans from psychotic vampires, defeated corrupt mercenary armies, defended military bases under attack, and more. But the latest enemy to rise against the Immortal Guardians has proven to be a formidable one, wielding almost as much power as Seth. His goal is simple. He wants to watch the world burn. And he will use every means at his disposal to accomplish it. Seth and his Immortal Guardians have succeeded thus far in staving off Armageddon despite heartbreaking losses. But they have never before faced such danger. Seth has only one wish: to protect his Immortal Guardians family and ensure the continuation of humanity by defeating his foe. But then Leah walks into his life and sparks a new desire.
Leah Somerson has suffered losses of her own. It has taken her a long time to rebuild her life and find some semblance of peace. Then one night a tall, dark, powerful immortal with what appears to be the weight of the world on his shoulders stumbles into her shop, and everything changes. Peace and contentment are no longer enough. Now she wants more. She wants to find happiness. She wants to erase the darkness in Seth’s eyes and replace it with love and laughter. She knows he’s different in ways that make most fear him. Even some of his immortal brethren keep a careful distance. But Leah will not. Nor will she shy away when danger strikes.
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The Immortal Guardians Series:
Darkness Dawns (Immortal Guardians, #1), Night Reigns (Immortal Guardians, #2), Phantom Shadows (Immortal Guardians, #3), In Still Darkness (Immortal Guardians, #3.5), Darkness Rises (Immortal Guardians, #4), Night Unbound (Immortal Guardians, #5), Phantom Embrace (Immortal Guardians, #5.5), Shadows Strike (Immortal Guardians, #6), Blade of Darkness (Immortal Guardians Book 7), Awaken the Darkness (Immortal Guardians Book 8)
Author Bio:
Dianne Duvall is the New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Author of the Immortal Guardians series and The Gifted Ones series. Reviewers have called Dianne’s books “fast-paced and humorous” (Publishers Weekly), “utterly addictive” (RT Book Reviews), “extraordinary” (Long and Short Reviews), and”wonderfully imaginative” (The Romance Reviews). Her books have twice been nominated for RT Reviewers’ Choice Awards and are routinely deemed Top Picks by RT Book Reviews, The Romance Reviews,and/or Night Owl Reviews.
Dianne loves all things creative. When she isn’t writing, Dianne is active in the independent film industry and has even appeared on-screen, crawling out of a moonlit grave and wielding a machete like some of the vampires she creates in her books.
For the latest news on upcoming releases, contests, and more, please visit DianneDuvall.com. You can also find Dianne online . . .
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Tour-Wide Giveaway:
1 — Immortal Guardian & The Gifted Ones Prize Packs that includes; a Death of Darkness tote bag, signed paperback copies of Blade of Darkness and Awaken the Darkness, 13 bookmarks, 13 collector cards, and 5 postcards.

Loved this interview!!!
can’t wait
Leah brings out Seth’s teasing side, I love it! <3
That’s is an awesome interview! Loooong sword ! Way to go Seth ! Lol
This post made me chuckle. I love Sheldon’s interaction with the Seth and Leah. Thanks for sharing 🙂
Thank you for sharing, Kelly! I hope that your readers love Seth and Leah’s story in DEATH OF DARKNESS – out tomorrow 08.20.19!
I love that Seth has someone to lean and laugh with. This interview showed what we can expect and I can’t wait.
That was amazing! Thanks so much!