
Kimberly reviews Wolfhunter River by Rachel Caine

wolfhunter riverTITLE: Wolfhunter River
SERIES #: Stillhouse Lake #3
CHARACTERS: Gwen & Marlene
AUTHOR: Rachel Caine

She can’t ignore a cry for help. But in this remote hunting town, it’s open season.

Gwen Proctor escaped her serial-killer husband and saved her family. What she can’t seem to outrun is his notoriety. Or the sick internet vigilantes still seeking to avenge his crimes. For Gwen, hiding isn’t an option. Not when her only mission is to create a normal life for her kids.

But now, a threatened woman has reached out. Marlene Crockett, from the remote town of Wolfhunter, is panicked for herself and her daughter. When Gwen arrives in the small, isolated rural community, Marlene is already dead—her own daughter blamed for the murder. Except that’s not the person Marlene feared at all. And Gwen isn’t leaving until she finds out who that was.

But it may already be too late. A trap has been set. And it’s poised to snap shut on everyone Gwen loves. Her stalkers are closing in. And in a town as dark as Wolfhunter, it’s so easy for them to hide…

3.5 This is the third in the series and as is becoming my habit I didn’t realize it before I requested it. And I really feel like you needed to read the other two before reading this one. While I was able to finish it I was a bit unsure of some issues that I am sure were part of the other two books.

I will be honest and say I am just not sure if I will go back and read the other two books. Having not read this author before I am not sure if it was the writing that left me kind of blah or if it was because this book felt like a quick way of getting the set up for the next novel.

This did seem to take me a while to read. I felt like I was forcing myself to continue. Again I think it is because the other two in the series have not been read.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.


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