
Kimberly reviews Do You Know Your Mom’s Story? by Glenna Mageau

do you know your moms storyTITLE: Do You Know Your Mom’s Story?
AUTHOR: Glenna Mageau

What do you really know about your Mom?

Do you know what her hopes, dreams and desires were? Did she live them?

Your mom is so much more than the woman who raised you. She grew up in a time very different from yours—there were different beliefs, habits, and ways of doing things. Your mom has seen a lot in her life, getting to hear her journey will help you to understand her in a whole new light. Now is the time get to know her and to document her life. The only way to find out about your mom’s story is to ask… because one day she won’t be there anymore.

When we reach old age we should know our lives mattered, that we mattered, that we are loved, happy and feel connected.
This book offers a way to start conversations between you and your mom—in particular, elderly mothers. It is a guide which provides questions to ask, as well as how and when to ask them. Use this as a way to grow, heal and/or mend the relationship between mom and child; preserve this woman’s journey through life and in particular her role as Mom. Her story is her legacy to you.

I know this is not the normal book that B-n-K reviews but as I turn 50 I begin thinking of my life and if my son knows all my stories. Or at least the ones I want him to know. 🙂

So I picked up this book to start a journal for him. I plan on starting on my 50th birthday and since it has 365 questions it will bring me right to my 51st!

I really enjoyed reading over this book. What I enjoyed most was some of the questions were a bit out of the blue. I have a few books that fall into this subject and while some of the questions are across the board I really liked that some are different and unique.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

4 Hearts

4 Hearts

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