
Kimberly reviews Missing Daughter by Rick Mofina

missing daughterTITLE: Missing Daughter
CHARACTERS: Karen & Ryan Lane
AUTHOR: Rick Mofina

Families with nothing to hide don’t have so many secrets

Life can change in an instant. For Ryan and Karen Lane, it happens on the morning they discover their twelve-year-old daughter’s window open, their beloved Maddie missing from her bed.

Police investigate. Suspicions swirl. A teenage boy admits he was outside her bedroom window the night she disappeared. A halfway house for convicts recently opened in the neighborhood. The Lane family is thrown into turmoil, then detectives turn their sights on them.

No one is ruled out. Not Karen, with her tragic past, who argued with her daughter. Not Ryan, with his violent streak. Not Maddie’s thirteen-year-old brother, Tyler, who heard voices in her room the night she vanished.

Days, weeks, months, then agonizing years go by without answers, the Lanes fearing that Maddie is gone forever…until a stunning twist shocks everyone, plunging the family deeper into a world of buried secrets whose revelations threaten the very foundation of their lives.

I really enjoy reading Rick Mofina’s books. I have been a fan for a while. I also enjoyed this story as well. The writing was a bit different for Mofina but it was interesting. The book is very long but the read is pretty quick. Some sections go slower than others but mostly it is an easy read.

There are two sections to the book which have a huge time lapse of about 4 years. That was a bit surprising but to be honest I enjoyed the second sections more than the first. It seemed to go by quicker and it made figuring out the “who-dun-it” easier for me.

If you are a fan of suspense then this is a great book to pick up.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

4 Hearts

4 Hearts

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