TITLE: Dark Legacy
SERIES #: Dark #27
CHARACTERS: Emeline Sanchez
AUTHOR: Christine Feehan
In a thrilling Carpathian novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Christine Feehan, a woman fights to free herself from the grip of the vampire trying to possess her…
In a beautiful compound hidden away from the world, Emeline Sanchez tries to blunt the pain that has wracked her body ever since her terrifying ordeal in the labyrinth beneath the city—when she was forced to exchange blood with an evil master vampire.
Now, it’s his voice that haunts her…that calls to her in the dark…that never lets her rest. And while the children that she helped to free from his clutches struggle to heal, watched over by their Carpathian protectors, Emeline knows one thing: She must sacrifice herself to keep them all from harm…
4.25 Hearts You would think that after 26 books this series would be getting boring or have done all it could do but nope! The Carpathian series is one that could never get old.
Christine Feehan is right up there on the list of Queen of Paranormal novels. As with all of Feehan’s books the characters are delightful to read. The writing is superb and you never want to put it down. And yet are sad when you reach the end of the story.
Emeline is dealing with tainted blood from being forced to exchange blood with a master vampire. When Dragomir saves her the excitement really begins. I looked forward to reading about Dragonmir and didn’t disappoint.
I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

4 Hearts
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