
Writer’s Tips & Tricks Day 6 part b: Bring Sexy into your Writing by Delilah Marvelle


Bringing Sexy into your Writing by Delilah Marvelle

For those of you that don’t know me (and I won’t be so bold to say you all do), I write incredibly sexy historical romances. So sexy some have actually categorized me as writing erotica. I absolutely love erotica, but seeing as I know what it is, I also know I don’t write it.  Although there is sex and graphic sex, I still see myself as writing romance. Because in the end, if you were to pull out all the sex scenes in my book, you’d still have a love story, not a sexy story. And in my opinion, sex is only as good as its love story.Seeing I write edgier and oftentimes humorous historical romances with sex, I find keeping up with what my readers want almost frightening. Because you can only keep upping yourself so much. The very idea makes me go flaccid (ehm..,). I swear, there are many, many times I sit in front of my computer and tell myself it’s too freakin’ HARD to keep writing sex that feels new.

So I started thinking of ways to keep this flame within me burning. Because if I’m not feeling it, my characters aren’t feeling it. And if my characters aren’t feeling it, my readers won’t want to feel it AT ALL…So for those of you writing sexy books, allow me to share six tips that keep me going (actually, I have more, but this post has to end sometime). And if you happen to only read sexy books, not write them, then this list will simply make you appreciate how much effort we writers put into being creative.

1.)I try being a sensualist. That is, I focus on pampering myself. Lighting candles, listening to music, watching romantic movies, and anything that will make me feel all girlie, girlie. It’s amazing how much it really works.
2.)I make out and get hot and heavy with my husband before I write a sex scene. Seriously. I don’t do it all the time, because frankly, it pisses him off when I make out with him, things get heavy and then I’m like, “Thanks! Now I have to write! Seeya!” But believe me, it really works when he does let me get away with it.
3.)I read very hot books that inspire me to write the scenes I know that will make my writing pop. Like Lisa Valdez’s Passion. Holy cow. I’m fanning myself just thinking about that book.
4.)I indulge in chocolate and whatever sinful foods I can get my hands on to heightens my senses and makes me happy. When your soul is happy, your sex scenes are too!
5.) Remember that sex is an emotional journey, not just a physical one. People focus on sex being physical, and it is, but reminding ourselves that sex is actually an emotional journey allows that depth to shine through.

6.) I create sex arcs for my characters in the same way I create characters arcs. Meaning, where are the characters sexually when they begin the book and where are they by the end of it? Are they virgins? How will this affect their view on sex and why? How will they react to sex and why? By asking yourself these questions and understanding what your character is like before, during and after sex will give insight to their character in a way only you, as the writer, can give. This allows the sex to have more meaning and become more than just sex. It becomes a part of who the character is.
Bottom line when it comes to writing sex scenes is that if it’s not a chore but a form of depth and character development. The moment you dread writing those sex scenes…don’t. It’s the best part of understanding your characters and letting your readers understand your characters. The only way it’s going to BE the best part, is if you put the time and effort to make it such. So go forth and make love to your characters. They earned it 🙂
Delilah Marvelle
USA TODAY Bestselling Author of Night of Pleasure
Le’t take look at Delilah’s upcoming release

Master of Pleasure

School of Gallantry, #5

Master of

The greatest divide between a man and a woman is not the one society sets before them but the one they set before themselves…

When Malcolm Gregory Thayer comes under the protection of the Persian crown that saves him from a monastery that tortures the sins out of young men sent by their families, he dedicates himself to becoming the ultimate weapon and helping others in their greatest hour of need. When he is asked to return to England to take his rightful place as the Earl of Brayton, he refuses to face the family he knows he had wronged with his wicked ways. The Persion crown, however, has other plans. It sends Malcolm back into London on a mission he considers beneath him. Facing his family becomes the least of his problems when a dark-eyed beauty makes him realize his days of transgression are far from over.After the ever popular Miss Leona Olivia Webster had allowed
herself to be seduced by a dashing aristocratic rake who had left her scorned and pregnant, she is done chasing her happily-ever-after. Shunned by her own family and society, she dedicates herself to raising her young son and putting money in their pockets by becoming a servant to whoever will hire her. She doesn’t expect her latest master, a brooding man of hulking presence, to carve random messages into walls with his Persian blade as a means of starting a flirtation.Malcolm may have dedicated himself to a self-imposed life of virtue, due to a secret only his dead father and the Persian Prince know,
but after meeting Leona, he begins to yearn for the life he had always shied away from. Having never interacted with women during or after his days in the monastery, he is baffled as to how he is to woo Leona. When he receives an unexpected invitation to attend a special school that educates men in the topic of love and seduction, he seizes the opportunity in the hopes that Leona is up to his advances. His final mission is clear. He intends to finally serve the one thing he never had: his heart.
DElilah Marvelle pic (1)A little about Delilah:
I spent my youth studying various languages, reading voraciously, and playing the pianoforte. I confess that here ends the extent of my gentle breeding. I was a naughty child who was forever torturing her parents with countless adventures that they did not deem respectable. Confined to my room on many occasions due to these misadventures, I soon discovered the quill and its amazing power. I scribed endless stories that almost invariably surrounded the topic of love, for I felt an inane need to be rescued from a family that did not understand my lust for life. In my mind, King Arthur became my true love and I waited for the day when he would come riding upon his steed and invite me to sit at his round table, not as his queen, but as his knight. To my distress, King Arthur was never to be found anywhere except for in the tip of my quill. And so I led an imaginary life for many, many years. When I finally came of age, my family was further horrified to discover that I had fallen in love with an American. An American King Arthur who became my knight, my husband, my all. I have been blessed beyond reason and am grateful for each day I have with him. What is equally amazing is that I now have the opportunity to share my passion for stories with the public. The reason why I write romance is because it allows me to touch upon the subject of love on a much deeper, more intimate level. Many of the stories I write, many of the stories I will continue to write, will always evolve around love. And yes, gentle readers, it will also evolve around sex as I have no intention of becoming my parents and restraining my characters from what it is they truly desire to do. I challenge you, my readers, to let loose of those corsets that have been strung too tightly due to convention and enjoy 1830 to its fullest.”

Make sure to check out all of the other stops on this month long tour HERE and enter the grand prize giveaway.


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2 Responses to Writer’s Tips & Tricks Day 6 part b: Bring Sexy into your Writing by Delilah Marvelle

  1. JoannaM September 20, 2014 at 9:51 pm #

    “And in my opinion, sex is only as good as its love story.” Abso-freaking-lutely. There is no point in any sexy scene if there no build up, no romance that led to that moment of passion in the story. As a reader, I do appreciate all these post that bring into the light all the hard work you guys put in the name of your stories. Ahem, specially what some of you have to do with your spouses, you know, the make out sessions and whatnot to get the writing juices flowing 😉

  2. Denise Z September 26, 2014 at 7:00 pm #

    I had to laugh at the kissy with hubs then see-ya! Thank you for sharing with us and making me smile. I so agree that if there is smexy in a story, it needs to be good and story driven. 🙂

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