
Natasha reviews Dark Skye by Kresley Cole

dark skyeTITLE: Dark Skye
SERIES #: Immortals After Dark #14
CHARACTERS: Lanthe & Thronos
AUTHOR: Kresley Cole

In this highly anticipated fifteenth novel in the Immortals After Dark series, #1 New York Times bestselling author Kresley Cole spins a sultry tale of a mighty warrior scarred inside and out and the beguiling sorceress with the power to help him—or vanquish him forever.
Eternal Obsession
As a boy, Thronos, prince of Skye Hall, loved Lanthe, a mischievous Sorceri girl who made him question everything about his Vrekener clan. But when the two got caught in the middle of their families’ war, tragedy struck, leaving Thronos and Lanthe bitter enemies. Though centuries have passed, nothing can cool his seething need for the beautiful enchantress who scarred his body—and left an even deeper impression on his soul.
Endless Yearning
Lanthe, a once-formidable sorceress struggling to reclaim her gifts, searches for love and acceptance with all the wrong immortal suitors. But she’s never forgotten Thronos, the magnificent silver-eyed boy who protected her until she was ripped from the shelter of his arms. One harrowing night changed everything between them. Now he’s a notorious warlord with a blood vendetta against Lanthe, hunting her relentlessly.
Can the heat of desire burn brighter than vengeance?
With their families locked in conflict and battles raging all around them, will Thronos and Lanthe succumb to the brutal chaos that threatens everything they cherish? Or will the fragile bond they formed so long ago spark a passion strong enough to withstand even the darkest doubts?

3.5 Hearts This is one of my favorite series of all time. In recent years we’ve seen Lanthe more, but Thronos was a complete mystery to us. I was excited to see this glimpse into their obviously convoluted and tumultuous past. Unfortunately, the story was lackluster for me. Kresley Cole writes AMAZING books, but this one was really hard to keep getting excited about. While there was constant action and the story kept moving forward towards a predictable end, I found I just wasn’t interested. Neither Lanthe nor Thronos became important to me on anything more than a superficial level. Though Cole seemed to be trying to add depth and emotion to the characters, I found them one dimensional and dull. We barely got glimpses into what events actually transpired to cause their 500 year feud, and their courtship seemed forced. Obviously, as with any book in this series, my absolute favorite parts were those involving Nucking Futs Nix! I’m not sure who is going to be next in this series, but I’m hoping to move past *spoiler alert* The Order’s prison and island piece that the last few books have centered around. Though I know it’s an important piece of the universe, the same setting is getting a little dull. Nevertheless, I will continue to support this series because Cole is hilarious and a fabulous story teller. This one just wasn’t my particular cup of tea.

I purchased this book on my own. This review is my own opinion and not a paid review.


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