
Natasha reviews Peanut Goes To School by Thea Harrison

Peanut Goes to SchoolTITLE: Peanut Goes to School
SERIES #: Elder Races #6.7 A Shorty Story
CHARACTERS: Liam (Peanut), Dragos & Pia
AUTHOR: Thea Harrison

Dragos Cuelebre is no longer the only dragon.
Dragos’s son Liam Cuelebre (a.k.a. Peanut) is springing into existence, reminiscent of the first of the Elder Races who were born at the beginning of the world. At just six months of age, he has already grown to the size of a large five-year-old boy. He can read, write in complete sentences, and his math skills are off the chart.
A white dragon in his Wyr form, Liam also holds more Power than almost anyone else. In an effort to give him a taste of normality, no matter how fleeting, his parents Pia and Dragos enroll him in first grade.
They hope school will help teach Liam how to relate to others, a vital skill that will help him control his growing Power. But school has a surprising number of pitfalls, and relating to others can be a tricky business.
When a classmate is threatened, Liam must quickly learn self-control, how to rein in his instincts, and govern his temper, because there’s no doubt about it—he is fast becoming one of the most dangerous creatures in all of the Elder Races

REVIEW: I am admittedly a huge Elder Races fan. I’ve read every book and every novella. That said, I haven’t always had a real strong interest in Liam aka Peanut – Dragos and Pia’s son. I felt like the series was starting to center around him and that wasn’t fair to the rest of the characters in this amazing world Thea had built. I was intrigued by Peanut though, and wanted to see why Thea had decided to invest so much into this one particular character. So I read Peanut Goes to School. This is a very short story and I read it in about an hour. I have to say, I loved it! I now understand what is so important and special about Liam. It was so nice to read the story from his point of view, and see this world through the eyes of what should be a child, but somehow is so much more. Liam has an amazing mind, and a need to relate to those around him, just like any child. He, however, is very different than any other child. My favorite line of the story, and when I knew that I had just completely fell in love with Liam was when he said, “I’m not going to be a kid for very long, so I can’t make any long-term commitments.” I was cracking up! He’s so matter of fact, but sweet all at the same time. I loved it. I’m happy that Thea decided to give us this glimpse into Liam’s character. Though I don’t want the entire series to center so much around the Cuelebre’s as it has recently, I’m really excited about how he’ll grow up, and the things we’ll see change in the Elder Races series because of him.

I received a copy of this book from Netgalley. This review is my own opinion and not a paid review.


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