
Interview & Giveaway with Laura Moore

Books-n-Kisses is excited to welcome back our pal Laura Moore to the blog to chat about her newest book Once Tasted.  

Laura Moore_01-04-2013-53BnK: Can you please share with us a little about yourself?

LM: I write contemporary romances that are on the sexy side. My stories feature rugged, outdoorsy heroes who clean up well when the occasion demands. My heroines are strong and passionate about what and whom they love. Lots of four-legged creatures of various shapes and sizes make their way into my books because I’m a serious animal lover. My new release, Once Tasted, has all of the above. When I’m not sitting in front of the computer and writing, I like to be active. I love to ride, swim, garden, and then relax at the end of the day by cooking a really nice meal for my family.

BnK: Have you always wanted to be an author?

LM: Nope. My first dream was to be a professional rider. Then I wanted to be a racecar driver. After that I got interested in photography and art. Basically I managed to avoid writing fiction until I was in graduate school for art education. One evening a story came to me that I simply had to try and put into words. After that, I was pretty much hooked. I think I resisted writing because I have a lot of writers in my family and know how unglamorous an activity it is. Luckily it has its rewards, too.

BnK: Are you a plotter or a pantster or combo of both? Can you explain the difference?

LM: I’d say I do a bit of both plotting and flying by the seat of my pants.

I find writing a synopsis helps me get some idea of my characters’ backstory, where the story will go, and what the different conflicts will be. But I’m definitely not the type of plotter who then makes charts or spreadsheets (both of which give me the hives) or breaks the story down chapter by chapter. Once I get the synopsis finished, I pretty much let my imagination loose. Sometimes the writing proceeds at a crawl, sometimes it flies. My method is hardly the most efficient way of writing (which is important in this business) but some of the scenes I’ve most enjoyed writing have been unplanned.

BnK: What is your most interesting writing quirk?

LM: Darn, I wish I could tell you something really fun, like that I dictate my stories while reclining on a chaise longue in my peignoir while eating chocolate truffles and sipping champagne. The only quirk I can think of while I’m writing is that I like to be near my dog. His presence kind of centers me. Oh, and I also like to listen to rock-n-roll when I’m working. I think it’s a holdover from my barn days when the radio would be playing continuously as we fed, groomed, and tacked horses or mucked out their stalls.

BnK: Can you please tell us about your latest book?Once Tasted cvr2

LM: Once Tasted is the second book in my Silver Creek series. My hero is a smooth-talking, laidback cowboy, named Reid Knowles. Reid and his bright blue eyes can dazzle just about any woman…except for Mia Bodell, whose youthful infatuation for her handsome neighbor was shattered years ago. For his part, Reid would just as soon steer clear of Mia and her pointed disdain. Unfortunately, he’s made a promise to Mia’s uncle to help manage the winery that he and Mia own. All too soon the sparks begin to fly between Mia and Reid as their long-denied attraction becomes impossible to ignore.

BnK: How did you come up with the idea for this story?

LM: I came up with the premise of writing a series about a family that owns a large working guest ranch in California because some friends of mine own a hotel and I’m fascinated by all the different jobs running a hotel demands. I decided to make the setting a working ranch because I love a chance to write about horsemen and women, whether they ride English or Western. And okay, I’m kind of a perpetual student. I love to learn new things. I realized that if I wrote about a heroine who owns a winery, I’d get to learn all about grape growing and winemaking, and that the research would involve a lot of Pinot Noir tasting. A win-win situation!

BnK: Can you share with us your current work in progress?

LM: I’m writing the third book in the series. It’s called Once Touched and is about Quinn Knowles, Reid’s younger sister, who’s an animal lover and rescuer. My hero is Ethan Saunders, a photojournalist who’s come to Silver Creek ranch to recover from an injury he sustained in Afghanistan. Quinn soon discovers Ethan’s wounds go much deeper than he lets on and her instinct to try and heal him overcomes her need to protect her heart.

BnK: Who is the one author that you would love to meet someday and why?

LM: Can this be when I die and go to writer’s heaven? Shakespeare. Just to be able to thank the man who used the English language so beautifully and bawdily.

BnK: What is the best piece of advice you would give to someone that wants to get into writing?

LM: Write constantly and read voraciously.

Bnk: Can you share with us something off your bucket list?

LM: Scuba diving off the Great Barrier Reef.

Bnk: What is in your To Read Pile that you are dying to start or upcoming release you can’t wait for?

LM: Kristan Higgins’s Waiting on You, Molly O’Keefe’s Never Been Kissed Eloisa James’s Three Weeks with Lady X and about twenty others.

BnK: What is one book everyone should read before they die?

LM: Charlotte’s Web by E.B. White. I re-read it recently. I actually think the world would be a lot better place if we possessed the wisdom of Charlotte and the kindness of Wilbur.

BnK: What is your favorite time of year & why?

LM: Spring. I love the bursts of color, the perfume in the air, the promise of rebirth.

Bnk: Who is your Celebrity crush?

LM: I’m a huge George Clooney fan from way, way back. I’m actually kind of relieved he’s gotten engaged. Perhaps now I can move on and stop having these fantasies of being locked in a car trunk with him and that gravelly voice of his whispering in my ear…

Bnk: And what would you do if you ever met him?

LM: Embarrass myself–of that I have no doubt!

Bnk: Is there anything else you would like to add?

LM: Just my thanks to you, Kelly, for having me at Books-n-Kisses today! This was such fun. I’d also like to give away two copies of Once Tasted. The winners will be chosen at random by Books-n-Kisses.

To enter to win, just leave a comment below.

The question I leave you with is: What’s on your TBR pile? I love to hear about what others are reading and find new authors to enjoy…and I hope that Once Tasted makes it onto your lists!

Happy Reading!


Learn more about Laura here: WebsiteFacebookTwitter



Once Tasted

Silver Creek #2

Once Tasted cvr2

Amazon link | Barnes & Noble Indiebound 

Three siblings, an extraordinary family, a lasting heritage—in the irresistible Silver Creek Ranch trilogy, they’ll fight for the land and the people they love.

Everything has come easily to Reid Knowles, the middle son of a California ranching family. But his charmed life is suddenly complicated when his good friend and neighbor asks him to help run the winery next door. His neighbor’s niece, Mia Bodell, is in charge—and she has made it clear that she’d rather be roped to a steer than to Reid Knowles. Never one to back down from a challenge, Reid vows to win her trust.

Her life marked by loss, Mia knows that nothing comes easily—love included. In high school, her heart was crushed by Reid, and even though years have passed, the hurt lingers. Mia is achingly aware that the teen heartthrob has matured into a devastatingly handsome playboy, and the budding winemaker refuses to let down her guard. But one taste of unbridled passion changes things. From Reid’s first intoxicating kiss to his unexpectedly tender seduction, Mia is swept into a passionate affair that could tear her heart to pieces . . . or give her everything she has ever wanted.

Check out my review of Once Tasted HERE

a Rafflecopter giveaway

18 Responses to Interview & Giveaway with Laura Moore

  1. Ruth May 28, 2014 at 7:22 am #

    Can’t wait to read this book. Loved the first one. Ready to continue the next one.

  2. Betty Hamilton May 28, 2014 at 8:09 am #

    The Cowboy’s Destiny by Marin Thomas and I just ordered B.J. Daniels’ Rescue at Cardwell Ranch.

    • Laura Moore May 28, 2014 at 1:46 pm #

      I’ll have to put those on my shopping list! Thanks for the recommendation, Betty! I hope you get a chance to read Once Tasted some day. If you do, please let me know how you like it!

  3. erinf1 May 28, 2014 at 8:42 am #

    The Barefoot in the Sand series by Roxanne St. Claire. Congrats to Laura on the new release and thanks for sharing!

    • Laura Moore May 28, 2014 at 1:48 pm #

      Love Roxanne St. Claire! That’s such a great series, isn’t? Thanks so much for dropping by, Erin!

  4. Lori Meehan May 28, 2014 at 9:11 am #

    X Marks the Scot by Victoria Roberts

    • Laura Moore May 28, 2014 at 1:49 pm #

      Another one I haven’t read! This is awesome! I’m getting my summer reading list organized in one afternoon! Thanks, Lori and I hope you try my Silver Creek series, too!

  5. Janice Hougland May 28, 2014 at 10:45 am #

    Well, I have both Once Tempted and Once Tasted on my TBR pile…at the top since I purchased both books recently. After that I have a couple other western-themed books I need to read by Kaki Warner, Vonnie Davis and Lyn Horner…along with a few others I can’t think of right now. I also have a few Regency romances I need to read. All in all, I’m a romance junkie! 🙂 But I grew up on a ranch in Southern California and attended rodeos and dated a cowboy once…so western is in my blood. 🙂 Thanks for this post and for your writing, Laura!

    • Laura Moore May 28, 2014 at 1:51 pm #

      Janice, you and I share many tastes–in reading and in men! Thanks so much for buying both Once Tempted and Once Tasted! I hope they satisfy the Californian and cowboy lover in you! Do let me know!

  6. Tammy H May 28, 2014 at 4:28 pm #

    Hunt the Darkness by Alexandra Ivy and When We Met by Susan Mallery

  7. A neely May 28, 2014 at 7:34 pm #

    My list is soo long. So many great books not enough free time. And thank you for the recommendation I’ve now added Laura’s books to it too. Love being introduced to new authors.

    • Laura Moore May 29, 2014 at 4:10 am #

      I know what you mean! But as problems go, having too many books waiting for us to read them is a good one! I hope you’ll be able to get to Once Tasted some day soon. And letme know how you like it! I love hearing from readers!

  8. Glenda May 28, 2014 at 8:03 pm #

    Laura’s Silver Springs Series is on my wish list. Talk about an awesome cover!

    My latest on my TBR is the books in Grace Burrowes’ Lonely Lords series — they were on sale earlier this week! 😀

    • Laura Moore May 29, 2014 at 4:11 am #

      Love Grace Burrowes! Hope you enjoy Once Tasted, too, Glenda! Thanks for dropping by!

  9. bn100 May 28, 2014 at 8:36 pm #

    Abbi Glines’ next book

    • Laura Moore May 29, 2014 at 4:12 am #

      I’ll have to go check it out. Thanks for the tip!

  10. Anita Yancey May 30, 2014 at 7:16 am #

    On my list is Savor the Moment by Nora Roberts, Heartwishes by Jude Deveraux, and Silver Girl by Elin Hilderbrand, and many more. Thanks for having the giveaway.

  11. Emily May 30, 2014 at 1:26 pm #

    Right now reading the Golden Streak series by Kathi S. Barton

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