
Kelly reviews Unbreakable by Stephanie Tyler

UnbreakableTITLE: Unbreakable
SERIES #: Section 8 #2
CHARACTERS: Gunner & Avery
AUTHOR: Stephanie Tyler

A cabal of operatives with dangerous pasts team up to work black ops missions. Their weapon: deception. Can they help one of their own before he goes too far?

When Gunner agreed to help out Section 8, he didn’t realize he’d be pulled back in to the shadowy world he’d thought he’d escaped forever. The son of double agents, Gunner was initiated at a young age into the cold world of espionage when his father forced him to work for international smuggler Drew Landon. And when Gunner’s past with Landon threatens the other mercenaries, and most importantly, Avery, he makes an impossible choice…and disappears.

Avery’s not willing to give up on Gunner. The attraction between them has been there from the start and she rallies Section 8 to help him. She knows there’s only one way to keep Gunner safe: fake his death and take him off the grid. But when she finally locates him, Gunner is a changed man, harder, more desperate, and on the edge of self-destruction. And only Avery can find a way to free him from Landon—and from the demons of his past—before it’s too late.

This was a great follow up to Stephanie’s first book Surrender (book one in the Section 8 series). While you don’t have to read book one I really think you should. It will give you much better understanding of the characters in the whole series. But a huge insight into Gunner’s mind set. That being said I am really mad at how Gunner handled things in the beginning of this book. It is like he took the easy way out. I understand why he did what he did but I still didn’t really see his character being like that. I really love Avery. This chick is wicked strong. Avery is put through the ringer and comes out of it a stronger person for it.

The storyline of the Section 8 series gets more complicated with each book, but Stephanie does a great job of string them all together. I am very much looking forward to Jem’s story. I can’t wait to see the crazy twists and turns that will come next. If you have not started the Section 8 series now is a great time to start. We are only sitting at book 2 right now!! Go out and get a copy of Surrender today!

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. This review is my own opinion and not a paid review.

4 Hearts

4 Hearts

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