
Guest Blogger: Cynthia Eden

The Troubles with writing a Christmas story in the fall

Hi, everyone! Thanks so much for coming by today! I’m excited to be talking about my new book, A VAMPIRE’S CHRISTMAS CAROL…or rather, the writing process for that book. 😉

A few months ago, I realized that I had time in my schedule to write an extra novella, and I let my fans vote on that novella–did they want a holiday romantic suspense tale or a holiday paranormal? The votes can in, and it was decided that I’d write a holiday tale about vampires.

I was super excited! I love vampires! And, hey, it was early October then. A great time to write about vampires.

But…this particular story needed to take place on Christmas Eve, not Halloween. So while all my Halloween decorations definitely helped to get me in a paranormal frame of mind, they didn’t exactly inspire the Christmas spirit.

So…I had to improvise a wee bit. Before I started writing each day, I listened to some holiday tunes. I watched clips of old Saturday Night Live holiday specials on YouTube. I found myself humming Frosty the Snowman as I stood in the check-out line to get my Halloween candy.

I might have been exercising some extreme Christmas Creep, but I was getting my holiday mojo on!

The problem with that mojo? I found myself actually wanting to put up my Christmas tree…ahem, on October 15. My son and husband talked me down, but it was a very near thing.

Ah, Christmas stories…they can sure put you in the holiday mood. Even if that mood strikes a wee bit early…

What about you, though? When does the holiday mood strike you? Is it when you see the decorations in the stores? When you buy the first present of the season?

Thanks, again, for checking out the post!


Cynthia Eden

A Vampire’s Christmas Carol (Novella)

by Cynthia Eden

AmazonB&N |KOBO

This holiday season has bite.Ben Prescott hates Christmas—he’s a vampire, and to him, there’s certainly nothing jolly about the holiday season. While the humans are running around being merry, he’s hunting in the shadows. Ben plans to spend the holidays his way…by stalking deadly prey.But fate has other plans for Ben.

Three visitors are coming Ben’s way…A demon who will force Ben to face his past, a ghost who will show Ben the present he could have, and a shifter who will reveal the darkness that waits in Ben’s future. Unless Ben can change his ways, he may just turn into a real monster, one who can’t be saved by anyone or anything.

‘Tis the season…to be undead.

Ben’s redemption rests in the hands of the one woman he loved and lost—Simone Laurent. If Ben is going to have a chance at being more than just the beast in the darkness, he has to prove himself to the lovely Simone. A very hard task, considering that, once upon a Christmas Eve, Simone died in Ben’s arms…

This book features one very tortured vampire, a sexy ghost from his past, and hot scenes designed to melt the winter snow. Plenty of action, adult situations, and steamy times are ahead. Happy holidays! 

Available for purchase at


Lust clawed through him. The need, the red-hot desire, seemed to
burn Ben from the inside.  He grabbed
Simone, yanked her flush against him. His mouth locked on hers. He’d always
tried to be so careful with her in the past. Played the gentleman because she mattered.
He wasn’t
a gentleman any longer. Ben wasn’t even sure what he was. He just knew he
needed Simone naked, and he had to be in her.
He carried her back to his
bedroom. He ignored the glittering New York skyline. She was the only thing he
could see. Desire pounded through him. His cock was so swollen that he hurt
His teeth were extending.
Stretching in his mouth.
Ben dropped Simone on the bed
and stepped back, horrified.
“Ben?”  Simone sat up on the bed and pushed back the
blonde hair that had tumbled forward. “What’s wrong?”
She was so gorgeous and
sexy staring up at him.  Looking at him
with those wide, dark eyes.


I’m going to hurt her. He grabbed for the control that he’d always
held so easily in the past. Only that control was broken. Shattered. “You need
to leave.”

Author Bio PicAbout the Author
USA Today Best-selling author Cynthia Eden has written over twenty-five novels and novellas. She was named as a 2013 RITA® finalist for her paranormal romance, ANGEL IN CHAINS, and, in 2011, Cynthia Eden was a RITA finalist for her romantic suspense, DEADLY FEAR.
Cynthia is a southern girl who loves horror movies, chocolate, and happy endings.  She has always wanted to write (don’t most authors say that?), and particularly enjoys creating stories about monsters–vampires, werewolves, and even the real-life monsters that populate her romantic suspense stories.
Cynthia’s foreign sales for her books include translations to Japan, Germany, Thailand, Greece, and Brazil.
(Back in the day…) Cynthia graduated summa cum laude from the University of South Alabama where she studied Sociology (because people interest her) and Communication (because she likes to write about said people).  Cynthia has worked as a college admissions counselor, a teacher, and as an editor. But now, Cynthia is thrilled to be spending her days making up stories.



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10 Responses to Guest Blogger: Cynthia Eden

  1. Lori Meehan November 21, 2013 at 9:33 am #

    I have not read the book yet but I do plan to. I love holiday themed books.

  2. Rita Wray November 21, 2013 at 10:41 am #

    I guess you would have to get into the Christmas spirit to write a Christmas story.

  3. Victoria Zumbrum November 21, 2013 at 10:50 am #

    I haven’t read the book yet but I want to. I love vampires.

  4. Eva Millien November 21, 2013 at 1:48 pm #

    Sounds like a my kind of holiday book and I can’t wait to read it. Thanks for sharing it and the giveaway. Wishing everyone a wonderful and magical holiday season! evamillien at gmail dot com

  5. Viki S. November 21, 2013 at 2:03 pm #

    I enjoyed Cynthia’s paranormal Dickens tale :).

  6. Kim M November 22, 2013 at 2:01 am #

    I’m hoping that I will have time to read this story. I’m adding it my reading list.

  7. Alexisa N. November 22, 2013 at 4:54 am #

    This book is on my to read list, and looking forward to it.

  8. Naomi November 22, 2013 at 7:55 am #

    Haven’t read it yet but I definitely will, I actually have it on NetGalley! 🙂

  9. Chelsea B. November 22, 2013 at 4:20 pm #

    Christmas kinda slowly comes over me. I’m one of those people who buy presents all year round so I don’t get overwhelmed. So when Christmas gets here I’m like yea! Finally! 😉

  10. bn100 November 26, 2013 at 9:16 pm #

    Haven’t read it; maybe would

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