
Winter Romance Wednesday! Kimberly reviews Christmas in Snowflake Canyon by RaeAnne Thayne

Christmas in Snowflake CanyonTITLE: Christmas in Snowflake Canyon
SERIES #: Hope’s Crossing #6
CHARACTERS: Genevieve & Dylan
AUTHOR: RaeAnne Thayne

No one has ever felt sorry for Genevieve Beaumont. After all, she has everything money can buy. That is, until she discovers her fiancé has been two-timing her and she’s left with two choices: marry the philanderer to please her controlling father or be disinherited and find a means to support herself.

Genevieve’s salvation appears in the most unlikely of prospects: Dylan Caine, a sexy, wounded war vet whose life is as messy as hers. Dylan’s struggling to adjust after his time in Afghanistan, and the last thing he needs is a spoiled socialite learning about the real world for the first time. True, she may have unexpected depths and beauty to match. But he knows he could never be the man she needs…and she knows he could never be the man she thinks she wants. So why are they each hoping that a Christmas miracle willl prove them both wrong?

4.25 Hearts What a delightful holiday romance. This story has all the good feelings of the holiday season as well as a romance that will melt any heart. I loved watching the character of Gen morph into the woman that the reader knows she will be by the end of the book. While she iz used to the finer things in life it is her heart that is made of gold.

Dylan is sweet and charming this is not his story. It is Gen’s. The reader wants them together but not because she has fallen for Dylan but she wants Gen to triumph. Ok yes maybe there are others out there that won’t agree but it is my review after all.

Looking for a holiday romance to curl up in front of the fire with? This one is it.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

4 Hearts

4 Hearts

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