
Wicked Thing Blog Tour & Giveaway


The Evolution of Wicked Thing

by Angeline Kace

I’ve always found it fascinating when authors share the journey a book took to get to where it is when I read it, so I thought it’d be fun to share with you a lot of the ways Wicked Thing changed from beginning to end.

I got the idea for Wicked Thing while sitting in my auditing class one morning (I majored in accounting). I wrote long hand and wrote out the whole story, from their first time together (wink-wink) to the point their love story is resolved. When I was writing like a madwoman in class, I gave the characters names that felt were right for then at the time without much thought. Dallas was originally called Luke, and Carmyn was originally called Krista. Denton’s storyline didn’t come up until later, so Denton was always his name.

I originally called the book Don’t Speak after a line that is said in a crucial scene by one of the characters and then repeated by the other one later on in the story at another crucial moment. I called the book Don’t Speak for probably about 9 months. The DropBox folder on my computer where I have all the Wicked Thing files is still labeled as Don’t Speak. I ended up retitling the book when I found the song Wicked Game by Phillip Phillips. This song became the theme song for this book. It was the one song that I listened to that fit the tone and story with what I had going for the book perfectly. I couldn’t call the book Wicked Game because there are already so many books by that name. Plus, my favorite line in the song is, “What a wicked thing to do, to make me dream of you.” I knew from the beginning that it would be the guy who would recognize his feelings first and that the girl would be the one afraid to admit or allow herself to feel anything for him. So this song was perfect.

Another thing that changed multiple times was the cover image. I was set on a cover that I absolutely loved. But then a well-known author used that image on her book as it’s a stock image and anyone can purchase the rights for it, so I changed it. I finally found another imaged that I loved, but then another author published a book with the image as the cover and it actually became a bestseller, so it was back to the beginning. After that, I had a really hard time finding an image I liked enough as these original 2 to make it my cover. I went through numerous versions until I finally found the image of the cover as it is now and looooved it. I just didn’t know how to make it pop. That was when my designer, Emily Tippits, did her magic to make it how it is today.



Carmyn Rafferty witnessed the aftermath of her mother’s affair. She learned at a young age not to trust anyone. Especially not your spouse. So she’s planned. She’s planned every detail of her life: who her husband will be, what their careers will be, what their lives will be like. All to avoid the pain of infidelity.

Dallas Brown lives a life all his own. He doesn’t do relationships, he doesn’t care what anyone thinks of him, and he doesn’t live up to anyone’s expectations but his own.

When Carmyn’s fiancé cheats on her, it sends her into a whirlwind of one-night stands with the most infamous player on campus. She can’t seem to stay away from this tough guy and his dangerous motorcycle. Everything about him is the complete opposite of who she’d planned to fall in love with: tattoos, dark stubble along his jawline, and hair that brushes his shoulders.

As Dallas and Carmyn begin to fall deeper and deeper into each other, they learn that love can truly be a wicked, wicked thing.

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About the Author:


Angeline is a Scorpio living in the Rocky Mountains with her husband and dogs. She loves all things paranormal, believes ghosts are real, werewolves aren’t, and vampires? Definitely real! At least in the Vampire Born world they are. She is currently at work on her first New Adult Romance, Wicked Thing, which releases September 2013.

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One lucky winner will receive a WICKED THING charm bracelet with 6 charms. They will also receive a Dirty Dancing blu-ray and some candy. This contest is international.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


One Response to Wicked Thing Blog Tour & Giveaway

  1. Ginger Robertson October 16, 2013 at 8:15 pm #

    Hi Angeline
    I so appreciate when an author gives back story on a book. How it goes through the changes such as names and covers. I enjoy when music is connected to stories too. You are a new to me author and I definitely plan to read.
    Many thanks for your time.

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