
Lauren Dane Interview and Giveaway


The Brown series has a special place in my heart because when I read about Erin, I was hooked.  We had a child about the same age and I remember being in tears when I read what had happened to her.  Now, her best friend, Raven, has her own book and I am so excited that Raven finally gets her chance for a happy ending.  Lauren is here today to discuss her new book, Drawn Together, and I am very excited to have this fabulous author here on Books-n-Kisses.

1. Tell me about your new release Drawn Together.

Drawn Together is the story of Raven Smith and Jonah Warner.  Over the Brown Family series we’ve seen lots of prickly behavior from her and had a few glimpses of her softer side but she’s always had this backstory– this reason she acts the way she does and I didn’t want to tell her story until I had the right match for her.

As it happens, Jonah Warner, uber alpha, came along at just the right time and I was so excited to write this book and give her the HEA she needed.

She doesn’t totally change because of love.  She’s still Raven.  But Jonah gets her and he’s worth opening up for.  And he’s sort of pushy and bossy and so totally patient she can’t resist.  She finds herself breaking all her personal rules for him and sort of liking it too.

It’s a love story on a few levels, not just between Raven and Jonah, but also between these characters and their friends and family too, which is the heart of this series.  Oh and smoking hot sexytimes too 😉

2. Where did you come up with the idea for the Brown Family series?

Erin was the heart of it from the very start.  I had this scene come to me and it ended up being the opening scene for Laid Bare – a woman on stage, boots, dreds, tats and piercings.  I wanted her to be bold and strong and vivid but also to have this darkness.  Laid Bare was born and at the start it was just a one book sale to fill a slot in the Berkley schedule.  I knew I wanted to do books for Brody and Adrian but as I was about halfway through Coming Undone, I realized I wanted a book for Cope and that he needed to be with Ella.

Eventually, I wanted to write Raven’s book but she needed a few years to be ready for her HEA.  She’s a fitting close for this generation of Brown/Keenan/Copelands and friends.

I love this tight knit group of friends and intentional family.  I love how colorful and artistic they are.  I love how much they love and support each other while retaining their edges.  I’m happy I wrote them all!

3. What kind of research did you have to do for this series?

Mostly fun stuff.  I watched a lot of videos of people playing instruments – Erin is a bass player, Adrian a guitarist so lots of that.  Concert videos.  Tattooing stuff for Brody and Raven (piercings too).

The criminal justice stuff I knew (I’ve got a law degree).  I did domestic violence advocacy work post law school so I knew all the protection order stuff really well (for Ella’s situation in Laid Bare and Inside Out). I did ask my dad some stuff about sentencing in California (he was a parole office before he retired several years back).

I live in the Northwest so many of the places they go are my favorites (Zeek’s Pizza, Red Mill, The Dahlia Lounge, etc.) and I know the neighborhoods I set parts of the story in. Written On the Body doesn’t exist, but that neighborhood does, for instance.

Other stuff is made up totally like Happy Bend – although I hear there is an actual town in Arkansas called Happy Bend, it’s not the one from the book! I promise you real citizens of Happy Bend I would not insult your town that way, LOL.

4. I love the Browns, especially Erin, and I was wondering if you are planning any more books for them?

This part of the series is over.  I’ve written books for everyone and I don’t want to drag it out and have readers thinking, “She should have ended this three books ago.” But there’s a whole new generation of Brown/Keenan/Copelands coming up as well as Jonah’s brothers so we haven’t seen the last of these characters.

5. What are you working on now?

I just finished a novella called All That Remains that will be in the Marked anthology out in February.  It’s an earth set futuristic erotic romance menage (say that ten times fast!) and the start of a new self published series I’ll be doing.

Now I’m working on Fool’s Gold, which is book one in my HURLEY BOYS series and features Paddy Hurley (Damien’s brother from LUSH).

6. Any advice for aspiring writers?

The only real takeaway that I think applies to everyone is that you can’t be a writer unless you write.  Don’t talk about it.  Do it.  If that’s 100 words a day, or 45 minutes a night or at your lunch break, or every other day or weekend, whatever.  Put your butt in that chair (or wherever you work) and get working.  You can fix whatever you get on the page, but it has to be there to fix.

Thank you so much for answering my questions and I just want to say that I love all your book and am looking forward to everyone learning more about Raven.

Thank you and thank you so much for having me. 🙂

About the Author:

Lauren Dane c David Hiller lo resThe story goes like this: While on pregnancy bed rest, Lauren Dane had plenty of down time so her husband took her comments about “giving that writing thing a serious go” to heart and brought home a secondhand laptop. She wrote her first book on it before it gave up the ghost. Even better, she sold that book and never looked back.

Today Lauren is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of over forty novels and novellas across several genres. Though she no longer has to deal with Polly Pocket and getting those tiny outfits on and off, she still has trouble blocking out the sound of iCarly so she can write a love scene.

Website/ Twitter/ Facebook

Jennifer’s Review of Drawn Together

drawntogetherTITLE:  Drawn Together

SERIES #: Brown Family Series #6

CHARACTERS: Raven Smith and Jonah Warner

AUTHOR:  Lauren Dane


ORDER LINKS:  Amazon | B&N

BOOK SYNOPSIS: Beauty is more than skin-deep…..Tattoo artist Raven Smith is blunt and hard, broken and jaded, dark and beautiful.  While she doesn’t hide her painful past, she does keep a wall around her heart.  She’s free sexually–but no one gets to the real Raven beneath the prickly exterior.

With a voice like smoke, Jonah Warner is a smooth-talking, highly successful attorney, with a body that should never be hidden by a suit. He’s the kind of man who never takes no for an answer and always gets what he wants.  And what he wants is Raven.  She’s a survivor, and he finds that incredibly alluring.

Jonah gets under her skin in a way Raven has never experienced.  He makes her break all the rules–including her no-monogamy rule.  But when a figure from Raven’s past shows up at the tattoo parlor and drops a bomb into her life, their relationship will face the ultimate challenge…

REVIEW PROVIDED BY: Jennifer             NUMBER OF STARS: 4.5 Stars

REVIEW: Raven has always been such a mystery to me throughout the series.  A tough free-spirit, who lived by her own rules and at first, I didn’t like her because she just seemed like a mean person.  Slowly, she started to grow on me, especially because of her interactions with Erin and Erin’s son, Alexander.  I had loved Erin from the very beginning and if Erin loved Raven with such an intensity and protectiveness, I knew there had to be more to her than meets the eye and I was glad that we got to see that side of her in Drawn Together.

Raven is a beautiful, smart, artistic and strong woman that most people don’t cross because of the image that she portrays.  She had such a hard life growing up and that life has made her who she was an adult.  Jonah was exactly what she needed.  He was an alpha in his own world and he was able to break down her walls with his love and devotion and at points in this story, those walls are made up of pretty strong raw emotion.  She needed someone that she could finally trust to help her lose a little bit of the tight control in her life and the fact that she was able to do that with Jonah was a huge step for her.  She didn’t feel the need to run like she had in the past, she just felt that being with him was the right thing and he proved to her that he was in it for the long haul.  The sex scenes were very hot and steamy and I will warn people that Raven and Jonah’s sexual relationship was perfect for them but may not be for everyone.

Everyone knows that Lauren Dane is one of my absolute favorite authors and I purchase every book that she has ever written.  The Brown Family series is one of the best series out there and Drawn Together is a perfect addition to these great books.  I am so happy for Raven to finally get her happy ending and I can’t wait to read what happens to the next generation of these great characters.



I’m excited to give away a ARC copy of Drawn Together. This giveaway is for US Residents only.  To be entered in the drawing by October 6th, leave a meaningful comment for Lauren below:

36 Responses to Lauren Dane Interview and Giveaway

  1. Kelsey Summer October 3, 2013 at 6:18 am #

    I love the Brown series too. I’ve laughed and cried with Erin and her family and friends. I can’t wait to read Raven’s story.


  2. Erin K. October 3, 2013 at 6:45 am #

    This is my favorite series and I’m a little (okay, a LOT) sad to see it end. Even though Raven has made mistakes in the past, I always knew she was hiding a lot of pain and I trust Lauren Dane to fully redeem her. I have a copy of Drawn together to read but I am putting it off a few days because I want to be able to savor it. Thanks for writing some of my favorite books, Lauren!

    • Lauren Dane October 4, 2013 at 6:30 am #

      Hi there, Erin! While this generation’s stories have been told, there’s a whole new Brown/Keenan/Copeland generation coming up who’ll want their stories told. I’m not done forever, just for now

  3. Karen G. October 3, 2013 at 7:39 am #

    I am really looking forward to reading Raven’s story. She has been pretty hard to like but you wrote her so well you could see she had pretty thick walls up. Jonah sounds perfect for her too!

    • Lauren Dane October 4, 2013 at 6:30 am #

      Karen, I hope that after you’ve read Drawn Together you think I did her justice

  4. erinf1 October 3, 2013 at 8:15 am #

    I’m dying to read this series!!! Thanks so much for sharing 🙂

    • Lauren Dane October 4, 2013 at 6:31 am #

      Hi Erin! I hope you enjoy the Brown Family when you get the chance to read 🙂

  5. Chris Bails October 3, 2013 at 8:46 am #

    I such a huge fan of Lauren’s books. I first fell in love her books when I read the Chase Bros books. I fell in love with Kyle and Marc and then found more of her books and fell in love with the Browns. I love Erin and continued with this series. Then found the Petal series & Visits to Petal (Which I love, please keep writing those) and also the Delicious series. I am in love with Damien Hurley and can’t wait for his brothers books. Oh Paddy. Definitely can’t wait for Drawn Together, this one looks great. And just have to say Lauren you have some of the sexiest covers.

  6. bn100 October 3, 2013 at 8:54 am #

    the blurb sounds interesting

  7. Patoct October 3, 2013 at 9:02 am #

    What a great interview. First Dane book I read was Never Enough – That cover was HOT HOT HOT – worthy of framing. LOL. Thanks for the chance to win.

  8. 2ThickChicks October 3, 2013 at 9:09 am #


    We are such huge fans of your Brown Sibling series and when we discovered you were writing a book for Raven I thought it was awesome. I haven’t purchased it yet but it is definitely on my “to read” list and one that I will actually get to sooner rather than later. I think ending with Raven is such a fitting end to the overall series and I love that you really pushed the boundaries of acceptance with your characters. You show that while different, tattooed to the max, and all out artistic, the beauty of a person lies within and should not be based on what’s on the outside! You go girl! Keep up the good work and we’ll keep reading. ~ 2 Thick Chicks

    • Lauren Dane October 4, 2013 at 6:32 am #

      2 Thick Chicks – aw thank you so much!

  9. Viki S. October 3, 2013 at 9:25 am #

    I first read Lauren with the Brown siblings and loved them. Raven was not one I liked at first but she has grown on me :). It will be nice to see her happy. Thank you.

  10. Melanie J October 3, 2013 at 9:47 am #

    I LOVE LOVE LOVE lauren dane and this series! 😉

    Can’t wait to read it!

  11. CrystalGB October 3, 2013 at 10:37 am #

    Hi Lauren. Great interview. I love your series. Thank you so much for the giveaway.

  12. Heather P October 3, 2013 at 11:34 am #

    Hi Lauren: I am so excited for this book! I can’t wait to read about Raven because I really haven’t liked her in the past but I can tell that we just haven’t really gotten to know her yet. And Jonah! I am so excited- I loved him in Levi’s book! Would love to win this book. I get most of my books on Kindle but the Brown series covers are so beautiful – I have to have the actual book for my collection! Thanks for the giveaway!

  13. Michelle Bledsoe October 3, 2013 at 3:15 pm #

    I simply adore the Brown Sibling series. I was so happy when you spun off from it. I impatiently wait for each new book.

    • Lauren Dane October 4, 2013 at 6:33 am #

      Hi Michelle – thanks! I like spinning off and stepping away a little but not totally. Every once in a while it’s nice to have one of these people pop onto the page.

  14. Lori Meehan October 3, 2013 at 4:50 pm #

    I love Lauren Danes books! I can’t wait to read Raven and Jonah’s book I’ve wait to see if someone would break through Ravens wall of bitchyness.
    Lauren I’d love to know if you will be wrighting books for the Hurley brothers. I loved Damien and Mary’s book and I want the boys to get their HEA also. Their is a special place in my heart for Ezra he went through so much he deserves someone special.

    • Lauren Dane October 4, 2013 at 6:34 am #

      Hey there, Lori! YES! The Hurley Boys series will be coming out with HQN in September and December of 2014 and March of 2015 – Paddy is first, followed by Ezra and then Vaughan.

  15. Marianne W October 3, 2013 at 4:51 pm #

    Lauren is on my MUST BUY list. This means every release by her must be purchased the day of release. 😎

    • Lauren Dane October 4, 2013 at 6:35 am #

      That’s what a gal likes to read,Marianne! Thanks 🙂

  16. Laura October 3, 2013 at 5:26 pm #

    I haven’t read any of this series yet, but I loved the Delicious series of books! Looking forward to these – thanks for the giveaway!

  17. Casey H October 3, 2013 at 8:31 pm #

    I love the Brown Siblings series! To be honest, when I first met Raven, I didn’t really like her. But she’s grown on me over the series and now I’m excited to get my hands on her book!

    • Lauren Dane October 4, 2013 at 6:36 am #

      Casey – I hope you enjoy her story!

  18. Lacie October 3, 2013 at 8:32 pm #

    I love the cover. The tattoo’s are beautiful. I haven’t gotten to this series yet. Hopefully soon!

    • Lauren Dane October 4, 2013 at 6:36 am #

      Lacie, thank you! Tony Mauro does all my contemporary covers with Berkley and he has done such a wonderful job each and every time.

  19. Jenni J. October 3, 2013 at 9:04 pm #

    I love the cover and I love your writing! I was hooked in by The Chase Brothers series and fell in love with the Witches Knot series!
    Please keep writing because its authors like you that inspired me to study the romance novel through college and now study it in grad school!
    Thank you!!

    • Lauren Dane October 4, 2013 at 6:37 am #

      Wow, Jenni those are some wonderful compliments – thank you so much!

  20. Denise October 4, 2013 at 7:10 am #

    Wow. I have bee waiting forever for Ravens story. I fell in love with her when you made her such an important part of Brody’s life. She is a strong woman who deserves her own happy ending. You have made your fans feel like they are part of the Brown family and I have enjoyed every book in this series. I am truly a huge fan!!!

  21. Texas Book Lover October 4, 2013 at 9:22 am #

    When I first read Laid Bare I was going through a really rough time and on a whim I decided to pick it up and it OMG I fell in love! It ended up helping to pull myself back together or at least stop crying 24/7. It was so good I immediately kept going with the series with all that were available at time. I have continued to read them as they have been released and will admit that Raven has never been my favorite person in fact there was a while I couldn’t stand her. But if it means we get another Brown family book I’m in because I have no doubt that you will find a way to make me like her by the end of it!

  22. Karen T. October 5, 2013 at 6:00 am #

    I love the Brown Siblings books; the characters are so strong. Your covers are always wonderful. I have to check out the Chase series. You are on my autobuy now. Thanks for your work.

  23. Helen L. October 5, 2013 at 8:26 am #

    Where do you come up with the different names for yoru heroes and heroines?

    I really enjoy your books; always am checking out to see what is coming up next.

    Thanks for many enjoyable reading hours.

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