
Kimberly reviews Holding Out For A Hero by Amy Andrews

holding out for a heroTITLE: Holding Out For A Hero
AUTHOR: Amy Andrews

Holding Out For A Hero
When sensible schoolteacher Ella Lucas rides into her home town on a Harley and seduces the resident football hero, Jake Prince, she figures she can be forgiven and move on. After all, she’s just buried her mother.

Two years later, back in the city, their paths cross again but this time Jake is in the process of destroying her favourite dive bar. With her home facing a wrecker’s ball, her school being closed down and her 15-year-old brother hell bent on self-destruction, it’s the last straw. Throw in a dominatrix best friend who is dating a blue ribbon guy so straight he still lives at home with his mother, it’s no wonder the sanest person in Ella’s life is a dog.

With all this to contend with, the last thing Ella needs is Jake back in her life. But, as fate would have it, Jake is the only chance she has to save her school.

As the school football season heats up, old secrets threaten to surface and Ella takes on greedy developers, school boards and national tabloids. But can she save not just her home, her school and her brother, but also the reputation of the man she’s never been able to forget? And, more importantly, does she want to?

Holding Out for a Hero is a quirky, heartwarming tale of unlikely romance, friendship and family.

3.75 Hearts I enjoyed this story. It was a bit of a different storyline than usual. It was a bit wordy with the same things over and over and I am not sure there was much chemistry between the characters but somehow the story worked.

Ella has just about everything coming at her that you can imagine and there is a bit of background between Ella and Jake so it makes sense they connect again but it was odd how at some points the author wrote that the characters had a connection even in youth and then other times that they barely talked to each other growing up.

But it is a heart touching story that turns out to have a HEA.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.


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