
Kelly reviews Rhythm and Bluegrass by Molly Harper

r&bTITLE: Rhythm and Bluegrass
SERIES #: Bludegrass #2
CHARACTERS: Will McBride & Bonnie Turkle
AUTHOR: Molly Harper
ORDER LINKS: Amazon | B&N | Audible

Bonnie Turkle, multimedia historian for the Kentucky Commission of Tourism, is dispatched to Mud Creek, a tiny eastern Kentucky town, with few prospects but many oddballs, to rescue important artifacts from McBride’s Music Hall. Now fallen beyond disrepair, McBride’s was once a jewel of the early American music scene, an intersection of the country-western and rhythm and blues circuits. The former owner’s grandson, Will McBride, who also happens to be Mud Creek’s esteemed mayor, would like nothing more than to see the place bull-dozed in favor of a factory that will provide much-needed jobs to his citizens. But Bonnie finds evidence of a legendary musical event at the music hall and her plans to turn it into a museum put Mud Creek’s economic future at risk – not to mention the growing flirtation between the two of them. If Will and Bonnie can’t find common ground, the town’s past and future will be lost.

4.25 Hearts Any Molly Harper books is a good book. But let me tell you about my love hate relationship with Mr. Will McBride. At first I loved Mr. Roadside Cowboy, but as the book went on I started to hate Mr. McBride. He was a complete and udder asshat to Bonnie. I wanted to smack him around on her behalf. But I will say by the end Will redeemed himself.

I loved this book. As I said any Molly Harper books is a good book. I love that her characters are always witty, humorous and just like you and me. Will & Boonie and a fun couple even if they are at each others throat more often than not. But really it was all a big case of miscommunication.

If you love Molly’s first book My Bluegrass Baby, you will love Rhythm & Bluegrass. I can’t wait to see who is next in the Bluegrass series.

I received a complimentary copy of the book in exchange for an honest review. This review is my own opinion and not a paid review.

4 Hearts

4 Hearts

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