
Interview & Tour Wide Giveaway with Michelle Grave

Michelle Graves PicBooks-n-Kisses is pleased to welcome first time guest Michelle Graves to the blog today to talk about her book “See How She Runs”
Book one in the Chronicles of Izzy.

Michelle, can you please share with us a little about yourself:

MG:  I am married to my very best friend who also happens to be an Army Infantryman.  I have a wonderful daughter we call Squish that lights up each and every day of my existence.  Hmm, talking about myself is harder than I thought.  What else is exciting about me?  I love to craft, bake, read, and I am a total Whovian.

Have you always wanted to be an author?

MG:  Honestly, no.  I did not even know I could write a book until I sat down and started this past year!  I have always written poetry and loved doing research papers, it just never dawned on me to try writing a book until my characters became insistent.

Are you a plotter or a punster or combo of both? And you explain the difference?

MG:  I am a total Pantser.  I have a vague idea of what the main story arc will be when I sit down to write, but the main story just comes out as I write it.  The plot twists, the character surprises, they all come to me as my fingers fly across the keys.  I am just as surprised as the readers when I get to those points.  I have always said it feels a bit like being possessed by my characters.  I feel like Izzy uses me as a mouthpiece.

What is your most interesting writing quirk?

MG:  I send my book as I write it to my beta readers.  Completely unedited.  Oh, and I can’t go back and read what I have written until I am completely done with the story.

See How She Runs coverCan you please tell us about your latest book(s)?

MG:  See How She Runs is about Izzy Boone.  She is a seemingly normal girl living in Chicago until one fateful delivery turns her entire life upside down.  She is forced to face the truth, that she is a Seer on the run from the Corporation which means to use her abilities to gain profits.  She finds out her best friend is not at all who he seemed.  Ultimately, it is a story about Izzy becoming who she is meant to be and all of the trials and tribulations she must face on the road to get there.

How did you come with the idea for this story?

MG:  It just came to me one day.  I knew I wanted it to be about Izzy and Kennan and their relationship.  My husband helped me come up with the bad guy bits.  I tend to have a hard time thinking like a villain.

Can you share with us your current work(s) in progress?

MG:  See How She Fights, the second book in The Chronicles of Izzy series, is currently being edited.  It comes out on my thirtieth birthday, December 12!  I can honestly say that I LOVE this book.  It went in a much darker direction than the first book, and the characters that show up in this one are quite intriguing.

Who is the one author that you would love to meet someday and why?

MG:  Molly Harper.  I have a total author crush on her.  She is brilliantly witty.

What is the best piece of advice you would give to someone that wants to get into writing?

MG:  Surround yourself with honest and supportive people.  You will need both to make it through the emotional turmoil writing can bring.

Can you share with us something off your bucket list.

MG:  I want to visit all fifty states in the United States.  I love to travel, and I think it would be an amazing feat to accomplish.

What is in your To Read Pile that you are dying to start or upcoming release you can’t wait for?

MG:  Penny Reid’s latest, R.L. Naquin’s new Monster Haven book, oh and Rae Carson’s new book coming out this fall.

What is one book everyone should read before they die?

MG:  Jane Eyre and Pride and Prejudice.  I couldn’t decide between the two.

What is your favorite time of year & why?

MG:  From Halloween to Christmas.  I absolutely love the food, the weather, the sense of family, and the decorations.  I may suffer from post-Christmas depression when it is all over with.

Who is your Celebrity crush?  And what would you do if you ever meet them?

MG:  Any man that has ever played The Doctor on Doctor Who.  I would immediately ask them where the TARDIS was and why we weren’t on an adventure yet!?!

Is there anything else you would like to add?

MG:  Read my book.  Only kidding, mostly just read.  I think that reading allows us to escape into other worlds and live many lives in one lifetime.



Chronicles of Izzy, Book 1

See How She Runs cover

Amazon B&N

One delivery changed her whole life.
Izzy was a normal girl living in Chicago as a bike messenger before that fateful day. She delivered one package and set into action a chain of events she never could have expected.

Now she is running for her life from the Corporation, her best friend is not at all who he seemed, and to top it all off she keeps having visions.

Will she survive to navigate the waters as a Seer? Will her feelings for Kennan be her very downfall? Find out in See How She Runs.

Michelle Graves PicA little about Michelle: 

Michelle Graves is a self-proclaimed nomad, moving every two to three years with her husband the Army man, her beautiful daughter, and a fat tailless cat named Torri. When she is not writing away trying to purge her mind of yapping characters she can be found entertaining her daughter, attempting to craft (whilst trying not to injure herself with the glue gun), baking yummy treats, or reading. She admits to having a restless spirit and forces her family to go out on adventures whenever possible. They lovingly play along.

Contact Links:  

WebsiteFacebookTwitter Goodreads



Michelle is giving away the following prizes at the end of her tour:

GRAND PRIZE:    $25 Amazon Giftcard

RUNNERS-UP:  THREE (3) runners-up will each receive an eBook of SEE HOW SHE RUNS

a Rafflecopter giveaway


Michelle Grave’s SEE HOW SHE RUNS Blog Tour

Schedule 9/16 – 9/30


9/16- Book Monster Reviews (guest post)

9/16- I Smell Sheep (spotlight/review)

9/17- Babbling About Books (spotlight)

9/17- Regina May Ross (spotlight)

9/18- Just Paranormal Romance (guest post)

9/18- Paranormal Romance Fans Or Life (interview)

9/18- Bookin’ It Reviews (spotlight)

9/19- Who’s Reviews (spotlight/review)

9/19- Froggarita’s Bookcase (interview/review)

9/20- Over the Edge (interview & review)

9/20- Coffee Talk (guest post)

9/21- Crazy Four Books (spotlight/review)

9/21- Mad Hatter Reads (interview)

9/22- Literal Addiction (guest post)

9/22- Dalene’s Book Reviews (spotlight) review after tour

9/23- Tome Tender (spotlight/review)

9/23- Sassy Book Lovers (spotlight)

9/24- Victoria’s Gossip (spotlight)

9/24- Wicked Readings by Tawania (spotlight/review)

9/25- CS Maxwell’s Where’s My muse (spotlight)

9/25- Romance with Flavor (guest post)

9/26- Miscellaneous Thoughts of A Bookaholic (spotlight/review)

9/26- Toot’s Book Reviews (spotlight)

9/27- Book Lovin’ Mamas (guest post)

9/27- Bibliophile Mystery (spotlight/review)

9/28- The Reading Cafe (interview/review) morning post

9/28- Cocktails and Books (spotlight/review)

9/29- Romance Junkies (interview)

9/29- Inner Goddess (spotlight/review)

9/29- Tiffy-Fit’s Reading Corner (spotlight)

9/30- Books-n-Kisses (interview/review)

9/30- United by Books (spotlight/review)

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