
Guest blog with Stacey Moran

Swimming with Horses

I warmly remember being asked what my favorite summer memory was every year during the first week of school. One summer memory has been my favorite since I was ten years old.

Every summer my brother and I spent a great deal of time at our Great Aunt’s farm. We would get to take care of the horses and on Saturday mornings we would receive riding instructions from the neighboring farm’s son. Scott was his name and to this day he is one of the most handsome men I have ever met (childhood crushes are the best and worst).

Anyway one Saturday he led us to a pond a few miles from the farm. Scott guided us along trails and until we ended up in a clear landing with a large pond but our ride did not stop there. Assuredly riding ahead of us, he continued the ride into the water. He rode and his horse happily waded in the water, wetting his legs, belly, then both sides of his chest as Scot’s feet touched the water.

Imagine our shock at seeing him become engulfed by the pond. The horse and Scott sank in one sudden swoop into the merky pond water. My brother and I gasped when all we saw above water were two heads. Scott arms poked out of the water revealing his hands grasping his horse’s mane. Once we realized the horse was actually swimming with Scott, my little brother and me started giggling and anxiously wanted to join our instructor. After a few moments of nerves, I slowly felt my horse’s unsure progression downward. Slowly he stepped into the water, the sensation of the cool water rising up my legs with each movement. I turned and looked over my shoulder noticing my brother following. My horse was no longer waiting for me to lead, no the horse was enjoying the cool water on a hot summer’s day. Before I knew it I was fully emerged into the pond and my horse was swimming.

I have bungee jumped, skied, and mountain climbed since then but nothing has ever felt as thrilling as trusting this large animal to swim me to the other side of the pond. Maybe it is because I was ten years old and my memories are inflated. It doesn’t really matter that summer swimming with horses was and is my favorite summer memory.

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The Art of Safkhet Presents 

Blood Myth

(The Myth Series)


Zakah Sange was born into a world of dark magick, always living in the shadows of his father, the Raka King. He was dangerously sexy and enigmatic; he used power and control to shape himself into a hard and cunning man. Zakah became a warrior, a weapon and the master of his own violence lurking within.

Sorina Ruzicka was the great granddaughter of the evil god Akhekh. She was born into a legacy of magickal gifts that she wanted no part of. After years touring as a blues singer she returned home where she only wanted the seclusion of the mountains. A chance meeting with the mysterious club owner forced Sorina into the battle of her life.

Can a willful witch, accept the controlling nature of a demon who demands submission? Trusts will be tested, lines will be crossed and a fate neither of them expected will be played out.
Available in Print and Ebook:  Purchase Link: Amazon

Outside her cottage, the wind rose and whirled fiendishly. Rain pelted at her windows. Sorina wrapped her arms around her up drawn knees, resting her head on them. She felt his emotions. She sensed his need and what he wanted her to understand, but she didn’t understand.

“Sorina.” Zakah made sure his voice was warm, sensual, caressing, velvety, and soothing. “Don’t try to understand, my little rabbit.” He could feel her anguish even though she tried to hide it with her stubborn chin and defiant eyes.

A shadow flickered from a candle. Her eyes followed the shadow. She gasped up at his tall, dark, well-muscled frame which appeared out of nowhere. Sorina stammered, looking up at him towering over her. “What are you doing here?”

She looked like a scared rabbit. He never felt regret or pity, but to know he was the cause of her fear broke his heart. Zakah couldn’t stop himself; he did something he had never done in all his long years. He wanted to give comfort, take away her fears. Zakah gathered her into his arms, imprisoning her against his hard chest. “Breathe, Sorina. It will help.”

She pushed against the wall of his chest. “Let go of me. I am not a child who needs to be cradled or spanked.” She emphasized the last word.

Zakah ignored her struggle to pull away from him. He held her close to his chest, his hand stroking over her back slowly. He buried her face in the wealth of her luxurious hair, breathing in the sweet scent of citrus.

Sorina found the strength to pull back from his embrace. “I saw you. I felt you when you were using that rod on that woman. You were imagining she was me.”  Her breath caught in her throat when he threaded his fingers through her hair. Zakah gripped her scalp in his strong hands, yanking her head back and the look in his eyes seared her to the bones.

He lowered his head, his mouth inches from her plump lips, so that she could feel the warmth of his breath on her skin. “Yes, I did imagine she was you. I wanted her to be you. I needed her to be you.”

Sorina was silent. She started to tremble in his arms. He knew his words were beginning to sink in. Zakah took in the sad shadows and fear lingering in her large, golden green eyes.

Her heart was pounding. “I want you to leave.” She pushed at the wall of his chest.

He merely tightened his hold on her. Zakah could not hide the bit of enjoyment he was getting from her struggle. “You do not want me to go, Sorina.”

“Yes, I want you to go, Zakah.”  His smug look of amusement infuriated her, making her work to keep her voice under control.

“You are safe with me, Sorina. I would not allow anyone or anything to harm you.”

She swallowed nervously, whispering defiantly, “Just you.”


StaceyAuthor Bio 


Stacy (SAM) was born in West Virginia but now finds herself living in Texas. She has loved writing since the first grade when she completed her first book, The Land without Rules. Her mother will tell you it was a brilliant book.

Throughout her school years she was in journalism and has been an avid reader of all literature. She has always craved the feeling of discovering an author’s world for the first time. Now she devotes her time to creating her own worlds. Stacy focuses mainly on paranormal romance and poetry. She loves creating dominant male characters and headstrong females for her books.

Stacy now finds herself on a new journey and finally has taken the leap to go after her dreams. She recently finished a poetry book, Whispers in the Dark with two fellow authors and finished her first novel Blood Myth in her Myth Series.



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